de-cluttering the home, as well as body & mind

My problem is not so much the distraction but the fact that unseen forces follow me around untidying while I tidy. Haha. Oh to live alone!
I have that too Bettie !!

So today's plans are shopping, tidy the lounge, finally get some of those clothes put away

MrB is going to put up my box shelves in the bedroom so I cant finally get my ornamants on them ( which will also mean another box empty and outa here:D)
Toot! Toot!

Mount washmore now more of a hill. Toys sorted and put away. Hoovered and dusted. Playroom half way complete ( I say that as the airer is still in there catching the benefit of the morning sun)
I'm actually making a dent in my paper work. It's so silly having so much laying around. I've started my bedroom, ran out of storage tubs so will buy some more and continue. Gosh it was so dusty under my bed eeek! I'm going to concentrate on paper work, shredding and bedroom. Then move onto something else. I have. Tendencies to flit from one room to he other never finishing anything.

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Snap on the dust under bed but mine is still there
I think even though we flit from room to room we are still 'flying' Things are still getting done :)

This morning I hoovered the girls room which rarely gets done as it gets napped in alot but i took the opportunity while they were having breakfast
Thats all today as I spent the day with my family in my parents house
Came home put a wash on and I'm off to bed now at this decent hour :))
I haven't been flying at all for just over a week now. I think I'll chip away at each room to tidy then jump back in to the daily tasks.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
Back from Edinburgh late yesterday afternoon.

I'm tackling Mount Washmore today! Unloaded the car, unpacked most things, quick tidied the house (as DS is NOT the best housekeeper) and will take all the wash to the base to dry all in one go. (A lot is drying in the airing cupboard and the whites are in our dryer).

DH and DS are both home today (American holiday) -- so, tomorrow I'll be ready to start flying again.

Are you actualy flylady mel???

LOL -- I wish. I'm working towards defeating C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). My house will never be "perfect" and I'll never be accused on being "House proud" but I can worked towards keeping things under control. I'll feel do better when I do.

I am the same i hate clutter but i also hate to be doing housework when everyone is in. So i tackle it when im alone Music blaring and im off . At the moment we have work being done to the outside of the house and have scaffold up,Its been there since October and i cant clean the outside of the windows and doors Its doing my head in !!!!! So i find myself out and about more but that means less housework getting done :( .Cant wait until its all finished and i can get cleaned up properly .

I'm so much the same -- I want everyone out when I'm working. We have lots of 1/2 done things that need to be sorted, as well.

Done the kids bedroom today You should have seen the crap that came out of there LOL they are now incased in a spotless room with all clean bedding under strict instructions not to mess it up ,Oh and when i was washing their rug my washing machine broke down :(

I went through DD's trousers and long sleeved tops, plus a chunk on her hanging rail when we were packing for our trip last week. Two big bags of clothes to pass along to smaller friends. I plan to go through the rest this weekend.

Today has been my errand running day, still ahve a few more to do.

HAlf term next week- I shall be playing catch up !!

I get very little done when the family is underfoot.

The bedroom is finished!!!! Now I just have to sort all the stuff back into it :sigh:

Yay! Remember what I said about putting things back by order of "importance".

I haven't been flyladying as such, but I have made a real effort to keep the house tidy. I had someone pop round the other day and the hubby always asks people in which is usually a bit embarrassing but not this time. Plus my folks are coming for a visit and all I've got to do is dust and clean the bathroom.
Feels good! :)

Yay! This is "the goal" -- to decrease stress by taking baby steps and then continuing.

School holidays this week so no wrok for me ( yay!!) and also means a concerted effort at home.
Today I'm going to get the uniforms all washed and out of the way.
Bit of pampering-the girls and I are off to the beauty salon shortly -holiday treat !!
Later we have a new bureau arriving which will need a slight move around in the lounge-but it will be good !! the bureau is to keep all my jewellery making stuff in which is currently spread all over the lounge-all good ??

If there's any spare time I will get some of the lean washing put away-lots of it upstairs !!

