Dannielleas diary, time for change.

-2lb this week, pfft could have been so much better had I behaved! 13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Hi danniellea, I've been off the diet as I've been ill so was told I couldn't do it, but starting again tomorrow. 2lb is still good, you've done so well x
Thanks both! I'm just frustrated at my self for drinking alcohol I know I shouldn't be doing it because I'm cheating my self, 2lb is still 2lb and I am happy with that I just know I can do better. It's off to the gym tonight going to get my direct debit set back up etc and hit it hard 3times a week and try stay active on in between days :) ah Gemma I'm sorry to here that hope you are well and I'm sure you will be back on track in no time :D I was sick my first couple of weeks but chose not to tell the doctor I was cambridge thankfully it was just an infection and passes quickly, but of course main priority is being well. Xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Thanks both! I'm just frustrated at my self for drinking alcohol I know I shouldn't be doing it because I'm cheating my self, 2lb is still 2lb and I am happy with that I just know I can do better. It's off to the gym tonight going to get my direct debit set back up etc and hit it hard 3times a week and try stay active on in between days :) ah Gemma I'm sorry to here that hope you are well and I'm sure you will be back on track in no time :D I was sick my first couple of weeks but chose not to tell the doctor I was cambridge thankfully it was just an infection and passes quickly, but of course main priority is being well. Xx 13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
I've had a kidney infection so my cdc told me to stop also but feel much better now so I'm back on it tomorrow. You needed that blow out and you still got 2lb off which is brilliant x
Thanks both! I'm just frustrated at my self for drinking alcohol I know I shouldn't be doing it because I'm cheating my self, 2lb is still 2lb and I am happy with that I just know I can do better. It's off to the gym tonight going to get my direct debit set back up etc and hit it hard 3times a week and try stay active on in between days :) ah Gemma I'm sorry to here that hope you are well and I'm sure you will be back on track in no time :D I was sick my first couple of weeks but chose not to tell the doctor I was cambridge thankfully it was just an infection and passes quickly, but of course main priority is being well. Xx

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

Don't look at it as a "cheat"....you have been doing great but everyone needs to let their hair down once in a while!!! I find it better to enjoy an occassional "treat" if it's needed...guilt free....so long as I go straight back to it :)
Ahh yeah they are really painful but glad you are okay and back to it tomorrow good luck Gemma :) If it hadn't been 2 weekends in a row(and most likely this weekend aswell) I'd be okay about it I'm always right back to it, I think I have a lot of emotions bottled up and it helps me to release it with having a drink it's the only time I'm actually honest instead of just saying what I think people want to hear I think I need to seek out some help with it :/ meh it will come out in the wash as my grannie says :)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Ahh yeah they are really painful but glad you are okay and back to it tomorrow good luck Gemma :) If it hadn't been 2 weekends in a row(and most likely this weekend aswell) I'd be okay about it I'm always right back to it, I think I have a lot of emotions bottled up and it helps me to release it with having a drink it's the only time I'm actually honest instead of just saying what I think people want to hear I think I need to seek out some help with it :/ meh it will come out in the wash as my grannie says :)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

my granny says that too!
Ye doesn't sound like everything has been easy for you doll, you've done amazingly well so far so I don't think you have any need to worry about small slip ups. You deserve a treat and like it or not everyone's social life completely revolves around food and drink so it's very hard to let your hair down without giving in a little bit.
How are things relationship wise? Is that all over? Xxx
It certainly does and that's the hardest part for me having not been able to see friends for years I have lots of catching up to do! Humm well it's improved since I lost my temper and told him some of what's going on but we will see it's more me being paranoid I'm sure I just feel inadequate because of his past working in a strip club seeing naked women with perfect body's and plastic boobs then we have me who's got a mummy tummy stretch marks and no boobs lol x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Feeling happy right now :) just peaceful like things are just starting to click into place again. On the diet front, ended up having chicken and spinach as my meal... Have been a bit messy with my routine had bar meal porridge then shake rather than porridge bar meal shake this would explain why I'm hungry right now oh and I had a tablet sweetener in some coffee at a friends I'm not sure if this is okay?

