Total Solution Day 2 of Exante - need encouragement!


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Hi all,

I'm on day 2 of my Exante Total Solution adventure and just need a bit of a boost. I'm at work, feeling weak, woozy and a bit nauseous. Finding it hard to concentrate and now a headache has started drumming away at the back of my skull.... ugh.

Intellectually I know it gets better - I've been through ketosis before (I lost weight on LighterLife in 2010 and now just want to shed some pounds that have crept on) so I know that at some point I'm going to feel whooshy and brilliant. It's just right now I feel a bit pants.

Sorry to introduce myself with such a whiny rant, by the way!

Hi Calorina,

I am also on day 2. Having never done this before, I just didnt know what to expect. Just stick at it, at least in a couple of days you should start to feel better (or so I have read!). I'm doing ok other than a bit tired and nauseous...but I think the worst is yet to come! You have done the hard bit in chosing to start the diet again so things can only get better from here! Keep at it hun :) xx
Well done on getting started Calorina! Hope you feel a bit better, maybe taking some more water might help.
I should be on day 2 but just waiting on my packs arriving. Good luck
Thanks both! It means a lot that you've replied - but maybe I should be reassuring *you*. It definitely does get better - when you actually get into ketosis you feel like you can take on the world. It's just this grindy bit that's awful. I wish I'd thought ahead and booked some holiday. My head's a bit all over the place - I just want to go home and go to bed! Onwards and upwards I suppose though. And thanks for the tip - 2 litres down already but am now sipping more water.

Good luck!
No problem at all, I'm finding it difficult to concentrate at work...its a good distraction! I'm feeling really cold but took a big cardie and scarf into work so feel a bit better. I'm hoping me being cold is a good sign! I am nearly at 2 litres of water drunk and will be having a soup for lunch in a bit. Good luck to you too hun! xx
Oh, feeling cold can be a sign of ketosis. Most people (I think) take between 3 and 5 days to get into ketosis but for some it can happen more quickly. Did you cut down your carbs before starting? (I didn't - it was my birthday weekend so I had a "last blast" so I can't say I've deprived myself of anything....).
Sorry you're feeling rubbish.. :(

Good for you for drinking lots of water!

Things will look up soon & that loss in weight on the scales will make it all worth it! :D
The first few days are the worst aren't they! Previously when I have done the Exante TS plan I found that keeping on top of my water intake really helped in the first few days, also when I was feeling really sicky I would make up a pint of bouillon instead of water and sip away at it. You could try sucking on an ice cube, maybe the action of sucking on it will take your mind of the nausea?

Hopefully this doesn't last too long for you, good luck xxx
Oh, feeling cold can be a sign of ketosis. Most people (I think) take between 3 and 5 days to get into ketosis but for some it can happen more quickly. Did you cut down your carbs before starting? (I didn't - it was my birthday weekend so I had a "last blast" so I can't say I've deprived myself of anything....).

I think it might just be cold at work then...I don't reckon I am in ketosis yet...I don't feel bad enough! I had a bit of a blow out at the weekend at a bbq so didn't cut down before on my carbs xx
I think it might just be cold at work then...I don't reckon I am in ketosis yet

Aha. It is getting a bit chilly. I'm wearing *two layers*...

Thanks Flabbuster and SFX - great tips. I'm now at 2.5litres of water and a couple of giant mugs of black tea, which have helped. Might have some Bouillon tonight to boost my electrolytes, too, as I'm sure that's part of the urghness...
Hi, I started Exante today and got through it!! I struggled this afternoon but tried a mug of bouillon and it was lovely :). Drank loads of water but the bar i had this evening was a nightmare to keep down. it tasted ok but was soooo dry and i felt sick. However i got through it although i did have a small bite of chicken breast!!ooops. will this affect it much??? Also i wanted to ask about coffee being added to the vanilla shake. do you add hot water to the shake or is it drank cold???? x
Hi, I started Exante today and got through it!! I struggled this afternoon but tried a mug of bouillon and it was lovely :). Drank loads of water but the bar i had this evening was a nightmare to keep down. it tasted ok but was soooo dry and i felt sick. However i got through it although i did have a small bite of chicken breast!!ooops. will this affect it much??? Also i wanted to ask about coffee being added to the vanilla shake. do you add hot water to the shake or is it drank cold???? x

Well done on yout first day...sounds like you are doing great. We have a smiliar start weight and height so hopefully we can keep each other going! I personally make mine with cold water...I love an iced coffee so for me it is great. I even put it in my starbucks ice coffee cup this my head I was having one of their drinks! Good luck with today. :)
Afternoon all,

Well done on your first day, Muffin2012! I don't think a little chicken will affect ketosis or your losses (although you probably shouldn't have a lot...). I haven't tried coffee in a hot vanilla shake, but I had some in a hot chocolate shake last night and it was definitely palatable if a bit bitter. I might try it again tonight.

How is everyone doing today? I'm on day 3 and, I think, slipping in and out of ketosis.

Last night was horrible - I just felt more tired, nauseous and woozy as the day went on, then had a nightmare journey home with lots of delays etc. Was freezing and a bit weepy(!) so I had an early night and woke up feeling like a different creature.

Much much perkier today. Hunger comes in waves but mostly hasn't bothered me so far, and I have awful breath so I think ketosis is pretty much here! About to have my lunch pack and a bouillon.

One thing about the bouillon - it instantly made me feel better yesterday. I think some of the wooziness etc might be down to loss of electrolytes so I do recommend it.

Hope everyone's having a good day :)
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Glad you are feeling better Calorina. Thats great if you are in ketosis!

Is it the Marigold bouillion you are taking? I have some Kallo cubes in but not sure if they are ok

I have just had my first soup and surprised that its really quite nice, hope the rest are as good!

Take care
Ooh, which soup did you have? From memory I liked the vegetable soup but struggled with the others.

Yep, bouillon is the Marigold Swiss Vegetable Bouillon. Not sure about the Kallo cubes - think there's been some debate over whether they're okay on Exante.

Bit surprised about getting into ketosis so early (especially as I had an exceptionally carb-heavy Bank Holiday!) and of course as soon as I posted that update I got a massive wave of hunger. Ah well...
I had the Thai soup and was surprised. When I did Lipotrim I really struggled but I think I am going to be able to stick to Exante.

Will pick up some Marigold tomorrow and not chance the Kallo ones.
Hi all!! Thanks Jadeypops and Calorina for your supportive comments and it would be great to keep in contact to see each others progress! Hope you are all doing well. Day 2 and have been surprisingly good today. I havent felt really hungry and really enjoyed the porridge oats this morning and the choc orange bar! Late afternoon was a tester for me and could have eaten but I didnt and am really pleased with myself :) I'm going away tomorrow for the weekend and I hope my motivation can keep on track!!xx
Hi all!! Thanks Jadeypops and Calorina for your supportive comments and it would be great to keep in contact to see each others progress! Hope you are all doing well. Day 2 and have been surprisingly good today. I havent felt really hungry and really enjoyed the porridge oats this morning and the choc orange bar! Late afternoon was a tester for me and could have eaten but I didnt and am really pleased with myself :) I'm going away tomorrow for the weekend and I hope my motivation can keep on track!!xx

I think it's a big part of it for me...seeing how we are all going to progress...I am really rooting for everyone! I don't think I have drunk enough water today so getting in bed with a bit of a headache. Otherwise have stuck to it 100% so I'm happy. Just think of how you want to be in the end...that should keep you motivated for the weekend! :) Xx
I agree - I think it'll spur us on. Do you think it might help if we all introduce ourselves a bit, how much we want to lose, why, etc.? Might motivate us even more :)

How is everyone doing today? It's day 4 for me, and still flirting with ketosis. "Flirting" is the wrong word maybe - "constantly getting mugged by" is probably more correct. Yesterday evening I felt really nauseous so went to bed early, and today I'm working from home and have felt quite drained and hungry.

I *think* it might be because I've had bars (one last night, one for lunch today). Bars have slightly more carbs than the shakes so they might be compromising my ketosis (on LighterLife you're not allowed bars until week 2 because of this) so I might knock bars on the head for the first few weeks, just to stop the wobbliness.

I'll let you know if that helps...
Hi Calorina how are you feeling now?? I've been feeling the same as you were today and i'm on day 5?? are you in ketosis yet?? i've also had a bar everyday so may stop them also. Yesterday morning i had a metallic taste in my mouth and did not feel as hungry so thought i was in ketosis but today I feel crap!! i hope this doesnt last long :( xxx