day 12 - starving today


wants to be slim
I am on day 12 of the TS diet and in ketosis... and was so hungry today at work i felt i was going to pass out... i nearly gave in and got a sandwich... but i didnt and i got a black coffee with a sweetener and drank more water... this definately helped so suppose it is showing me that in the past when ive thought i was hungry i was actually probably thirsty.... This diet is so hard when you get hungry.... but i know it will be worth it... does anyone else get so hungry after they passed the1st week that they feel that they could raid the fridge?
Hi Claz. I have got so hungry at times that I've felt like I could eat everything in the fridge and then raid all the cupboards too!!!

Some water and a nice warm black coffe usually does help though. And it feels good when you get to the end of another day and havent cheated. :D

Well done for resisting the sandwich x
Hi Claz well done not giving into temptation so easy to do that. But were not cheaters and like you say plenty of water and a black coffee and tummy is full again . Everytime i feel like food, I have a coffee and think about me jumping on the scales and seeing those numbers going down
Good on you for resisting!

I don't really get hungry but do feel 'empty' at times, if that makes sense. It would never cross my mind to eat anything off plan on Exante as it really is all or nothing for me.

I am very much looking forward to the AAM week though, never thought an egg would be so exciting for me!
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Well done for resisting :)