de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

I do sort of have some good routines in place, altho some things get missed some days !! Mostly I do feel more organised.
It's strange but when I am cleaning the bathroom I can hear this little voice in my head saying " swish and swipe " repeatedly !!
Evening all. Kitchen sink is sparkling but only because the cleaner came today - oops;)

I did however spend 2 hours sorting out my desk which is now both useable and pleasant to sit steps:D
This is so me. I can't relax unless the house is tidy. I drive myself crazy with it especially if I'm knackered and still have to do it. Decluttered the wardrobe the other day tho, throwing out all the clothes that are too big! :D
Hi Ladies,

I just spotted this thread and I, too, am a FlyLady fan. I have been trying to fly for a couple of years' now.

I have been very committed of late and am trying to get myself back into the routine. I still need to clear years' worth of procrastination clutter.

I subscribe to her emails and do manage to "swish/swipe" "clean my sink" "Fridays clear my purse and car", etc. but can do better, much better.

I tend to avoid the rooms "assigned" that are a big jobs, and so those things never get sorted... however... I am going to work on this -- as I work on my relose (I gained back over half of my 2008 initial loss, relost all but 1/2 stone of that earlier this year, gained back a stone since May, and now I am trying to relose that 1 1/2 to 2 stones and learn to maintain.)

I am glad I found this thread and hope to feel insired by your efforts!
hello ladies, september is always a big cleaning month for me, we get back from long vacations, the house has been kept unclean as kids were home, and I feel the need to a new start. But this year it has just been draining me. I means I feel like Sisyphus, everything needs to be started over almost every day. For instance I changed the sheets a month ago, time to wash, iron them and here comes the time to change them again...dreadful....I faced a big urge to throw away many things as I was losing the weight, but it's still not I just want to move forward, start so many new projects, but I can't "work" in an unkept house, well ...a magazine house, which I almost never achieve...has anyone have this feeling ? how to let go and move forward ? said about your jam not setting properly...just spent the last two weeks making chutney and jam from plums,and apples....if you didnt leave it on a rolling boil for long enough it would be runny...good news is...if you want to go to the effort you can put all the jam back in a saucepan...sterilise your jars again...bring the jam back to a rolling boil again...and when its getting thick...two drops roll into one and kinda drip...turn it off and repot it...but make sure you stir because it can burn at this stage....crab apple jelly doent do this you pot it after 20mins when it still looks liquidy...but most jams take between 45 and 75 mins to thicken...hope this helps...x fireflii
@Illa --

now I just want to move forward, start so many new projects, but I can't "work" in an unkept house, well ...a magazine house, which I almost never achieve...has anyone have this feeling ? how to let go and move forward ?

All the time... on the FlyLady website I think they call this being a SHE.

The book Sidetracked Home Executives from Pigpen to Paradise was written in 1977 by two sisters, Pam Young and Peggy Jones. This book describes a system Pam and Peggy came up with using 3 X 5 colored index cards to gain control over their housework. Over the years, Pam and Peggy's system has evolved to include routines and a planner. FlyLady uses their system to guide you through your path of peace. Check out Who are Pam and Peggy? for more information.
Thank you for that Fireflii, the rolling boil bit was not as long as it should be I think. Didn't have a clue as to what I was doing, so quite pleased with the first attempt. Have two bags of pears in the fridge to do another lot and some chutney. So have greater hopes for that.

Illa, it does seem all so overwhealming at the start. I often get behind with things. Little and often however really does work. I do have the odd blitz when company is comming or I have let things lapse. De cluttering is an ongoing process for me also. I am a bit of a hoarder, so it is difficult to let go of things. I am having one of thsoe said blitzes today as I have company comming to stay. Done the kitchen, living room and bathroom now the bedrooms and upstairs sitting room.