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
The sweetener is fine my consultant said that at our first meeting. I had chicken and spinach too for my first meal, tasted so good! Xxx
Ah that's not bad then, must admit it was far to sweet for me. Enjoy everything you eat :) I certainly do lol even got some different fish to try this week :D not sure if we are allowed yellow fish(I forget it's name but I know is yellow) and quite a large chunk of cod is in the freezer got it because it was reduced haven't weighed it/didn't have a weight on it hope the weight is going to be ok :) x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
So I'm in a good mood it's my daughters second birthday :D the only thing that's getting me down is everyone being so negative about the diet telling me constantly how bad it is and how I'm just going to pile it on how I have killed my metabolism how I'm just a fat store machine how much more I'm going to weigh than I originally did how I'm just going to binge how huge :'( it's making me panic.then my sister who agrees with all of that I can see the joy on her face every time she says something about it she will love it if I gain weight she really will....Then I have "the boy" who's under the impression I have some sort of eating disorder(hahahahaha)... I don't know what's true would fitness instructors etc be saying this without back up? Hard solid facts? I'm real concerned about what happens after the steps I will need guidance I can not put this weight back on because I know what it will do to my mental health. I need some reassurance :(
Don't get me wrong with the sad faces lol I'm in a fabulous mood. :D
Don't get me wrong with the sad faces lol I'm in a fabulous mood. :D
Don't worry about what people say.
We all know that if you go back to eating crap all the time we'll put it back on.
I don't think it's got anything to do with the diet, it's how you behave after it x
So I'm in a good mood it's my daughters second birthday :D the only thing that's getting me down is everyone being so negative about the diet telling me constantly how bad it is and how I'm just going to pile it on how I have killed my metabolism how I'm just a fat store machine how much more I'm going to weigh than I originally did how I'm just going to binge how huge :'( it's making me panic.then my sister who agrees with all of that I can see the joy on her face every time she says something about it she will love it if I gain weight she really will....Then I have "the boy" who's under the impression I have some sort of eating disorder(hahahahaha)... I don't know what's true would fitness instructors etc be saying this without back up? Hard solid facts? I'm real concerned about what happens after the steps I will need guidance I can not put this weight back on because I know what it will do to my mental health. I need some reassurance :(

I have a few people who keep telling me the same things as they are telling you..."you will put it all back on and more when you start eating again", "this can't be healthy for you"...etc. For some reason maybe they think I am going to just stop the diet one day and go back to how I ate before. Did you see a program called "the men who made us thin" on not too long ago? They spoke to the guy who setup weight watchers and I completely agree with everything he had to say. I can't find a quote to paste but in summary he said that :

"Yes, if you look at the percent of people who achieved their goal weight only about 15% of those will keep it off if you review them after 5 years. People fail at diets because they do it for a short period of time and then go back to how they were before so put the weight back on. That's how I make my money. Being on a diet is for life, you can't just come off it...you have to continue to make the right choices and work at it. It's a tool not a cure."

I know some people indirectly who have had amazing results and kept it off because they changed their lifestyle. And so many people on here will say the same and have been able to maintain. I am hoping that will be me one day and I know you can do it too!! Ignore them!!!
Found your diary and subscribed :) will have a good read through later on x
Thanks all :) well I don't intend on going back to old habits I'm just having an issue with the alcohol on a Saturday night :/ we'll cocktails this Saturday then that's it as my gym membership will be back up and running I can't keep up the drinking I will mention that I won't be drinking next weekend... Part of it has been Emran picking me up from my friends after work (he will come in for a coffee to my friends)and since I don't see him all that often... :/ I'm looking for something to blame when really it's me. Will enjoy the cocktail night on Saturday then I'm done (remind me I said this) and getting on with it no more excuses!
Well I was 100% until I took a bite of my daughters birthday cake chewed it realized what the actual f I was doing and that I don't like things that sweet I spat it in to the bin... Other than that had a super de duper day, hate my self a little but still super :)
Awh yeah she did thanks was spoilt rotten lol:)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Had my meal a little early today as I'd been out I had cod with a pir pir spice mix(from a packet not sure if that's allowed?)and lemon juice with asparagus really enjoyed it! Still 2 packs left for today aswell :)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x