Day 3 and i'm freezing

It varies between individuals, but generally people feel better on the 5th day. Ketosis is greeeeaaat!

When i get the cold-spells i run a nice hot bath. It does the trick for me and passes an hour too.
It's my favourite distraction too, if you can get to day 5 100% then you'll be fine.
i am restarting so kind of on day 3 even tho i started last week and had the weekend off .... i am so cold too, actually so bad that today at work i cracked and had an options hot choc to warm me up :rolleyes: such an idiot, will just take even longer to feel better now!
Get used to being cold I'm on errr not sure what week it is and I'm frozen brrrr

I have water hot to warm me up and hot showers extra layers
I agree I am on week 7 and still freezing. But the hot bath is a life saver at nights. I don't mind it so much as being overweight for years meant that I was always sweating so I am finding this quite novel.
Im 5 weeks in and freezing all the time! I wear leggings and two pairs of bed socks and a thermol vest! im normally a warm person but not these days! although at least i know when im cold im shedding the lbs so its all good! it will be summer time in not time girlies and we can show our lovely new figures off and get warm! ha
Oh forgot I am on week 8 now!