de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

I have recently got my bungalow redecorated, it's amazing what a lick of paint can do! Only got the 2 bedrooms to be done now, soon as I clear them out.
I'm just redecorating! Well I just bought the paper for one wall in my bedroom.
bettiesrevenge said:
I'm just redecorating! Well I just bought the paper for one wall in my bedroom.

That's a good motivator!!!
How funny, I was just thinking that I hadnt visited this thread for a while and up it pops !!LOL

I'm still taking baby steps but I do feel like I am getting there slowly, depression seems to be improving greatly but the lethargy has quite caught up-but it will.

Been to get some new storage for the bathroom today which should move things on nicely in there. MrB and i spent most of sunday in the bedroom ( sounds great doesnt it LOL) and we got loads of sorting and decluttering done. Yesterday I cleared alot of clutter out of the lounge and front hallway, and some more out of the lounge and kitchen this morning this morning. Once all the clutter is cleared I am going to start on some proper cleaning .
All moving in the right direction .
mommyB said:
How funny, I was just thinking that I hadnt visited this thread for a while and up it pops !!LOL

I'm still taking baby steps but I do feel like I am getting there slowly, depression seems to be improving greatly but the lethargy has quite caught up-but it will.

Been to get some new storage for the bathroom today which should move things on nicely in there. MrB and i spent most of sunday in the bedroom ( sounds great doesnt it LOL) and we got loads of sorting and decluttering done. Yesterday I cleared alot of clutter out of the lounge and front hallway, and some more out of the lounge and kitchen this morning this morning. Once all the clutter is cleared I am going to start on some proper cleaning .
All moving in the right direction .

When I get home I am do making this a priority. Clear that clutter.
Major help needed! I currently live in a very large 3 bed semi with a garage, and we have to move out in October. We are looking at 2 bed apartments in the city centre (figured we might as well do it while we are young!) but we just have so much stuff! The apartments I've seen have literally no storage at all and are quite small. I am seriously panicking about how we are going to downsize so much (literally like halve our possessions!) I have problems with anxiety and this whole situation really isn't helping. It also doesn't help that there's hardly anything on the rental market at the moment too! My brain is going in to meltdown!!!

Please if anyone has any tips for downsizing I'd be incredibly grateful. I've gone through my clothes and have a bag to send to the charity shop. I just don't know where to start tackling the rest :( I need to be ruthless and just get rid of stuff which isn't essential, but it's causing arguments between me and the OH as most of it is his crap, and he won't let me get rid of stuff he hasn't used for years!
Felix said:
Major help needed! I currently live in a very large 3 bed semi with a garage, and we have to move out in October. We are looking at 2 bed apartments in the city centre (figured we might as well do it while we are young!) but we just have so much stuff! The apartments I've seen have literally no storage at all and are quite small. I am seriously panicking about how we are going to downsize so much (literally like halve our possessions!) I have problems with anxiety and this whole situation really isn't helping. It also doesn't help that there's hardly anything on the rental market at the moment too! My brain is going in to meltdown!!!

Please if anyone has any tips for downsizing I'd be incredibly grateful. I've gone through my clothes and have a bag to send to the charity shop. I just don't know where to start tackling the rest :( I need to be ruthless and just get rid of stuff which isn't essential, but it's causing arguments between me and the OH as most of it is his crap, and he won't let me get rid of stuff he hasn't used for years!

Try the FlyLady website and search for her moving tips and decluttering tips.
Not sure where you are based but there is The Clutter Fairy based in Manchester but travels out of the area I think. The website is useful as is the facebook page. Good luck :)

Is your Boyfriend a secret hoarder?

You have to be ruthless. I use the following

Do you use it?
Is it functional?
Do you love it?

Anything else, bin. Well give away....

furniture, you can downsize stuff like sofas by working on the number of occupants plus two. You could even go down to one two seat sofa and a couple of bean bags or something. Get rid of dining room tables and chairs, side tables etc unless you really want them. get a wallmounted table from ikea and some folding chairs for the kitcheb......Kitchenware. Enough for you plus two again. Give anything you don't want to a homeless charity and eBay the rest?

Go to ikea and check out the capsule homes. They are like a tiny flat with designed rooms that have dual purpose. It may give you sone ideas!
A message from the FlyLady about CLUTTER BEING A BAD HOUSE GUEST

Dear Friends,

Clutter has a way of taking over our lives. Clutter becomes that unwanted house guest that you can't get rid of. It robs us of peace while we are home and it also steals any bit of joy when we leave home; the dread of returning to that mess. What about those of you that will not even go anywhere because of the chaotic state of your home?