Much happier when things are sorted and the house is presentable, really does free my mind to focus on other things. Now if only I could remember that when I come in absolutely shattered from work and need to clean up lol

Keep spreading the sparkle ladies, one swish at a time xx

thanks ;) I know flyladies, I've been doing them when I became a SAHM but I felt it actually took more of my time than less ;) But I've taken some good habits from them and it was worth it. But still it's just the fact I want the house to be perfect all the time (I call it my magazine house wish), which is really not achievable...I will have a look at the site again to see if maybe I'll register again. Have a good day !
I bought Flylady's book and dip in and out of it. I dont think you need to follow it to the letter,just cherry pick the bits that work for you and as you say pick up some good habits.

I would love my house to be perfect too, but hubby and kids dont know the meaning of the word tidy, I do however often remind myself that when my kids are older will they remember that they lived in a pristine house or that they had fun ?
A difficult balancing act !!
It's all gone veyr quiet on here, everyone must be off sparkling !!

LOL, I wish!

I am working on getting my DD's curtains altered finally. I also dug out some materials from when I taught school nearly 20 years ago for DD to take to school tomorrow.

But, I need to get crackin'... I want to decorate for Halloween and won't until the diningroom has been cleared out. (I moved everything from the office to the diningroom and now I need to go through it... we've been shredding, tossing, sorting, organising, etc.)

I need to go back to this cool idea someone posted to do for Lent: get rid of a bag day for 40 days... I have some in the car already to donate to the thrift store. I'll drop those off tomorrow.
Illa said:
Help I'm overwelmed by mails from the flylady, I find it more annoying than enjoyinig ;)

Lol - i gave up on it a few years ago too!

Having said which - just sat down with a cup of tea as kitchen and sink are shining now - technically I'm supposed to be doing some other work but at least I've turned my resistance into something useful ;)

Hope you are all having a sparkly day!
@Illa -- You are right you get a clutter from her, but you can unsubscribe and just become a FB friend, or pop on her website as a part of your routine. Or set up a different address for things like this. I am wishing I had subscribe to Freecycle with the email address I use for websites, etc.
Help I'm overwelmed by mails from the flylady, I find it more annoying than enjoyinig ;)

I had the same problem......the emails drove me up the wall and if I had the spare time to read them all then my house wouldn't be a tip would it??????:8855:I unsubscribed after putting up with the constant intrusion for a week. I decided I would rather be untidy and disorganised :D
Help ladies!!

I need some serious motivation.

I am off on holiday in just under 2 weeks and the house is a tip :cry:

I so wanted everything to be neat and tidy, and go away feeling relaxed.

Instead I am in a bit of a panic. The problem is that my brother and his wife are coming to stay while I am away to look after my dad. If that weren't the case I could just shut the door on the mess :)

Instead of getting on with it, everything seems just too much to tackle and I just have yet another cup of coffee :rolleyes:

Any quick fixes you can share with me?

Thanks :D
You have almost 2 weeks to clean the house so it is totally do-able. Take a deep breath. Break it down. Which area of the house is the messiest? Do that first.

I would advice cleaning your bathroom, kitchen and hall first as these are the rooms that visitors see the most. Declutter each room too-get your kids (if you have some!:) ) to pick up their stuff. A nice candle or two in a sitting room always looks nice too, fresh towels in bathroom, some pot pourri in get the idea. You can leave the bedrooms til last. Just change the bedsheets, hoover and tidy etc the day before they arrive.

The easiest way is to just start. Just say to yourself "I'll tidy for 5 minutes". Then when you have tidied for 5 minutes, say "I'll tidy for another 5 minutes". Keep doing this until you have one room tidy. To my mind, there's no point in taking breaks in between as this will drag the thing on for ages, just knuckle down for a few hours and the whole thing will be done in a day or two. You can of course do it gradually if you want!:)

And remember that the sooner you start, the sooner you'll be finished! :)

If you have kids, get them to tidy their rooms-maybe give them a treat if they do it to motivate them. If you have a partner/husband, rope him in too. Delegation will help as you will have less work to do and it will get done quicker too!:) Plus you won't feel resentful that its all left to you to do.