Day 1... Again!


Full Member
So I originally brought and started slim and save back in February. After doing it on and off I always found some excuse not to go back on it!

I'm now over a stone heavier that what I was when I originally started so now is the time to stop making excuses and just do it!!

My confidence is at an all time low and I'm finding myself wanting to be less and less sociable because if this. I also have a 2 year old and it's not fair for her to miss out on things because of how I feel about myself!

I'm still to have my first pack of the day but I'm drinking my water and will start with extra protein to break me in!

Wishing every new starter and re starters all the best! I know this diet works and can help me finally get my old body back!!

Good luck

Jo x
Great decision Jo for excellent reasons. I'm back on day 1, although it's week 14, had a planned week off for week 13 so I'm right there with you with the 3 days of hell! Keeping up the water to get through it and very much looking forward to feeling great again, me and carbs just don't cut it!
Good luck ladies I'm on day 1 today aswell, I did s&s earlier in the year lost almost 3 stone and felt great! Struggled to get back on it ever since, ate what I wanted over Christmas as I tried to do it over Christmas but was impossible for me, am determined to do it this time, there's no crap on the house and my partner isn't here untill the 2nd if January so I have no distractions good wise unless my daughters baby food becomes tempting lol x
Good luck new year new start new diet :D x
Good luck!! I'm starting on 1st jan and feel exactly the same with regards to missing social events etc because of the way I feel!!! No more! Onwards and downwards :)!!!! Xxx

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