I saw the craft center on Facebook -- it looks awesome. Enjoy your time with your girls! Sounds lovely.

Last day in the bathroom thought I'd better get stuck in so as kids were having lunch I cleaned all the wall tiles, window sill, bath and floor *top tip* i used one of those flat floor mops to do the walls!! they just need to be shone now
Ran a couple of quick errands this morning Walked the dog
Thats more or less it today

The Germans use those mops to wash walls all over the house. They are very impressive how they flip those mops around like ninjas!

Some kind of madness prompted me to tackle cleaning the Oven ,I must make sure if i ever feel the need again that i have some kind of medication at hand LOL

I try to clean mine before Easter (Spring) and before Thanksgiving (Autumn).

I'm actually making a dent in my paper work. It's so silly having so much laying around. I've started my bedroom, ran out of storage tubs so will buy some more and continue. Gosh it was so dusty under my bed eeek! I'm going to concentrate on paper work, shredding and bedroom. Then move onto something else. I have. Tendencies to flit from one room to he other never finishing anything.

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The FlyLady suggests that you plan one day a month to focus on paperwork -- filing, shredding, "dealing with", etc.

Snap on the dust under bed but mine is still there
I think even though we flit from room to room we are still 'flying' Things are still getting done :)

This morning I hoovered the girls room which rarely gets done as it gets napped in alot but i took the opportunity while they were having breakfast
Thats all today as I spent the day with my family in my parents house
Came home put a wash on and I'm off to bed now at this decent hour :))

The bed at a decent hour is one thing I need to master (and getting dressed to the shoes).

I haven't been flying at all for just over a week now. I think I'll chip away at each room to tidy then jump back in to the daily tasks.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)

Baby steps!
Today is Monday: Weekly Home Blessing Hour

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Decluttering for 15 Minutes a Day

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)

* -Check Your Calendar

* -Check Your Control Journal

* What's For Dinner?

* Drink Your Water

* Declutter for 15 Minutes

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)

* Before Bed Routine:
* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
* -Check Your Calendar
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
* -Where are your Keys?
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
* -Shine Your Sink
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour


Zone 4: Mission #1 Monday

Today spend 15 minutes getting rid of anything that does not belong in your bedroom.
Things that have gotten thrown in a corner, on a chair or even the floor. The things that you almost
don't even see because they have just become part of the room, get it out! If it does not belong there
then out it goes!

This does not mean that you have to spend three hours in your bedroom, do what you can do for 15 minutes.
Today's Flight Plan

Today is Tuesday: Plan and Play Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Decluttering for 15 Minutes a Day

* Morning Routine:

* -Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
* - Make Bed
* -Swish & Swipe
* -Empty Dishwasher
* -Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)

* -Check Your Calendar

* -Check Your Control Journal

* What's For Dinner?

* Drink Your Water

* Declutter for 15 Minutes

* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise)

* Before Bed Routine:
* -Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
* -Check Your Calendar
* -Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
* -Where are your Keys?
* -Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
* -Shine Your Sink
* - Wash face/Brush Teeth
* -Go to Bed at a Decent Hour


Zone 4: Mission #2 Tuesday

Today is the day to attack the clothes pile. Now you all know what I am talking about. This pile is either on a chair, on top of the hamper, dresser or at the foot of your bed. Set your timer for 15 minutes and grab some hangers or start folding. While you are doing this do not hang up or fold something that you hate! This is the time to let it go!! If you do not love it, send it right out the door!

*not quite Flying, but I'm going to get back at it!

**grocery list made -- planning dinner and will sort the rest of the week's dinners today (I hope).

*** I sorted through DD's trousers and long sleeved tops when I was helping her pack for our 1/2 term trip. I let one friend sort through them already (and take what she wanted) and I plan to let a coupe of other smaller friend ago through them, then donate the rest to a preferred charity. Some are new with tags! Not going to hold on to "sell them" -- don't need the clutter. Out they go!
Haven't been well lately but managed a cleaning spree today with the help of my 4 & 2 year olds. We swept all downstairs, cleaned the windows & mirrors downstairs, dusted & polished, cleaned the fire place, emptied & reloaded dishwasher, moved laundry round (folded, in to dryer, new load I washer etc). Basically my kitchen, living room, powder room & entrance hall are all clean & tidy. The kids beds are made too.

