Debridgers' Food Diary & Ramblings

Hey Boo, et el

Sorry not been around... I'm OK, been busy, and found I needed a break from one has hacked me off or anything, but it was beginning to interfere with other things, so have taken a shory break... only on here, still following plan, had a small hiccup a couple of weeks ago, but it was well deserved, problem with not working means it's easier to go out more often, that week I had an evening meal out, a couple of lunchtime and evening beer sessions, and also a eating & drinking afternoon & evening (followed by a Chinese on the way home) as a small reunion from my last job... and it was the day before WI !! So a well deserved gain, the week before however, was a small 0.5lb gain which wasn't deserved, and I wasn't too happy with, but Ken kindly reminded me that it was a gain of a small steak, and it was TOTM so don't worry about it..

so, a small 0.5 gain, followed by a deserved 1.5lb gain, but, as always, stuck to plan and fast days, and lost 2lb, then 3lb this week
That gave me SOTW, my 3st award (since August - which is 4st since I started Jan 2011), and I'm now under 10st... the first time since I was in school!!!! Woo Hoo, I'm well happy, and feeling pretty bright.

On other things, Ken is now fighting fit again, we've emptied, dismantled, repaired, treated and relocated the shed, electrics have been done, so I can now use my big freezer, Ken has made a giant pub garden table for me - when I say's 6' x 3'... and comes up to my waist, if I sit completely upright, my feet dangle !!

We've been out & about, seen friends and family,had some to stay.
I've completely cleaned & scrubbed the caravan, so we're ready to roll when we feel like it.
I'm keeping my eyes open for a job, but not really, pushing it yet.

Should be out on the bikes soon, especially if this fab weather maintains.

Now I've written it, it doesn't look like 3 weeks missing lol

Anyhow, I'll be catching up on the threads, will catch-up soon, meantime have a gteat bank holiday weekend, have fun
Deb x
WK39 / Fri 03May - EE

Well, what fabulous weather, a couple of washes done & on the line....
Always feel better when the sun is shining :character00238:

Didn't do a lot, a little housework and washing, but mainly sat in the garden reading and drinking coffee
Of course, Friday night = pub night :)
A lovely days food too

Breakfast: fruit
apple, banana

Lunch: SW quiche // fruit
2x mini SW quiche (eggs, ff cottage cheese, mixed peppers, onions, tomatoes) // grapes

Dinner: Sausage & mash
3x Joes Lincolnshire sausages, mash (potatoes, onion, butter buds(0.5)), spring greens, thick gravy (3.5)

Well, all I can say is WOW ... a girl at group ordered from Joes sausages, they were lovely, far, far better than any of the other low fat ones I've had before,
She brought them in Thursday and most of us that ordered have already eaten them Thurs or Fri... pretty sure there'll be another order soon.

Nice evening at the pub, I'm getting some lovely positive comments these days - I'm gonna need a neckbrace soon lol

Supper: post-pub platter
smoked salmon, 40g rf cheddar (HEA), 3x seedy ryvita (HEB), mixed peppers, tomato,cucumber, 2xmini SW quiche, gherkins, red cabbage, pickled onions

HEA x1 // HEB x1
gravy - 3.5
butterbuds - 0.5
5 pints cider - 50
Total daily syns: 54
Total weekly syns: 54/100
WK39 / Sat 04May - EE

OK....Who pulled the plug on the sunshine eh??, what a poxy, miserable day - we had torrential rain at times, almost monsson like, and hail - where did that come from? mind at least it should be good tomorrow and even better Monday (if the forecasters are correct

not done a huge amount today, didn't et up until about 10, my leg/lower back is still giving me grief, and the weather was oh so uninspiring.

On a positive, our days food has been quite tasty, well, actually thoroughly enjoyable.

Brunch: cooked brekkie
bubble (mashed potato, onion, butter buds (0.5) spring greens), poached eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes

I would say gotta love leftovers, but I purposely cooked extra last night with this in mind... don't normally plan that well lol

Dinner: pulled pork with BBQish sauce, chips & salad
pork, SW chips, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, radish, mixed peppers, beetroot
(sauce made with passata, worcestershire sauce, oxo, BBQ seasoning, chilli flakes, paprika and balsamic vinegar

was a much better sauce than before, have frozen some, think it will be lovely with rice & chicken... Ken loved it, and defo wants it again.

Well, we were going to pop to a local pub this evening, so I saved my HEX's for supper, but we didn't go out in the end, as we might be out on Monday - couldn't afford to go out Fri/Sat & Mon - either financially or synwise

Supper (in bed): hot chocolate and cereal bar
250ml semi-skim milk (HEA), highlights (2) 2x RR hi-fi lights (HEB)

HEA x1 // HEB x1
butterbuds - 0.5
highlights - 2
Total daily syns: 2.5
Total weekly syns: 56.5/100
WK39 / Sat 04May - EE

OK....Who pulled the plug on the sunshine eh??, what a poxy, miserable day - we had torrential rain at times, almost monsson like, and hail - where did that come from? mind at least it should be good tomorrow and even better Monday (if the forecasters are correct

not done a huge amount today, didn't et up until about 10, my leg/lower back is still giving me grief, and the weather was oh so uninspiring.

On a positive, our days food has been quite tasty, well, actually thoroughly enjoyable.

