DD with a hangover.....ugh.


Full Member
How do you cope? I dont actually feel to bad at the moment in terms of hunger but I know Im going to be starving later (anyone else find the same when they ve had a few to many? I can eat my own bodyweight in carby foods on a hangover). I cant have today as an UD because I had Wed and Thu as UD so that I could have yesterday as an UD. Hope I manage this, weigh day for me tomorrow!
Lol I'm with you there. I drank last night and I don't feel hungover but feel delicate. I'm on a dd today with my weigh in tomorrow. I've just managed breakfast of 2 turkey rashers and a slice of nimble bread for 102 calories.
Lunch I will be having a slim and save pack of chilli for 135 calories. Drink lots of water. X
I feel your pain, I was there yesterday. Wasn't sure if the dizziness was hangover or hunger !
ClaireLR said:
Ive given in....today is now an up day and tomorrow will be a down, couldnt resist the lamb dinner! Wont be weighing myself tomorrow now though, three up days in four day is surely not good!

Exactly the same. I had breakfast and lunch as dd then crisps and breadsticks found me. :-(
Ha, I was going to post the same today and read yours.

I'm feeling so rough this morning, but already had a 2 upday weekend, really don't want another :-(
To top it all, I'm at work at 9, self inflicted I know.

Had 2 crispbreads with cheese spread and marmite, coffee and 2 painkillers lol