I doubt I'll be doing zone missions for a wee while but its nice to keep on top of things & be company ready. The fact the kids know the routines too is good :)

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Laundry all dried and most folded. All suitcases emptied and most things put away -- still some laundry in dryer to fluff, fold and put away Also two loads from airing cupboard to fluff, fold and put away. One load drying in the airing cupboard.

Picked up bits for dinner - plan to get some ironing done tonight.
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Haven't been well lately but managed a cleaning spree today with the help of my 4 & 2 year olds. We swept all downstairs, cleaned the windows & mirrors downstairs, dusted & polished, cleaned the fire place, emptied & reloaded dishwasher, moved laundry round (folded, in to dryer, new load I washer etc). Basically my kitchen, living room, powder room & entrance hall are all clean & tidy. The kids beds are made too.

I doubt I'll be doing zone missions for a wee while but its nice to keep on top of things & be company ready. The fact the kids know the routines too is good :)

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)

Plus main bathroom cleaned. Not bad for one day.

My to do list though is: empty & reload the dishwasher again, change more laundry over, put it all away, vacuum upstairs landing & bedrooms, strip beds & wash, mop floors. I will have to spread this out though.

Sent from my new ARCHOS tablet :)
Still finishing up laundry, need to clean loos and kitchen, ironing still awaits, grocery shopping essential, dinner to sort, vacuuming needs doing... Motivation lacking.

Today's Flight Plan

Today is Wednesday: Anti-Procrastination Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Decluttering for 15 Minutes a Day

Zone 4: Mission #3 Wednesday

Wednesday is Anti-procrastination Day. We are going to straighten up the floor of your closet! No more putting this off!!!!

Do you think you have too many shoes? While you are lining up your shoes; pick two pair to give away or throw away. The next time you are looking for the pair of shoes that match your outfit, you will smile because you will be able to find them without getting down on your hands and knees. This will put another smile on your face and keep your hair from getting messed up!
Started sorting stuff back into the bedroom at the weekend and another 2 bin liners filled for the charity shop! The carpet went down on Monday and the bed will arrive tomorrow morning. Still more stuff to get out of storage and we think we may still need to go through the stuff we have already put away again and get rid of more. Lounge still a tip but some of that can't be moved til the bed is here so hopefully I can reclaim the lounge starting from tomorrow!
Started sorting stuff back into the bedroom at the weekend and another 2 bin liners filled for the charity shop! The carpet went down on Monday and the bed will arrive tomorrow morning. Still more stuff to get out of storage and we think we may still need to go through the stuff we have already put away again and get rid of more. Lounge still a tip but some of that can't be moved til the bed is here so hopefully I can reclaim the lounge starting from tomorrow!

Sounds like it's coming together!
Still finishing up laundry, need to clean loos and kitchen, ironing still awaits, grocery shopping essential, dinner to sort, vacuuming needs doing... Motivation lacking.

Today's Flight Plan

Today is Wednesday: Anti-Procrastination Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Decluttering for 15 Minutes a Day

Zone 4: Mission #3 Wednesday

Wednesday is Anti-procrastination Day. We are going to straighten up the floor of your closet! No more putting this off!!!!

Do you think you have too many shoes? While you are lining up your shoes; pick two pair to give away or throw away. The next time you are looking for the pair of shoes that match your outfit, you will smile because you will be able to find them without getting down on your hands and knees. This will put another smile on your face and keep your hair from getting messed up!

All folded laundry put away! :). Still more to be sorted - but I see the light the avalanche from Mount Washmore is decreasing! (Of course, the ironing basket is overflowing!)

DD's trundle bed sorted and tucked away! Duvet cover back on. Room vacuumed.
All upstairs waste baskets emptied.
All upstairs vacuumed.
En suite cleaned.
My sheets changed and room tidied.
Mirrored wardrobe doors, jewelry armoire and dresser mirror cleaned.

