Daily Tracker

Grrrr!! The scales is still at 10st 2lbs WTF!!!!!!!
Ru not due on? Ur usually just after me tho I was early this month so not sure - but i think u are?
Ru not due on? Ur usually just after me tho I was early this month so not sure - but i think u are?

:rotflmao:!!! A police man wouldnt ask me that!! Ha ha only joking :D

Yep end of next week I am but could that seriously impact that much that you only see a loss of 2lbs on 7days tfr??? :eek:
RetailChick said:
:rotflmao:!!! A police man wouldnt ask me that!! Ha ha only joking :D

Yep end of next week I am but could that seriously impact that much that you only see a loss of 2lbs on 7days tfr??? :eek:

Lol .... sorry! But we do share ALL on here! Tee hee

It might - I usually put on 4-6lb before - but you'd know best yourself how ur body reacts... x
Yeah I suppose.........I really thought it wasnt next week though just looked at my dates there! No wonder my (.Y.)'s are getting bigger!!

Urgh how annoying. This week has been a major waste of time!
RetailChick said:
Yeah I suppose.........I really thought it wasnt next week though just looked at my dates there! No wonder my (.Y.)'s are getting bigger!!

Urgh how annoying. This week has been a major waste of time!

NOOOoooo ... If it is that, it'll drop back off! x
Hopefully the loss will turn out betterthan you think.
Feeling so poorly this evening. Gonna have my last shake now but I really dont want it :(
Oh dear - hope you feel better. x
Feeling ok this morning, just so tired this week! Am just in work now with a cup of tea. Tummy is growling!! First shake will be around 12. Have a long day ahead of me, my bf is away over night and my folks have the baby so that leaves me home alone on a saturday night with no goodies :(
Just ate some ham and a bit of rocky road squares :(

Roll on Monday so I can start refeeding and finally get back to WW PP!
As you're not sticking to it anyway - why are you waiting till monday?? You'll weigh in on monday and moan about the little you've lost after a WHOLE WEEK TFRing when you haven't ..... so what's the point???

REALLY sorry of that sounds harsh but as you're not sticking to the plan anyway I don't understand the dilemma of waiting till monday - coz you haven't!?!

Good luck tho ;) xx
LOL guess I thought only having a slice of ham a rocky road square on saturday and the same on thursday wouldnt really count! x
Hey hun I agree with Jan. The ham is probably won't have affected things that much but the rocky road probably will!
There is no point dragging this out when you have made up your mind and your not sticking to it 100% anyway.
How was the night on your own?
Nope - TFR is exactly what it says on the tin ... TFR. If you've strayed with ANYTHING you haven't TFR'd ... simples **squeak** ;) xx
hahaha simples *squeek* love it!! :p

Yep, no point waisting your time & money on tfr, just refeed :)
Hope you are feeling better xxx
Hee hee simples :)

Feeling much better thanks girls! Have spent the whole day cleaning to keep me busy.........just having my 2nd shake now :)

Am thinking of doing day 1 refeed for a while before full refeed.......will see what scales say tomorrow :)

Night in was fine hun....despite the empty feeling I had! Went to bed for 11.30pm and slept until 12pm...........must of needed it lol x
hahaha simples *squeek* love it!! :p

Yep, no point waisting your time & money on tfr, just refeed :)
Hope you are feeling better xxx

Tfr a 'waist'.......love it Tan x
oh durrr :doh: lol
Lol I didnt even spot that one :)

Grrrr my bf just had a chinese...........if looks could kill!!

I busied myself upstairs with some sit ups then hopped in the shower. Thankfully by the time I got out he'd kindly disposed of the leftover in the outside bin!!

WI tomorrow eeeek!!!