de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

Definately something on the air today Suzie !!
From this morning: dishes done, sink cleared, floor swept, laundry rebooted, bed made, dressed in fitness clothes, brekkie and vitamins consumed, light box used, dinner planned, downstairs loo swished and swiped...

About to vacuum the most of the house up and down, then try to finish ironing, finish laundry... Errands and dinner... Fitness and crochet practice before last class. (Oh, pop into shop forgot a couple of things yesterday).

Updated: downstairs vacuumed, entrance area mopped, cottage pie made (in fridge will pop in oven as I leave for crochet lass -- DD and DS should be back from wall climbing by 6:15 to remove it -- If DH is late getting home. Laundry in dryer and about to start another load (I noticed DS and DD brought down clothes this morning). Cabinet wiped down and Refrigerator scrubbed outside and wiped inside. (Just need to sort paperwork, etc and put magnets back on it.)

Best cleaning help ever:


Fabulous on tough works, caked on stuff, black heel marks, fingerprint grub -- love these.

Cooking stuff cleaned up -- getting ready to prep soup for tonight's BNS and chili pepper soup. May iron -- still need to vacuum upstairs.

DS sorted GF's V-Day gift. Spa vouchers and a cactus. She old Jim no flowers because she's leaving Saturday for Berlin and they'll be dead when she gets back. They're doing their V-Day tomorrow evening before she goes.

I wonder what I should get myself for Valentines Day? I think DH s feeling very generous after last night's no show. ;). Hummmmm....
Why we keep clutter.

Clutter has been our security blanket for a very long time. It protected us from people, hard times and having to face ourselves.

When our homes are cluttered, we don't have people over. That way we don't have to open ourselves up for the public to see how we really are.

Well I am here to tell you, you are worth getting to know. When you get the clutter out of your home, you will not have to struggle with the guilt of a messy house. Let's peel back these layers of clutter and get down to the real you that has been hiding behind this wall. I don't know you all, but I do know SHEs and we are a fun loving and sweet bunch of people with enough enthusiasm to make the world stand up and take notice. Our only problem is that we go full force or not at all.

Just like a raging river, we are powerful, but if we could only harness this strength in a more focused fashion. I think our routines are the dam that channels this energy into a productive system.

You know how hard you have worked in the past and then when the day was over, you were worn out and nothing looked any better. Your husband would come home and say," What have you been up to today?" You would be crushed, because you had worked your bottom off and no one could tell. Or you would be mad and pout or yell.

If you are having anxiety attacks about releasing some of this clutter in your home; stop and think about what you are afraid of.

1. Is it the security of have 3 of an item, in case one breaks?
2. How about the memories that the item evokes when you see it?
3. And there is always the "Aunt Mary gave us this when we married."
4. I spent a lot of money on this. I can't possibly give it away.
5. Oh, I can fix this, but it has been in the basement for 15 years waiting to be fixed.

I want you to think about these reasons and look deep into the heart of them.

I see you living your life from an "Oh poor me" attitude. You don't want to let go of these things, because you feel you will never have the money to replace them. We have to work on this.

I believe this is called hoarding. When you have things in your home that you don't use and others could, this is what you are doing. We have let our homes fill up to the rafters because we are afraid we might need it sometime and then we won't have the money to buy it when we do.

This attitude of "Oh Poor Me" needs to be addressed. When you think poor, you will be poor. When you give, you will receive. This has been the case for many of our members. Just the act of releasing the clutter has filled them with such joy and love, that more blessings have been bestowed upon them. Many people have discovered money in their piles, in the form of coupons, gift certificates, and checks they had forgotten about.

When I decluttered our home, I listened to Suze Orman's books on CD. She believes that when we release the clutter that we respect ourselves and this will bring more prosperity into our lives. My husband Robert gave me a quote once, "You are rich in proportion to what you can do without".

Think RICH! If you look at something and have the thought, I might need that someday, that is a sign that you are not thinking rich. If you say, "Yes, I may have a use for this someday, but right now I don't and when I do need it, I will be able to buy it." For now give it to someone that will use it and that need it more than you do. You will be blessed.

Now for those Aunt Mary Gifts and other stuff that evokes memories.

Why do you need things to remind you of someone you love? You have your memories. If you need reminders, take a picture and put them in a scrapbook or something. You don't need STUFF to evoke memories. A lot of the time those memories are not much fun anyway. I got rid of everything in my home that didn't make me smile when I looked at it. I mean this. Everything. Now I only have things around me that bring me joy. When you can walk through your home with a smile on your face, I have done my job.

Now let's address guilt. The guilt for not liking an item that you got for a gift. It is fine to not like it. It is OK to let it go and let someone else love it. I know that a lot of the things that are in your homes are hand-me-downs. A family member gave them to you. You also feel guilt about releasing these things. Don't! Why do you think they gave them to you in the first place. They wanted them out of their home. If they have served their purpose then, by all means let them go to a new home.

I have been teased about this Declutter song for a long time now. I just make up the words as I go, but I sing it from the STUFF's point of view. And at the top of my lungs and that is not a pretty sound, but it helps me to let things go when I have a hard time.


You can do this.