Anti-procrastination items so far: broken hook from bedroom door replaced. Batteries replaced in exercise bike and two clocks. Now watching borrowed DVD that I've had for ages whilst I have my first S & S product of the day.

I've decided that whilst I'm trying to lose -- I'm waiting until afternoon for my first product. Ive noticed that if I followed "The Skinny Rules" and have breakfast within one hour of getting up -- I eat more through the day. I'm hoping to SKINNY RULES, PRIMAL, SOUTH BEACH (all overlap) for maintenance.

Held off on grocery shopping -- in order to take DD with me. She needs to write down the prices of ingredients for her cupcake project -- then calculate how much each one cost to produce. We need to do this, make the evaluation form, make our "tweaked" product -- and get people to evaluate the three prototypes. Then, write it all up. We've got a good start.
Oh dear i seem to break into a sweat at just doing laundry and a quick run round with the hoover.You all seem like domestic goddesses LOL i can never decide weather im to busy or to lazy to do much housework.I am still recovering from the cleaning the oven episode .

I will need to do a big clean soon because the scaffold will be removed from the outside of the house in the next few days and i will NEED to clean all the windows and doors,Then i suppose i will see all the cobwebs and dust for the first time in months .There is a lot to be said for being in the dark :)
Oh dear i seem to break into a sweat at just doing laundry and a quick run round with the hoover.You all seem like domestic goddesses LOL i can never decide weather im to busy or to lazy to do much housework.I am still recovering from the cleaning the oven episode .

I will need to do a big clean soon because the scaffold will be removed from the outside of the house in the next few days and i will NEED to clean all the windows and doors,Then i suppose i will see all the cobwebs and dust for the first time in months .There is a lot to be said for being in the dark :)

Sounds like motivation! I have a window cleaner who does the outside (but he's not been for ages). I used to go around and do ALL inside after he'd been. I might try doing that -- but not the inside ones that hadn't been done done the previous visit. For example - today I'll clean my kitchen floor and do the inside window. I'll do the downstairs loo, too. I try to do the windows in most rooms at least once a month -- but there are four rooms I seem to never do. I need to get them on the "rota".
Today is Thursday: Errand Day

This week we are in Zone 4: The Master Bedroom

This month's Habit is: Decluttering for 15 Minutes a Day

Zone 4: Mission #4 Thursday

This week, we have been tackling clutter in our bedrooms. So, today we are going to clean off the nightstands!! Get the tissues, cups and stuff that has piled up, toss and put away. The grab a feather duster or dust rag and dust the surface. Place a pretty candle or picture there. Something that is new to that spot that you love to see.

Waking up and not seeing a pile of things on the nightstand and a pile of clothes will make your morning a little brighter!

******* BEDROOM *******

I'm going to wash and oil the wood in my bedroom. Clean the window (I did the mirrored wardrobe yesterday). I also vacuumed yesterday and changed the bed. Plus, put away the laundry (but there's always more of that). There is a small clothing pile -- but it's new jeans to be hemmed for DD. I need to measure, cut and pin -- so, those may have to wait until Saturday. I replaced the broken door hook yesterday. :) Our closets, drawers, shelves are in good order. I have a thimble box I've taken down -- that I need to decide where to place (maybe in DD's room, but she has little wall space). I have a little hook thing -- for jewelry that was a gift from a friend -- I might put that up today. I also have a project in my room that has been in there for ages. I think I'll try to finish that today. It's a bulletin board for DD's room.

****** ERRAND DAY ******

I MUST grocery shop. There other things -- but they may have to wait. I'm out tomorrow, so I might sort them then.

****** MY FLIGHT PLAN *****

Monday was an American holiday so DH was home. I need to earn to get on with my scheduled work when the boys are underfoot, but I don't. I have been trying to catch up ever since. So, I'll give the kitchen a tidy, the floor a mop, and do the best I can (the plumber is coming next Monday, so that'll throw me off again).