Dear Diary

Today's menu

Lunch - mushroom pasta with fresh mushrooms, zero noodles, coriander and chilli
Dinner - cod loin, with mac cheese topping and swede chips
Snack - chocolate coconut bar
Drinks - 2 ltrs water, tea with milk from allowance, coffee and coke zero.

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Didn't like the cod loin so swapped for 2 milk shakes in he end. Then ended up stealing some of my OH kebab. Really healthy!

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Today's menu

Breakfast - sweet porridge pack
Lunch - mushroom pasta pack with fresh mushrooms, zero noodles, coriander and chilli
Dinner - 170g cooked chicken and mixed lettuce, cucumber, spring onion and 2 tbsp garlic and herb dressing
Snack - chocolate shake with mousse powder
Drinks - tea with milk from allowance, caramel coffee, coke zero and 2 litres of water


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Need to vent and there is no better place than here. My husband hates wasting money and moans if I through food away. However, he turns up the heating so it's like a sauna and then swans around in a T-shirt. So frustrating. I don't like being cold, but hate to have it stuffy. I am so mad at him, it's money down the drain. I have threatened to take the knob off the thermostat so he can't do it anymore. I feel unreasonably angry with him and want to throw a bucket of icy water over him. I know it's this diet, sometimes it's like I have permanent PMT. I have had to go to bed so I don't fill up the bucket.

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Haha i HATE the mood swings. Me n bf were arguing last week and its the biggest argument we've ever had and I blame the diet for making it 10x worse than it should've been! Take the knob off... He'll just have to wear a jumper! My bf is a nightmare for throwing food however surely a load of bread is cheaper than an hours heating?! Not 100% moved bak with my mum so she does that all lol xxx I do know tho energy prices have risen alot!!

Hope your feeling better. I'm usually in a bad mood because I'm throwing a strop with myself because I can't have what food I want!!!! Lol!! And then OH takes the brunt of it!!!

What do you find the mousse powder like?! I'm thinking about getting some but I'm in two minds? Xxx

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Hope your feeling better. I'm usually in a bad mood because I'm throwing a strop with myself because I can't have what food I want!!!! Lol!! And then OH takes the brunt of it!!!

What do you find the mousse powder like?! I'm thinking about getting some but I'm in two minds? Xxx

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I find it ok makes the shakes a bit different. I either use a little bit with loads of crushed ice then blend to an ice cream, or just as mousse. I can drink the shakes as I don't feel like I have had a meal and then want to eat. Also I replace my daily bar with a mousse shake to cutdown on those.

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I find it ok makes the shakes a bit different. I either use a little bit with loads of crushed ice then blend to an ice cream, or just as mousse. I can drink the shakes as I don't feel like I have had a meal and then want to eat. Also I replace my daily bar with a mousse shake to cutdown on those.

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Ooo ok I might try it then .... I can't drink the shakes as find it hard to get down me!! Not a shakes person lol! But was thinking if I could make a mousse and have as pudding instead of a bar like you said. Xxx

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Lunch - mushroom pasta
Dinner - mushroom and red onion two egg omelet, with lettuce
Snack - crispy vanilla shake x 2 made with mousse mix
Drinks - 2 litres water, caramel coffee, coke zero and tea with milk from allowance.

Yippee, I have mingled 100%!!!

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Morning everyone. I had two shakes together before I went to bed last night and now I feel hungry this morning. Perhaps that's not such a good idea and I should save them out better. At the moment I have my firsts pack at 2 in the afternoon, dinner at 7pm and ten a snack of 2 packs at 9pm. On the days I go to the gym I have my first pack a lot earlier at about 8 am and then only one pack last thing at night. That is probably better.

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Hey msJMC, defo think its cus I been stressing about the bf as I've not had it today and were now seen to be ok... Luckily my mums a nurse soo if it gets too bad ill be getting checked out. Xx
How are you now , hope everythings well , had a bit of a diet break , and needing to get back to it

Lunch - mushroom soup pack
Dinner - 3 large mushrooms with curry pack, coriander and chillies
Snack - crispy chocolate shake x2 with mouse mix, half slice roast beef, pack chewing gum
Drinks - 2 litres water, coke zero, caramel coffee and tea with milk from allowance


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I've had a bit of a lapse today although I have managed to keep it all protein.

Breakfast - cafe latte shake
Lunch - ham salad and 6 baby bel light [bad]
Dinner - to be determined.

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Ended up being really bad and ate half a large donna kebab, meat and rd cabbage only.

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Not only did I fall off the wagon yesterday, I dived off it. From having a soup at 2 pm, I then went on to have 1/2 an extra large bar of galaxy, a meat only kebab and then a whole pack of cashew nuts. I think some of this was because I was freezing yesterday, although the heating was full blast. Today I feel like I have a hangover. I am off to the gym later and I am going to spread my packs evenly throughout the day, as saving three for the evening is obviously not working. I well report back later on how my day has gone.
yes bet your cold on vlcd ..... keep hot water bottle up your jumper lol
Had a massive blip this weekend, but I am definitely going back on plan on Monday. I hope I can turn it around and manage a sts on Thursday. I will probably have to face carb withdrawal again as binged on fatty foods and sweets. I am going to set sum small goals to help along the way

1st goal to lose 21lbs by end of January target weight 210 lbs

2nd goal to lose 10 lbs by end of February target weight 200 lbs

3rd goal to lose 15 lbs by end of March target weight 185 lbs

4th goal to lose 10 lbs by end of May target weight 175 lbs

5th goal to lose 15 lbs by end of June target weight 160 lbs

6th goal to lose 10 lbs by end July target weight 150 lbs

7th goal to lose 10 lbs by end of August to reach final target of 140 lbs.

It seems so much easier in my head to focus on each small goal than the big picture, which is so overwhelming.

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I have massively fallen off the wagon this weekend. Why is it that when I have a blip I see it as an excuse to shovel as much food into my body as possible. I am not going to weigh myself till Thursday and the best I can hope for is to stay the same. Today I am back on track with a vengeance.

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Hi , do you think because it was the weekend it happened ?
how do you feel for getting back
Hi , do you think because it was the weekend it happened ?
how do you feel for getting back

Hi MsJMC. How are you? I think I flaked because of the coke weather. It started Friday afternoon when I was incredibly cold, even though I had the heating on full and was lying covered in blankets on the sofa. I have eaten so much junk since then including lots of sweets and a Chinese takeaway. I am glad to be restarting today as all that food has made me feel rubbish. I just hope I get back to ketosis quickly after for all them carbs.

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