Well I have hit a bit of a wall with the sorting. It's got to the stage where everything that's out of place and annoying me is out of place because of the bedroom situation! Got the call yesterday to confirm that the bedroom will be delivered (in kit form) on Tuesday and work will start next Thursday! The following Monday we are having the new carpet laid and we are just waiting for a date for the new bed. Once the new wardrobes have all been fitted I can start to sort all the stuff back into them. Much more stuff will HAVE to go during that process but I am looking forward to 2 weeks time when I will have a lovely bedroom and the lounge will be back to the tidy state it should be :D
Me too. I don't like being here when work is being done, I'd rather go out and come back when it's all done
I'd hit a brick wall with everything lately, but I've woke up feeling much better today. I've been on the go-slow this morning, but after my coffee, here is the plan:

Take rubbish out
Do dishes
Make bed
Hoover downstairs
Change the cat litter
Shower and dress, and general beautification
Polish downstairs ornaments and furniture

My husband has arranged to finish work early and will be home at 3, so I want me and the house nice and fresh :)
Despite my good start yesterday I didnt manage any body magic! Might contemplate it today!!
On a go slow today... cant get motivated... must be because it all got done yesterday and doesnt need it all doing again today. Cut up some fabric for patchwork (in my dressing gown - now dressing to shoes first thing today) and now have to sew them together.. my theory is that I am getting rid of fabric clutter.

Got the window man coming to check out why we cant open them so must hoover the bedroom carpet (but will he be looking at the carpet?) am I being too much of a perfectionist? Depression is a horrible thing... no rhyme or reason, one day all go and the others all gone!
Hoping I can join in here I love this thread and can't believe I've just found Flylady Wow Just what I need

Dressed to my shoes today (normally wear slippers and have shoes at each door for a quick change but read flylady's reasons so shoes are on)
Sink shone
1 load washed and 1 to be folded
Errands done (groceries, coal and a few other bits, card for party tomorrow) need to pick up present for 3 yr old *

Going outside now with DD to amuse the dog and will clean sitting room window and front door while we're out (destroyed by dog!)
Plans for today ( once feeling more human LOL) general tidy up, wash school uniforms, and sort thru some of the boxes in our bedroom.
We have a walk in cupboard in our room-full of boxes full of who knows what. We also have stuff lying around the room that really could go into the walk-in if there was room for it. SO yesterday i dragged a load of the boxes out and am going to sort thru them-hopefull making room to then be able to sort the rest of the room out. Sounds like a plan !!!!!
I'd hit a brick wall with everything lately, but I've woke up feeling much better today. I've been on the go-slow this morning, but after my coffee, here is the plan:

Take rubbish out
Do dishes
Make bed
Hoover downstairs
Change the cat litter
Shower and dress, and general beautification
Polish downstairs ornaments and furniture

My husband has arranged to finish work early and will be home at 3, so I want me and the house nice and fresh :)

I actually did all of this yesterday :)

Today is my first down day on JUDDD so I have allowed myself a sofa-day with hubby and our cat-son :)
Yeah me!

We have been members of a gym for about 6 months but until this week had not been for about 4 months. But this week I have done Aqua aerobics on Sunday, yoga on Monday, Tai Chi on Friday and I have just done 45 mins on the cross trainer and treadmill. I need to look at doing something on a Wednesday night going forward but this week I went bowling on Tuesday so that must count as it is a sport ;-)

Today is task day I need to return dresses to QVC or I will have to keep them, get new tires on my car or I might be breaking the law, pay in a cheque (a win on the premium bonds - unfortunately only £25), get washing and ironing up to date plus the weekly food shop. Being on LLL does cut down on the shopping but much to my OH's frustration I seem to agonise over food choices as I am eating so little I want what I will eat to be the nicest it can be.

I am so looking forward to being about to throw out lots of big clothes once I lose weight as I refuse to keep them and my OH is hoping to having his own space in our bedroom rather having to keep them in the spare room (even though I call it a dressing room that isn't really washing with him).
Personally I would be using the dressing room myself-a whole room for my stuff ?? Bliss????
Well dont on all that activity, hope you get all your tasks done.

Thanks to a collapsing bookcase in my daughter's room my plans now include a trip to ikea to get a new one, then no doubt I will also have to put it together. Would happen on the weekend that hubby isnt here LOL
Update on my tasks

Return dresses to QVC - done
New tires on my car - book car in for Tuesday
Pay in a cheque - done
Get washing - done
Ironing - will do Sunday
Food shopping - done

I also brought work home with me which I will have to do tomorrow but I got the fish tank cleaned by delegating it to my OH!
Minimel does it again!!! Whoop whoop love the who needs clutter post!!! And poor me is exactly it. Thanks mel it's given me a no clutter head.
Well as it's Sunday it's officially the start of the week I get my new bedroom! Mr Taz and I hatched a plan for filling the new wardrobes last night and it involves a lot more sorting out and sending a LOT more stuff to charity! That process will hopefully start next Sunday
woohoo Taz !! it's nearly here !!

I am hoping to get lots of sorting done on our room today. I was lying in bed looking at it this morning and realised that for all it looks bad-one of the worst rooms- it's actually going to be one of the easiest to sort-just need to actually put my words and thoughts into action instead of procrastinating all the time !!

Went nd got the new bookcase for DD2's room but havent put it togethr- DH is home tomorrow so I will mke use of him !!
I'd hit a brick wall with everything lately, but I've woke up feeling much better today. I've been on the go-slow this morning, but after my coffee, here is the plan:

Take rubbish out
Do dishes
Make bed
Hoover downstairs
Change the cat litter
Shower and dress, and general beautification
Polish downstairs ornaments and furniture

My husband has arranged to finish work early and will be home at 3, so I want me and the house nice and fresh :)

Good progress and motivation. Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but I have lots to do.