Daiquiria's Diary- Green Days

Hi Ria just catching up with your diary and it looks like you had a nice holiday , you did great to stay on plan
Have you had a look at the recipe threads on here for inspiration, there is even a what's for dinner thread !!!
We all get bored eating the same things , so you might get some new ideas

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Just updating for yesterday

Breakfast 28g porridge (heb) yogurt and fruit

Scan bran cheese triangle 1 syn and banana and blueberries

Lunch at m and s cafe (friend emailed to go and i couldnt resist!) Jacket potato and cheese (hea and heb) salad, bit of dressing 2 syns small teeny biscuit 2 syns.

Dinner bowl of stew 2 syns for gravy

Special k biscuit moment 5 syns

Hea 2
Heb 2
syns 12

Breakfast- 3x scan bran, 2 cheese triangles and tomato

strawberries and shape yogurt

Lunch- noodles, peppers, courgettes, apple

Dinner- bangers and mash (3 syns for sausages and 2 for gravy), dessert of fruit and cream- 8 syns?

Slice of red velvet cake..... (20 syns?!)

25 mins on xt and finished up my July challenge as well!

heb- 1
syns- 33 approx

Breakfast- sw rice pudding- ff yogurt, blueberries and strawberries
Lunch- salad sandwich, viscount biscuit 3.5 syns
Jacket potato baked beans and salad
Soup and scan bran with cheese triangles quorn ham piccalili 2 syns

Slice of wm with peanut butter 4 syns (had a real craving for this all week)

Hea 2
Heb 2
Syns 9.5
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Breakfast 3x scan bran cheese triangle marmite and tomato
Lunch carrot and lentil soup with 2x scan bran and quorn ham
Dinner wm roll, 2x asda mf burgers 1 syn, sw chips,peas, fried onions, cheese slice 3 syns

2x g and t, special k crisps 10 syns

hea- 2
syns- 15
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Breakfast- sweet couscous, yogurt and strawberries
small piece of caramel square 5 syns
Dinner- mash, carrots, garlic mushrooms, peas, lmc red onion sausages
Crème caramel 5 syns
2 x g and t 5 syns

scan bran pizzas and a chewy bar (2 heb and hea)
Hi all been awol the past few weeks for one reason or another, would love to report a big loss lol but i havent been on plan at all! Lots of wine, chocs, scones, lots of meals out etc. So the holidays over and it's back to the real world again.

Yesterday went well up until i met my husband who had bought all sorts of goodies for dinner to cheer me up which was sweet but i dont need the temptation at the minute. So i did the only reasonable thing and ate so that it can tempt me no more...

Anyway i am back on a wobbly track of sorts. I reckon i have put on maybe 4lbs which isn't a major disaster but at the rate i lose weight will take until christmas to shift!

It is my 30th in 4 weeks so i would like to have shifted it by then. And then i am considering settling on 9st 3lb as my target weight as i am pretty comfortable at that size/shape. It is 7lbs under my original target weight when i joined sw so def an achievement. I would love to hit the 8s though lol even just once haha

I will try and catch up with diaries as i havent even been lurking and hope to get lots of ideas and inspiration!

Breakfast 3x scan bran, dairylea light, marmite and tomatoes

Lunch m&s veg sushi 1 syn and a bit of salad

Dinner quorn peppered steak sw chips, fried onions, mushy peas and creamy sauce (either quark or lf cream cheese)
Really atruggled today in work and have been pretty hungry! Loads of sweets about from people coming back from hols and i can normally ignore them but found it hard today! Had a few mikado 3 syns a caramel bite 1 syn? And tiny piece of fudge 2 syns? So about 6 syns or so.

Had breakfast as planned, shape yogurt, 2 apples, orange, half a tin of baked beans and a scan bran and my sushi.

1hea and heb and 7 syns so far today


Had half a pasta n sauce when i got home.
Dinner was sw chips mushy peas, quorn steak with light cream cheese onions and mushrooms. Square of dark choc 3 syns

Hea 2
Heb 2
Syns 10
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100% yesterdat although bit of a shaky start! Dinner at mums tonight so will see how that goes haha

Breakfast porridge and yogurt. Forgot my strawberries.

Lunch quorn steak and roast veg

Yogurts and fruit for snacks.
Yesterday went well
Breakfast porridge and yogurt apple

Lunch roast veg quorn peppered steak and light babybel


Dinner quorn potatoes peas heb for breadcrumbs. Majestic ice cream 14 syns.

Hea 1.3
Heb 2
Syns 14

Breakfast baked beans and red onion and rosemary sausages.

Lunch was a bit piecemeal; more beans and another sausage, heb of wm bread, dairylea light triangle, tomatoes. Peaches and rice pud 5 syns

Hea of milk for latte in starbucks, 3/4 of one of those tiny pecan salted caramel squares 9 syns- knew if I ate it all I would b over my syns so I gave a bit to DH who bought me it in the first place. I try and resist them as they are so yummy but tiny and very high in syns!

Dinner- mushy pea curry and savoury rice.

hea- 2
heb- 1
Syns- 14
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Well again i have not exactly been on plan the past few days but i could have been alot worse! Anway i weighed in yesterday and seem to have shifted 3lb of my gain which isn't bad for not being 100% . Today probably wont be great either as i am having party leftovers for lunch haha. But i will be on plan where possible and ease myself back in!


Breakfast 3 ryvitta dairylea marmite and tomato. Yogurt.

Lunch salad with a bit of coleslaw potato salad pasta salad cheese quorn slices and a pitta (heb).

Dinner pasta with veg. Slice of choc cake.
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So a quick update on my food from the weekend.. Went to pot a little on friday night- i had half a pizza bowl of crisps and half a crunchie. Clearly my heart wasn't in it on friday as i can normally demolish all of a pizza whole family pack of crisps and a big choc bar...
Saturday fruit salad and beans on toast for breakfast. Small traybake with a coffee on day out. Pasta n sauce and lots of veg. Alpen light and a banana before going out. 3 pints of magners at a gig. 2 alices wm toast when i got home.
Sunday toast and marmalade. Pasta and veg with homemade sauce. Went to a beer festival but i was driving so no beer just coffee. 2 aloen lights rather than a crepe. Couple of chips. Jacket potato and salad. Apecial k viscuit moment and small bowl of crisps.
Monday cheese on toast. Wheaten scone and jam. Lots of bits of non sw friendly salads pitta wedges few garlic mushrooms. Slice of choc guiness cake (dh birthday!). Crisps and sweets and a glass of wine.
Hmm most of my loss has disappeared lol maybe not suprising after monday. Weighing myself a bit more often until i get a bit happier that i am on the right track again. Yesterday was ok in the grand scheme of things and tbh could have been much worse!

Breakfast 2 slices wm bread dairylea marmite and tomato.

Lunch leftover pasta and veg

Dinner at mums

Usual fruit yogurt cereal bars for snacks.
Oh dear i have been so far off track the past couple of weeks and really struggling with no motivation! As my signature says i can resist anything except temptation. i think i am still in holiday mode. Clothes are getting tighter though so i REALLY need to nip this in the bud.

Anyway today has been on track so far and feeling good about it.

Breakfast 27g porridge heb with ww yogurt 0.5 syns and strawberries

2x scan bran (rest of heb plus 1 syn) 1 dairylea triangle and tomatoes. Orange.

Lunch jacket potato and beans with quark.


Very hungry and stressed when I got home from work! Bus didn't show up and then when I did get to the station, my car wouldn't start! Argh! Only just through the MOT last month as well. Don't know what is wrong with it, hopefully won't be too much to fix it.... :cry:

Had a bit of pasta from the kids dinner (free) and 2 small slices wm bread with dairylea and tomatoes.

Dinner- I have a quorn and veg curry (onions, peppers, mushrooms, peas) and some cous cous. Leftovers will do lunch tomorrow.

Contemplating a choccie treat to make me feel better lol. Having either a choc sundae (8.5 syns) or a galaxy crumble bar (7.5 syns)

Hea 2
Heb 2
Syns 1.5 so far plus either of the choc things above so at most 10 today.

Plus I got stuck into September's xt challenge; just under 7k done today.
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By the way, I am strongly tempted to go and join a local slimming world class tomorrow.

I just feel like I need a bit more motivation, information and support. And I have been struggling so I guess now is as good a time as any to go back properly.

Whether I can
a/ afford it now my car needs fixed and/or
b/ can get there, as my car needs fixed remains to be seen! :rolleyes: