de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Yep we are all out there, and I have a coffee table just like your kitchen one, no matter how many times I clear it I turn my back and it;s loaded again. I cleared it off this week and am dealing with it everyday now ( not sure if you've all read Fly lady's advice on hot spots ?)

Have got home tonight late, walked in and once again my heart sank at the mess when we got home-as ever we went out in a rush cos we were running late and just left it as it was. BUT...... I'm looking at it now and thinking "that wont take long to clear up tomorrow " and " few minutes in the morning and that will be fine" suddenly it doesnt feel like it has to be like this or that it's the mammoth job i once thought it would be.

Take heart everyone, if there's hope for me then there is for you !!
Rowan you can do this. Your table is definitely a hot spot and then some lol. Brave woman to post a picture. That resembles my spare bedroom before I cleared it. Set the timer and see what you can get done.

Three boxed one to throw, one to donate and one of stuff that belongs in different rooms. Do not go and put things away in different rooms leave that till you have sorted the pile of stuff.

Reading a good book at the moment on procrastination. Eat that Frog ,,, all about getting the worst thing done first in your day. Motto being if you eat that frog first then the day can only get better !

Thinking of you my lovely,,, you can do this x
Oh I shall have to look on Amazon for that-sounds right up my street. LAst year my hubby bought me 'Who moved my Cheese' if you havent come accross it , it's about adapting to change and it's quite good.

Right here is my mamoth list for today

morning routine
tidy kitchen
tidy lounge
dust and hoover everywhere ( not moving furniture today)
clean kitchen and bathroom floors
change beds.

Then after lunch, am going to start weeding outside since it's a nice day.

Somehwere along the way 3 loads of laundry too.

Should all keep me out of trouble LOL
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Feeling fragile today. Post weekend celebrations. House looks a bit of a tip, not kept on top of the dishes. Mount washmore needs to be sorted as well.

Morning routine on a good day.

Make bed.
Cup of coffee ( sometimes two). While kettle is boiling I have a quick tidy of the kitchen counter and put the dishes to wash in the sink.
Check email while drinking the coffee. ( can sometimes spend a little too long on the puter, so need to address this)
Wash dishes.
Walk dog.
Shower and dress for work.
Pack bag and out the door.

Sometimes if I haven't spent too much time on the puter I will hoover or put some washing in.

My after work and pre bed routines suck, so a bit of thought needs to go into that.

Day off today so a little pottering, cleaning and watching telly.

Onwards to sparkledom ladies. ps how do I get the sparkledom tag?
What about the tag ... I'm a sparkledom star .. i do like my alliteration. Cant do the tag buisness though beyond my computer skills x
Good start there xx

I'm turfing out kitchen drawers and shining my cutlery. Onwards to sparkledom xx
Howdy all:)

Well little baby steps - started with DH on the conservatory as was least bad room and thought it would be useful to get going. 2 large bags for the dump, box for charity and ebay, large box of DD toys to her room....only problem i can see is as this room gets emptier.....the others fill up:(

Anyhow, we've started! The idea is to get around the downstairs while DD in a summer camp and we are both on leave. I may not be able to get into the spare room at the end though - which is a problem since it's my study too;)

Happy clearing
Looks like a good start on that table Rowan, looks like you could use it now, one side anyway and it wot be long til it's all clear.

I am getting on quite well with my list-2 loads of washing done and out in the garden, all of downstairs tidyed.dusted and hoovered.kithchen and bathroom floors done ( bathroom is downstairs ) so only upstairs to do.
It's taken me a bit longer than I thought but have had a few interuptions, like phone calls and the kids wanting stuff but still going well.
I havent got a fixed routine yet-it's still taking shape. I'm already thinking that my home blessing hour as flylady calls it may neeed to be split into upstairs one day and down the next when I am back at work in september but I guess like most new things it's going to be trial and error.
Basics this week then next week i am going to start trying this zoning thing and get some 'deep' cleaning done.

I have to say it feels better already !!

Hope everyone else is doing well- LOL at mount washmore !!
Cross posted Katie.
It's a good idea to start with the least bad room cos you see such an improvement that it really does spur you on, and it's true that baby steps will get you into the swing of things.

I too have suffered for the shifting sands as i call it where piles get moved from one room to another but as each room gets straighter I have identified places for some of it to live so the pile may still be moving but it's eroding as it does LOL
what a good thread! so so true that decluttering your space has a lot to do with how you are in your own head.
Have started a mammoth clean up in my house that has been calling me for a long time!! Its funny how once you begin to try and tidy one notice that the chaos is everywhere!!

Thanks for the flylady that site!!

Have started with the worst jobs (shredding bank stuff...and organising three years of bank/mortgage docs...ugh!) and am tackling the biggest mess first.

It feels brilliant to finally get into it...but theres so much more to do!

Back to work in two need to get on it quick.

Hope the de-cluttering is going well for you all! :)
I have cleared out 4 of my kitchen drawers. Not an easy task as they were a dumping ground for all sorts of stuff. Also sorted out my utility room, looks heaps better. Had to find a new location for some DIY stuff.

Kitchen more sorted,washing up done, and three lots of washing done. Bed changed and made.

Well done me .. little by little x
Am feeling very pleased with myself. Got everything done that I planned too today appart from the bit of gardening but that's not the end of the world.
Planning my list for tomorrow. Wont be as ambitious as today as want to take the girls out somewhere for a bit of fun,plus they have their swimming lessons at teatime.

I see we have a new member...welcome sasser:)
Morning all:)

Day 2 and we've started on the living room. Cleared two hotspots - the bar/fridge and one sideboard:). As you can see from photos - left side is done - right side rather more to do! Baby steps:)


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Thanks mommyb! am finding this thread very inspiring altogether.....glad u had a good productive day yest! Hope the weather holds for a nice day out today.

Am heading into work begin the tidy up there before i start back in a couple of wks :cry: Im going to use the timer idea for I tend to get swallowed up in the enormity of it today Im going to go in, have a look, and make a list of priorities for my 15 min slots!

Hope everyone is having a good day! xx
OK.....todays task was a big one, got the bathroom sanded sown..and painted the ceiling and walls (first coat). I have been putting this job off for months!!!!Feels so good to get this job started.....2nd coat tomo, and finish the job by Friday.
Great. Mostly today and yesterday ,in between entertaining the kids , I have been trying to sort the garden and it's looking promising !! it's my youngests birthday 2 weeks on friday and I would like to be able to have a BBQ . OK in 2 weeks it's not going to win any horticultural awards but be nice if it was presentable !!

No further progress inside but am at least keeping it clean and tidy,as far as I have got.

Funny you mention the bathroom-we started ours earlier this year, didnt get very far for a variety of reasons, but have enlisted my Dad to come and give me a hand one day next week as hubby very busy at work right now .

Then at least any guests at the BBQ can 'go' if they have a need LOL
Well done ladies, some sterling work there fair play. VERY IMPRESSED. Cant say that I have moved mountains, but I am very proud of my kitchen drawers lol So much so that I even got my mother in to have a look at them. Sad or what ! lol She was impressed though. It's quite a feeling to know you can find the things you are looking for, rather than to think that they are there somewhere and spend half hour hunting. Then having to buy new as you cant find it !

Weekend will be the next round of cleaning for me as I am working through the week and feel a bit under the weather. Re starting my Lighter life diet, which always takes the stuffing out of me in the first few days.

Onwards ladies .. keep spreading the sparkle xx