Brunch: cooked brekkie
bubble (mashed potato, onion, butter buds (0.5) spring greens), poached eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes

I would say gotta love leftovers, but I purposely cooked extra last night with this in mind... don't normally plan that well lol

Dinner: pulled pork with BBQish sauce, chips & salad
pork, SW chips, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, radish, mixed peppers, beetroot
(sauce made with passata, worcestershire sauce, oxo, BBQ seasoning, chilli flakes, paprika and balsamic vinegar

was a much better sauce than before, have frozen some, think it will be lovely with rice & chicken... Ken loved it, and defo wants it again.

Well, we were going to pop to a local pub this evening, so I saved my HEX's for supper, but we didn't go out in the end, as we might be out on Monday - couldn't afford to go out Fri/Sat & Mon - either financially or synwise

Supper (in bed): hot chocolate and cereal bar
250ml semi-skim milk (HEA), highlights (2) 2x RR hi-fi lights (HEB)

HEA x1 // HEB x1
butterbuds - 0.5
highlights - 2
Total daily syns: 2.5
Total weekly syns: 56.5/100

Tell me about it when I walked to work it was just awful...x
WK39 / Sun 05May - DD
Black coffee, diet soft drinks

One of those days, wanted to spend some time in the garden, but ended up doing chores indoors instead - Ken was out all day, so thought it was a good use of time instead of sitting on my bum all day ;-)
WK39 / Mon 06May

Well, another beautiful day by the looks of it, however we're going out today, taking Kens granddaughter Nicole, her partner Dale and their littleun Logan to the pub for lunch. They've arranged a bank holiday family afternoon, live music, BBQ, etc in the beer garden.
Ken owes Dale a favour for plastering a wall the other week, they're both really fussy foodwise so taking them out for dinner might be a bit awkward, so I suggested today, then they also didn't need a babysitter...

Was up early, coffee in bed around 0500,
Just deciding on a good, big, filling breakfast to enable me to avoid the BBQ, as I expect it to be sausages & burgers only.
Got some chicken out of the freezer for later... So, hopefully, knowing I have 50 syns to play with, I'll be on track this week

Have a good day all, enjoy the sun
WK39 / Mon 06May

Well, another beautiful day by the looks of it, however we're going out today, taking Kens granddaughter Nicole, her partner Dale and their littleun Logan to the pub for lunch. They've arranged a bank holiday family afternoon, live music, BBQ, etc in the beer garden.
Ken owes Dale a favour for plastering a wall the other week, they're both really fussy foodwise so taking them out for dinner might be a bit awkward, so I suggested today, then they also didn't need a babysitter...

Was up early, coffee in bed around 0500,
Just deciding on a good, big, filling breakfast to enable me to avoid the BBQ, as I expect it to be sausages & burgers only.
Got some chicken out of the freezer for later... So, hopefully, knowing I have 50 syns to play with, I'll be on track this week

Have a good day all, enjoy the sun

How do you manage a dd on a Sunday its one of my worst days? X
sleepytimesadie said:
How do you manage a dd on a Sunday its one of my worst days? X

Actually, not too bad
When I first started, Ken & I would go to the pub Friday, I'd cook Saturday, so Sunday seemed ideal, as I would normally only do us breakfast...
Once I'm at target, I may drop my Sunday fast and stick to Tues & Thurs or, I may up my syns & HE's - not sure yet
Actually, not too bad
When I first started, Ken & I would go to the pub Friday, I'd cook Saturday, so Sunday seemed ideal, as I would normally only do us breakfast...
Once I'm at target, I may drop my Sunday fast and stick to Tues & Thurs or, I may up my syns & HE's - not sure yet

Sounds like a plan... I have just decided to go with the flow some days I am hungry some days not I think its about balancing it out by green days when I am and ee when not... X
Yeah, everyone says its the maintaining that is the biggest battle, although starting is difficult you get into such a swing you can lose with the right effort, it's just knowing how to keep it on the level

It is harder than I thought it would be, I thought, as you do, that getting to target was everything but then you realise actually the journey isn't at the end... You have to keep your eye on the prize if you know what I mean...xx
A quick update, food and general goings on

WK39 / Mon 06May - Red

Started off well, food wise totally fine...however, the cool cider in the beer garden was not quite so good, I thought I'd had 5 or 6, Ken on the otherhand, whom was driving, said it was more like 8 or 9... OH DEAR!!! As I say, food was fine

Breakfast: cooked brekkie
Poached egg, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes

Lunch: pulled pork sandwich
3x400g wholemeal (HEB 1 & part 2), pulled pork, ff fromage frais, cucumber

I ate one slice before we went out, then put a sarnie in the car incase needed to avoid the BBQ at the pub
So, my sarnie was munched, and I refused the burgers & sausages in rolls, and the chips

Poor little Logan had a fall, and cut his head, thankfully after a trip to A&E, and a few sticky butterfly stitches he's fine.

Snack: alpen light (part HEB)

Dinner: easy cook chicken throw together (as I was half cut!)
chicken, onion, tomato (Ken had rice with his)

up to bed, and I had 2 lindor chocolate balls (8)

HEA xNIL // HEB x2
9 pints cider - 90 bit of a guess, and possibly over estimated, but probably not
chocolate - 8
daily syns: 98
weekly syns 154.5/100 OOOOPS!!

ah well, no more syns for the rest of the week, and a couple of DD so fingers crossed

WK39 / Tue 07May - DD
black coffee

bit of pottering around, and the grocery shop - pretty quiet day