Step 1 Sole Source Day 1 again, 6st off but 6st on !

i had my one at 21 so am hoping the same happens to me! knowing my luck she'll stay at home untill shes 35!

Actually im the same, when its all new and im super motivated its easy, but give it a few weeks and i know its gonna be a struggle! but hey, we have done it before, we can do it again xx
i had my one at 21 so am hoping the same happens to me! knowing my luck she'll stay at home untill shes 35!

Actually im the same, when its all new and im super motivated its easy, but give it a few weeks and i know its gonna be a struggle! but hey, we have done it before, we can do it again xx

Here here, what day is your weigh day ? x x
Morning all, Day 3 today & I literally couldn't wait to get out of bed. I feel like I have so much more energy and am excited each day to jump on those scales, I know it's early days and when they slow down I will try to weigh less but the 1st few weeks it's a great boost to know it's working & working well.
I won't put my weights on here unless they are my official CDC weights which will be Mondays the 1st one is Monday @ noon but I will get a few weeks of goodies as although my CDC is fab I know what I'm doing at this stage so don't need her in saying that I've tried other VLCD and they've not worked so I guess I like knowing I'm going to have to weigh in to get my next products if that makes sense.
I found my 2012 weight loss diary and had lost 80 lb in 23 weeks with 4 or 5 planned breaks being a meal for a wedding, weekend in Edinburgh & a hen night, I'm sure there were more but they are the ones I recall.

I'm off work at the mo but should be back soon as GP has changed my medication, I expect I will be back to work in a couple of weeks which is kind of good as it gives myself time to get fully established on plan. I work mid / late shifts on trains so tetras & bars are my saviour as no prep needed the only thing I'm dreading is the barrage of negativity about the plan but I'm ready for them lol like ANY plan it works if you follow it, weight watchers, SW etc are all the same if you don't stick to it you will re gain the weight, unfortunately it's the reason why the diet industry is worth billions of £'s . The reason I come back to Cambridge is I seriously believe it's the healthiest choice. Having free food and point where you can eat multiple crisps or chocolate isn't my idea of a " diet " anyway like I say I'm preparing myself for them all at work lol, strange no one was negative about lots of the girls who tried " juice plus "'

Sorry to ramble again, I tend to use my diary as a place to write down my thoughts so it may be a bit muddled / erratic & repetitive ?

For those weighing in today good luck ?
It's good to see you back. I knew you would be!

Would it be useful to have a read back of your diary and pin point exactly where you started to waver last time and why? Might help you to put together a strategy to prevent it happening again.

Anyway I admire anyone who doesn't give in. I'm currently in need of half a stone off ( jeans horribly tight as I've eaten too much cake ) so I'll be around a bit more
It's good to see you back. I knew you would be!

Would it be useful to have a read back of your diary and pin point exactly where you started to waver last time and why? Might help you to put together a strategy to prevent it happening again.

Anyway I admire anyone who doesn't give in. I'm currently in need of half a stone off ( jeans horribly tight as I've eaten too much cake ) so I'll be around a bit more

Thanks Greta, will take a afternoon / evening to read through whilst hubby watches the footy, good idea as it will also give me a insight into the " happy " days & feelings which will alas boost me.
Not sure what I expect my overall loss to be this week as I usually walk lots but because I'm off work I'm not very active at the moment, small walks daily of 20 mins or so and that's it I'm wrecked which isn't me at all but fingers crossed the new meds work. On the plus side my GP hasn't once mentioned my weight so that's a good thing as it usually sends me reaching for the crisps !

I've just found famous items from my previous journey and have put them together in my wardrobe although I did eBay lots to make room for my big stuff again.
I have a size 10 Ralph Lauren dress hubby bought me in Macy's in Vegas on our honeymoon ( I know its one of his favourite photos of me for him ) I also have the dress i wore to the evening of our wedding, which i love and it was bought only with the intention of showing off my new figure ( one of my favourite EVER photos ) also have couple of blouses and jeans in 14 & 12's . At the mo I will be thrilled to get into 16 jeans. As for tops & jackets, I always lose slowest on my top half but will hunt out some other motivational items to keep me going.
Just to feel my things getting loose will be a bonus at the mo but I do know that its fast results so I'm quite happy to think I will drop a size a month if not more, I'm currently sat in New look inspire size 20 skinny jeans with a Evans flowing leopard print chiffon type blouse, thinks by blouse is a 26 ?but that's because I like them floaty.

Anyway great to see you here and no doubt you will shift the pesky half st, good on you for knowing what works and for raining it in before it gets out of hand ( unlike me ) I shall no doubt be pestering you for advice for many months to come x x x x
Ramble away Angel! That's basically all I do! Lol.

I spend a lot of time ignoring all of the idiots who tell me it's a stupid diet - like they know my body better than me.

I needed something that would take me back to basics and that's what CD does. SW did not work for me because there was too much freedom. I need structure in order for weight loss to stick. Something that will come of this diet i'm hoping is that planning and portion thing which I am the worst at. Learning about cooking for one at the moment with OH is quite good too - I started off making WAY too much food for him, but i'm getting there now with his portion sizes. Hoping that I can master it before having to cook for me again. This weekend I am off to buy some new electric scales - much more accurate and you can't cheat them like you can dial ones!

I think CD is a great diet but like all others , it goes straight back on without a maintenance plan. I've been maintaining for over 2 years now and it's a killer. I just allow myself to get up to about ten stone and then I'm strict . And then I eat until I'm creeping towards ten ... And then I'm strict . And on and on

I think I'd have put it back on again if it wasn't for my husband. He's the active slim type and I know he likes me the same ( err I'm so not heh heh ) because he wants us to stay as healthy as we can for as long as we can. I absolutely agree but could actually live without the running he's suggested we do together three times a week. I mean, WTF ?

Keep going angel - you'll be seeing 13 something for Christmas easy pips if you do
Doh ignore that, it's tomorrow, good luck chick x x x

7.5lbs woo!!

whens your weigh in day?

i remember when i did sw many years ago i would celebrate my weight loss with a takeaway! no logic... xx
7.5lbs woo!!

whens your weigh in day?

i remember when i did sw many years ago i would celebrate my weight loss with a takeaway! no logic... xx

Well done hunni, that's a fab 1st loss, you will be in the next stone at your next weigh in :)

My weigh day is Monday at 12 noon . . . . . . What a way to start the week lol

A few people I know have a cheat night, I don't see it myself but if people need something there are options rather than falling off the wagon completely x x x
thanks hun! i really hope so. worked out i need to lose 3.5lbs a week to get to goal in 11 weeks.. i think that may be being a bit optimistic though, i know the losses slow down, but nice to have it in my mind as a goal.

ooohh monday! thats good though, keep you motivated over the weekend!

When im at target i think i will have the occasional day where i let go... just a day mind! but i know im not strong enough on a diet to have a cheat day, i would definitely end up losing focus, which i have done many times before! xx
thanks hun! i really hope so. worked out i need to lose 3.5lbs a week to get to goal in 11 weeks.. i think that may be being a bit optimistic though, i know the losses slow down, but nice to have it in my mind as a goal. ooohh monday! thats good though, keep you motivated over the weekend! When im at target i think i will have the occasional day where i let go... just a day mind! but i know im not strong enough on a diet to have a cheat day, i would definitely end up losing focus, which i have done many times before! xx

3.5 a week, you could do it my lovely, you lost 7 this week so that allows for slightly lower losses later & I bet you have another good loss this week ?

I'm super excited for Monday, not just for weigh in but because I'm itching to get week one done & dusted. Day 4 and feeling great, although I'm off work and sore etc , in my mind I certainly feel a LOT better if that makes sense.

I've been reading through old diary's on here and lots of people have a buffer weight and once they hit that weight they go back to basics.
I'm not 100% sure what I will do yet but a good few months for me to think about it.

Hope everyone has a good day, no doubt I will be back in a bit just waiting on a shopping delivery ? Nothing like putting the groceries away when on plan lol
Well done Day 4! My weigh in is Saturday mornings at 9.30am. This works well for me as it keeps me motivated through the weekend - my usual downfall time. Though my CDC hasn't done the measuring, photos and texting thing some do - infact, she barely picks up emails - I really like her as she's easy to chat to and we often get down to the nitty gritty of why i'm on plan, what problems i've faced this week etc. She also gets really excited to weigh me which is nice!

Have fun putting the shopping away. I cleaned out the larder last week - you would think it would tempt me, but no - I loved getting it all organised! This weekend I think I might tackle my clothes. I'm sure there'll be a pile of stuff that can go on ebay which I might do too - nothing like selling old stuff to make way for new stuff! :)

Have a great day!

Hubby is just in from work and said he can see a difference already ?

If I'm honest I can so I know he's not just being nice lol, I'm much much less bloated thank goodness.

Onwards and downwards lol

FlickG clothes sorting is fab for extra motivation.

Shopping away without issue & I'm currently slow cooking chicken for the family tea so I will have a choc shake later whilst they tuck in lol
Well done Angel. I'm doing chicken curry for OH tonight...debating popping a bit of curry powder in the veg soup in the hope it makes it more palatable!

Well the end of day 4 is here, still 100% SS and flipping loving it, I had to make myself have the 3rd product so now I'm not feeling hungry I know its 100% mind over matter.
I do a lot on a photo sharing site ( IG ) so have just placed a order for a active blend as lots of people saying how fab they are, good bargain on amazon at £24 with a spare cup which I think is a good price. It should arrive Sat but I won't get to try it as I have tetras only until Monday.
I like tetras for the convenience as days like today when I have to make myself have the 3rd one its far less hassle as a quick drink and its gone lol but I will get soups and maybe porridge for next week.
Quite looking forward to the flavours but if I had to stick with tetras I would.

Hope everyone has had a good day x x x
i only have choc tetras and bars! i went totally off the powdered stuff... but am thinking maybe i should give the soup another go... has anyone tried the rice pudding? (there is rice pudding right? or did i totally make that up?!) x
i only have choc tetras and bars! i went totally off the powdered stuff... but am thinking maybe i should give the soup another go... has anyone tried the rice pudding? (there is rice pudding right? or did i totally make that up?!) x

I've not had the rice pudding yet but may try it next week x