We received a message today from a member that gave up their family vacation to clean and declutter their home. Thank you for the God Breeze. I realize that it had to be done for the safety of a crawling baby, but I felt that I needed to address this inconsiderate squatter, so you could see what he is doing to you and your family.

When a home is filled with clutter, it takes on a life of its own. Your whole day is spent giving it attention, instead of your family and yourself. Let's look at some of the things we give up, so we can devote our lives to this inconsiderate house guest.

1. Clutter filled homes, are not welcoming to friends or family. So we do not invite them over often. When we do, we almost kill ourselves trying to get the house presentable so we will not be embarrassed. You know the drill. Major Crisis Cleaning until 3:00am and they are coming the next day. As a result of not wanting to make the preparations, we alienate ourselves from our friends and family, by closing our doors and throwing away the key. Clutter is a very selfish housemate. It wants you all to itself. This is another way for clutter to attack families. When the structure of the family is broken down, he wins. Clutter is his most effective weapon.

2. Clutter in your home, does not allow your mind and body to rest. The guilt of all the clutter, keeps you working non-stop. You can't organize clutter; you can only get rid of it, like a diseased cancerous tumor. Purge it from your life and you will find out what living is all about. Clutter causes you to turn down invitations to lunch or weekend getaways with your husband. It will also get in the way of you taking time for yourself. It yells at you, you don't deserve to have any fun; you have not taken care of ME yet. Oh selfish clutter. Like a spoiled child, it requires all your attention.

3. Clutter tells the world that you are not worthy. We have all heard it. If you can't take care of this, you can't have it. We have been brainwashed by this clutter to believe that we do not deserve to have nice things, since we can't keep our home looking presentable. So we only buy more clutter at yard sales and junk shops, because it only cost a dollar. Now don't email fussing about this. I love yard sales as much as the next person, but think about this mentality for a few minutes. Don't we deserve to be surrounded by pretty things that we love, instead of someone else's cast-offs. When we quit wasting our money on more clutter to feed the already growing demon in our home, we can save to purchase things that make us smile.

4. Clutter never wants you to leave home. This is why he makes is so difficult for you to pack and go on vacation. Laundry has to be done, you have to get people to come to the house to feed your critters, or worse yet, you need someone to house sit for you. Clutter will never allow strangers in his domain. He wants you all to himself. The bills have to be paid, so you can go, clutter invades your finances and family responsibilities. You don't have wills done, because it is just too much trouble. So you stay home, so you won't have to make the decision of who will care for you children in case of an accident. Clutter loves to keep you home, so he has your full attention. He throws ever obstacle in your path.

5. Clutter loves to make you sick. This way you are totally dependent upon his way of life. He robs you of your health, so this gives you an excuse to give him more clutter. The more there is the happier he becomes and more sick you get. Sometimes you will not allow people to come into your home to help, because clutter has quarantined you. Or shall we say imprisoned you in your dungeon.

6. Clutter's main sustenance is chaos. So when you are running around your home searching for something in all the mess, clutter is celebrating with a feast. Trying to find a document on your desk, is not fun for you, but clutter begets clutter. You end up making an even bigger mess during the search.

7. Clutter loves ignorance, because you know no other way to live. If you did, he would not have a home that provides him of all the undivided attention that you give his needs. You have never enjoyed a peaceful afternoon, without clutter vying for your every thought and deed. He knows that if you ever feel one ounce of peace, you will tell him to hit the road, because that peace is so contagious.

It is time to put clutter in his place and send him packing from whence he came. So where does clutter belong and how do you get rid of this unwanted house guest. It is not easy. He keeps pleading with you that, "you need me", and laying many guilt trips on you for what relatives will think if you put him out into the cold. (You know those gifts and inherited clutter you have been saddled with over the years.)

Your clutter did not accumulate overnight and it is going to take days, weeks and sometimes several months to rid yourself of this squatter. We do it in small steps to make it easy on you. This way, your house guest has no clue that you are evicting him. Slowly but surely the clutter will leave one boogie or one room rescue at a time. Some of you may need to take a "get tough" approach and order a dumpster or set up regular pickups from charity thrift stores. What ever you decide to do, consistency is the ticket to getting him to vacate your premises. Just 15 minutes a day is all you need to set him on the road. When you kick his bottom out your door, you will begin to have your home to yourself again. Peace is just a boogie away.

It is time to pack his bags and send him out into the world to fend for himself. You have wasted enough of your time on him. From now on, you are going to become very particular about whom you bring home to reside with you and your family.

Are you ready to evict this squatter, so you can FLY?


P.S. Are your special clutter friends taking you from your children. One day after you are gone, your children will have to evict clutter once and for all: a dumpster is a proper coffin. Clutter took you away from them. Don't let clutter become your only loved one. You have flesh and blood precious souls around you.
bettiesrevenge said:

Is your Boyfriend a secret hoarder?

You have to be ruthless. I use the following

Do you use it?
Is it functional?
Do you love it?

Anything else, bin. Well give away....

furniture, you can downsize stuff like sofas by working on the number of occupants plus two. You could even go down to one two seat sofa and a couple of bean bags or something. Get rid of dining room tables and chairs, side tables etc unless you really want them. get a wallmounted table from ikea and some folding chairs for the kitcheb......Kitchenware. Enough for you plus two again. Give anything you don't want to a homeless charity and eBay the rest?

Go to ikea and check out the capsule homes. They are like a tiny flat with designed rooms that have dual purpose. It may give you sone ideas!

Yes he is!!! According to his mum, his dad was exactly the same when he first met him. He just has lots of little things that have no purpose! I've tried to explain to him how serious it is that we get organised and I don't think he's listening to me.

We have a huge 3 seater and a 2 seater sofa which we haven't had long and OH's parents bought us them, so we can't really get rid of. Same with our table and chairs (which I would easily chuck out otherwise)!

It's just silly things like we have a table football set (half assembled... Never been used), boxes of stuff in the garage with god knows what in it.

I'm going to start with my own possessions then force OH to sort through his. His parents live in a huge house so might ask if they can store some stuff for us like a big Hifi we have, and the table and chairs etc. it's just such a mammoth task, I'm petrified!
Minnie mel... Loving your flylady tips and chore updates :)

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Zest for Life said:
Minnie mel... Loving your flylady tips and chore updates :)

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Thanks. I have not been posting her weekly emails - but I will on that new thread once I get back home.

How are you doing?
MinnieMel said:
Thanks. I have not been posting her weekly emails - but I will on that new thread once I get back home.

How are you doing?

Well whatever your posting, I'm loving it!:)
I read your post and actually got my fat butt moving and got quite a lot done yay! Long way to go but feel better already x

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Help! The washing monster has taken over. The chaos monster has moved in. My kitchen hotspot is burning out of controll. Crickey. Why is it when you turn a blind eye is all goes bloomin mental again?
I'm back.... So, I'll see what the FlyLady thinks we should be doing and come back and share it.

Zest for Life said:
Well whatever your posting, I'm loving it!:)
I read your post and actually got my fat butt moving and got quite a lot done yay! Long way to go but feel better already x

Sent from my iPad using MiniMins

Thanks... You and me both. I need to "just jump in"!

bettiesrevenge said:
Help! The washing monster has taken over. The chaos monster has moved in. My kitchen hotspot is burning out of controll. Crickey. Why is it when you turn a blind eye is all goes bloomin mental again?

I can so relate to this... I doubt my kitchen floor has been cleaned since I last did it... Before I went tomThe States! I'm working on the wash ATM.
Just had to jump into this thread!

I been getting seriously obsessed with cleaning/decluttering these past few weeks too! Seems weird as am normally the messiest person ever :giggle:

Blitzed my bathroom, kitchen and lounge as the weeks have passed (not too bad for me as only in a bedsit!), and now I keep finding little chores and cleaning bits to do all the time :eek:

Made a list whilst snuggled in bed this morning, and so far have done about a third.....including tidying my bedside area (dust central!), cleaning out the kitteh litter trays (bleh!), and sorting out recyling/rubbish bags. Not to mention dusting, sweeping and mopping, and cleared the WHOLE of my kitchen cupboards and drawers last night and rearranged my dressing table :cool:

Where has the old Sarah gone and what have you done with her?!!
StepUpFairy said:
Just had to jump into this thread!

I been getting seriously obsessed with cleaning/decluttering these past few weeks too! Seems weird as am normally the messiest person ever :giggle:

Blitzed my bathroom, kitchen and lounge as the weeks have passed (not too bad for me as only in a bedsit!), and now I keep finding little chores and cleaning bits to do all the time :eek:

Made a list whilst snuggled in bed this morning, and so far have done about a third.....including tidying my bedside area (dust central!), cleaning out the kitteh litter trays (bleh!), and sorting out recyling/rubbish bags. Not to mention dusting, sweeping and mopping, and cleared the WHOLE of my kitchen cupboards and drawers last night and rearranged my dressing table :cool:

Where has the old Sarah gone and what have you done with her?!!

Awesome results! Go you!!!