Deb's Return to Cambridge Journey

Hi Deb just noticed your 13lbs weight loss that is absolutely fantastic :) :) you should be very proud of yourself. What day was your weigh in there is nothing about it in your diary. You deserve it with a 100% week. Keep up the good work PinkyJ xxx
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Thanks PinkyJ, weigh in day is Monday and for the first time in a loooooong time I had a wee spring in my step and no Monday morning blues!

How you doing this week?
Lost track of my days a bit (quick count on fingers!) - am on day 10! OMG, day 10 already!

All still going well, not tempted by food at all, have cooked for my son a few times now and havent even licked a spoon! Cut up garlic bread for him last night and had garlic butter on my fingers - I went and washed my hands without even thinking about licking my fingers first - unheard of!!!

Had a wee boost last night at my mum and dads. My mum has MS and early onset dementia so has carers in when my dad is at work. We're all really close to the carers as they spend so much time in my mum and dads house and one of them was still there when i popped in after work yesterday. Havent seen her since I started CD and she isnt aware that I'm on a diet but she asked if I'd lost weight. Was so chuffed - laughed it off and said not enough that anyone would notice but she insisted that she could so I felt on top if the world!! Will be even happier when I start to see it myself!

Just made up a vanilla shake for my lunch and had a bit of a messy accident! Hate mixing my shakes at work but only like the choc tetra and get fed up having choc every day for lunch so i got one of the cambridge whisk things and have been mixing my shakes at my desk this week - colleagues near me know that I am doing CD - but not those across the office (open plan - quite big!). So, here's me trying to be all secretive with my noisey whisk, office quite quiet today, so decided to sit my glass on the floor at the side of me and whisk away - all going fine til I lifted the whisk out without switching it off and splattered vanilla shake all up my legs!

Thankfully have a skirt and sandals on today but still, vanilla shake dripping down my leg is not a good look. Girl behind me is still p***ing herself at me! Ah well, at least i entertain!

Well, busy busy so better get back to it. Day 11 here I come.
:D:D:D That is soo funny Debs. I can just imagine the scene.
What do you do as a job in the office?
You are doing so well with not even licking the spoon I wish I had your will power. I have been hungry today but its prob cause I've not drunk enough water:sigh:.
Cooking kids dinner now and my mouth is watering as ever.
Keep up the good work girl nad those carers will be noticing more and more PinkyJ xxx
you're doing really well. i think food is such an emotive problem in some and i'm one. if i'm stresed, depressed i head for the 'nice' food for comfort. when i'm ok i'm not bothered about food. your whisk jobbie sounds fun, whoops bout getting it everywhere. why not get a shaker thing from your cdc. i remember first time round on CD and i went out for the day and didn't have any tetras or bars so i took a soup with me and had to get a cup of boiling water and then try hard to mix the soup in. it was a bit lumpy but i suppose it all goes down the hatch at the end of the day.
PinkyJay;2705856. What do you do as a job in the office? [/QUOTE said:
Am an auditor with a financial services firm. And no, its acutally not as dull as it sounds - lol!!
i remember first time round on CD and i went out for the day and didn't have any tetras or bars so i took a soup with me and had to get a cup of boiling water and then try hard to mix the soup in. it was a bit lumpy but i suppose it all goes down the hatch at the end of the day.

Haha, that made me laugh great things. I sometimes think the lumps are a bonus - something to chew on!!
Sure your job isn't boring lol :D
Well so much for a daily diary to keep me on track, 2 weeks in and i'm already failing on the diary front!

So, here I am at day 14 now and despite thinking about food quite a lot - possibly cos I havent had so much of a lick of it in 2 weeks - i have been absolutely 100% for 14 days - wow, have impressed even myself! The food thoughts are being significantly worsened by the fact that I'm sitting here watching Come Dine With Me - am I stupid or what!! haha!!

So, its been a good CD week and also a good week in the start of sorting out my bigger picture. I went to see my gp on Friday, bubbled like an idiot and kind of threw everything at him (just verbally though!). He thinks I definitely need to work through the things that happened with my ex-h and is referring my to a counsellor who specialises in that sort of thing. Am dreading it, but I know I need to do it now or I'll never do it.

So - tomorrow will be weigh in number 2 and i'm quite excited - have been on my scales and have a rough idea what i've lost so if the official weigh in tomorrow is the same, or anything like it, I'll be a happy bunny!

Struggled a bit with water this weekend - am bored bored bored with water but at least I can get some water flavourings from my cdc next week.

Oh, and i bought a bike on Friday! Need to get some exercise and I am not in the least bit interested in the gym - shudder - so my son convinced me to invest in a mountain bike and he's going to take me out cycling and encourage me to get fit - think thats a good idea, in principle, but I am a lazy moo and hate exercise! Pick the bike up tomorrow afternoon so if its dry on Tuesday I'll give it a go!
good for you buying a bike, i have a very unused gym membership which i intend to pick up again after a few weeks on exante.

Counselling is definately for the best, look forward to hearing your weigh in results and good luck! x
Hi Debs congratualtions on reaching day 14 especially at100% secondly congrats on buying a bike and good luck on starting to ride I'm sure with your determination you will " get on your bike " sorry that wasn't that funny . Comedian I am not.
Not got a weigh in Tomoz as CDC is on hols. Good luck with yours
can't weight I mean wait to find out.
It's good you're going to tackle the past with counselling but go careful things may be tough at first and it can sometimes take time . Saying that you sound like you are definitely in the right mind set to tackle it. You sound a very determined woman.
Hey teamie :)

Blooming hell how did I mange to miss ur diary???

Day 14, well nearly 15, time flies when your having fun ;)

Good luck for weigh in, can't wait to hear how u got on!
Well what's the loss then waiting eagerly to find out x
Very quick day 15 diary entry - have struggled big time today - havent wanted to drink water, shakes have given me the boak (sorry for choice of words!!) and i've felt like preverbial brown stuff! However - my week 2 weigh in was a shocker - 10lbs off! Cant believe it - 23lbs in 2 weeks - am totally gobsmacked! If I could just get another wee 5 off that'll be my first 2 stone off and that would be fab!

Have also lost 8 inches in total - 2 each off my waist, hips and bust and 1 each off my upper arms and thighs - all good :D
Wow knock me down with a pink feather. What a super loss well done Hun. That must have made your day better. Today's rubbish feeling will soon pass and you'll soon be feeling tickerty boo again. PinkyJ xxx
Well done deb - thats so fantastic hun xxxx
Thanks guys, was really chuffed and still am but am feeling absolutely awful just now - I feel sick all the time and cant face my CD "meals" at all - havent had any (or anything else for that matter!) for 2 days now and just cannot stomach a shake or a soup - am a bit worried cos am gonna get hungry soon and really dont want to eat food but couldnt possibly even force a shake down at the moment - might give my cdc a phone for a chat and some advice. have only drank about 1.5 litres of water today - even thats not going down well.

Sorry for being a whinger :cry: