Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

Is your hair falling out now? If not, then don't worry. It's like me worrying that I might get knocked down by a bus later. It might happen but chances are it won't : ) no point becoming anxious about something that may not happen.

It happens because the body is not getting the calories it needs to function properly. After all, we all know that 600 calories a day on heavily processed packs is NOT healthy as a long term thing. It's absolutely fine in the short term and with a specific goal in mind but our bodies aren't designed to survive well on VLCDs for months and months on end.

Most folk don't lose their hair - and incidentally, I didn't go bald!! It thinned and it shed a lot more. Within 3 or 4 months of me stopping it was OK again.
i think and this is just my theory when you are on a low calorie diet your body has limited resources with which you make you function. it prioritises what is important. ie heart/brain at the top of the list and so on, maintaining hair, nails and skin lower on the priority list so it wont always use its resources for things that aren t essential. we might be vain about our hair but our body not so much!
Is your hair falling out now? If not, then don't worry. It's like me worrying that I might get knocked down by a bus later. It might happen but chances are it won't : ) no point becoming anxious about something that may not happen.

It happens because the body is not getting the calories it needs to function properly. After all, we all know that 600 calories a day on heavily processed packs is NOT healthy as a long term thing. It's absolutely fine in the short term and with a specific goal in mind but our bodies aren't designed to survive well on VLCDs for months and months on end.

Most folk don't lose their hair - and incidentally, I didn't go bald!! It thinned and it shed a lot more. Within 3 or 4 months of me stopping it was OK again.

I have really really long hair so it sheds a lot anyway.. But I haven't noticed anything more then normal & my hairdresser at the weekend said I had a lot of hair so it should be okay.
Thanks for putting my mind at ease.. It'll be okay! Only 8 more weeks max & i'll be done!

GG I was on a very late shift last night so I'm guessing it could be water as I was at work until 0230 and drank green tea much later than normal for me.

Week 2 weigh in tomorrow so fingers crossed they blooming drop :)

Great posts on here with fab words if wisdom.

Hope everyone has had a fab Monday, I'm just off for daily honk x x x
Hey Angel, looking forward to hearing how you get on tomorrow x I'm sure you had another Magic Monday :)
Hi All

Weigh in around 10.30 and I cant wait although im not expecting a big loss at all after my sneak peak ( mon morning )

Keep everything crossed for me x x x

Whoop whoop 6.5 off this week :)

More than I thought and I'm thrilled.

2 wks = 17 lb off :)

Will update properly later as I'm on my phone x
and comfortably into the 15s too 2 stones worth of barriers smashed here s to the 14s and beyond x

I am seriously amazed. I got off her scales twice to double check lol.

Seriously couldn't be happier. I was 14.2 last New Year's Eve and although I felt huge as I had been under 11 in the summer I will be thrilled to get into the 14's. You don't realise how lucky we are when we are slimmer.
Talked to CDC about the steps as I just didn't follow them last year. My plan at the moment is to start moving up in FEb after my Dominican holiday and I want to maintain by my cruise in July and stay within a healthy range. I'm already looking at maintenance as a long term thing so fingers crossed THIS WILL BE THE LAST DIET I ever do although that is very much wishful thinking.

Off to run the Hoover round ( glam day off lol ) big family tea this evening so will catch up in between housework and cooking.

Thanks again for all support. X x x x
perception is a funny thing

i was away in paris a couple of years ago and was 10.10 stone but because i was gaining weight i felt like a lump. but looking back on the photos i realised i was looking good so im trying to see that just cause you weigh x it doesn t a thing. there will always be a problem area that you can pull yourself down about but i am trying and it is a work in progress (probably a life time ) to respect my body for what it is and give myself a bit a praise now and again.
Well done angel!! What fab losses!
I've been on the cambridge :) will hit 6 stone at goal! Very excited!
I've been researching maintenance and am looking forward to it, have my small plate and scales ready, looking forward to upping the exercise too as SS can leave me a little dizzy ATM if I do more than 20 mins.
Happy Tuesday everyone x
Hi angel apologies in advance, I'm getting to grips with a new phone so it'll be typos galore

Well done on a great loss. well deserved and you're spot on that the way forward now is to think about maintenance. Having a clear plan that works for me is the only think that's kept me at target for over a year. The biggest mistake people make _ and why they return year in year out _ is because maintaining is harder than losing.

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