Determined to be foxy 42 by 2014! Want to join me?

A strange day. Went shopping after work for Sw friendly food.

Today I eat:

Mushroom omelette & cauldron lincs sausages
4 bear rolls
Waitrose veg sushi rice rolls
2 pieces 400g whole meal bread
4 laughing cow blue cheese triangles
Apple and grapes.

Felt full up today so lighter dinner but now am having all my syns on treats for a change. Skips, curly wurly. Yummy!! I deserve these for being good for 3 weeks. Reminds me that the plan is good, you can eat lots and not be hungry and have treats. Makes a stingy loss seem bearable!!!
hi michelle, found you at last!

had a quick read of your diary, just wondering if any of the "free" foods you mention could be doin you any harm that you dont realise? (i dont really know anything about syns etc)

i eat low carb but dont go in for the full atkins feel-free-to-eat-five-fry-ups a day mentality. i still keep an eye on my total energy (calories) in and out, cause if i go overboard i just stall.
Hello! glad you found me and my ramblings!!

its a good point re free foods. They are meant to be unlimited and the guideline is to fill up on them but not go mad. I've limited portions much more than I have before. It does work for me as lost 3.5 stone doing it about 6 years ago but I have queried recently how having a really heavy pasta meal for example with veggie mince and very high calorie levels can lose weight. I am going to gauge how next week goes before I start rethinking!!
Jeezo... pasta is free??? To me it's the devil- I dont really get the logic there. Plus pasta is so moreish (to me at least) that I can eat a large portion and then be poking around in the pot 20 mins later.
Yep and rice. some people gorge and lose loads but I find it tough and dont get big losses hence having to be 100% every day!! One thing in common with nearly every Sw diary on here is that everyone gets really bloated. The food is designed to fill you up to minimise amount you eat but you get like a balloon because let's face it we are on here because we eat over the top so will we stop cause we're full??!! Haha nope!! You can eat good amounts & it's fairly normal food so once you lose transition to normal eating is minimal. You just have to weigh up whether a lot of food compensates for teeny losses. Really tricky! How are things with you? Keeping off the devils elixir ? I'm still dry in 2013!!!
Only had drinks on saturday... but I decided to have vodka instead of wine to minimise the carbs- not a good idea. Gave me a hangover and had more calories than the wine would have. Hhhmmmmfff!

It sounds like my diet is the opposite of yours- I never bloat apart from totm and our logic is that when you eat high fat foods you naturally eat less. I have a massive appetite and this does work for me to an extent. Losses are slow at the mo, just need to stick with it. X
what is your diet name feet face? I may have to consider a cal controlled one if this doesn't work out! Off to gym now byeeee
i'm smug: i did my gymming at lunch time!- so much easier, me and my colleague just go together.

my diet doesn't really have a name, its a mongrel: it started with atkins and then moved towards paleo (which is short for paleolithic- meaning the caveman diet, if a caveman couldnt have got their hands on it, dont eat it)... so no processed stuff- like pasta, flour, sugar. paleo folk believe (and science pretty much agrees, although doctors havent caught up yet) that all the goodness has been removed by the bleaching and stomping and chemical battering that processing involves.

so , while i'm low carb (atkins) i also watch my total calories in-calories out and i eat "clean".
good things: on this kind of diet, i eat roughly 1800- 2000 calories a day and still lose, it has reduced my appetite because my blood sugars dont shoot up and down resulting in cravings and mindless munching.
this is what i ate today:
B: coffee with 1tbsp double cream, 2 srambled eggs with 20g cheddar and 20g butter.
Snack: coffee with 1 tbsp double cream (i'm a coffee maniac!) pepsi max
Lunch: salad (lettuce, spring onion, cucumber, cherry tomatoes) with wafer thin ham, cheese, smoked sausage (all 25g ish) and 3 tbsps of full fat mayo. can diet irn bru
Dinner: lemon chicken: 125g chicken breast, red peppers, butter, lemon juice with 125g sprouts

and i'll probably have a snack later (couple of squares dark choc and a cup of tea with cream)

that amounts to about 1700 calories comprising: 118g fat, 34g carbs, 77g protein and is a pretty typical day.

bad points: its expensive and folk in your life think you're nuts! you also spend a lot of time in restaurants saying "can i have vegetables instead of rice/pasta/chips please".. and then they think you're nuts!
Oh no the mirrors are so cruel - damn you Bannatynes. In I walk, not that up for it but glad to have made the effort when -horror- only the treadmills at the front are free & they are in front of a mirror. Holy moly. In my mind when I'm doing my jog, walk, jog, walk for 3 km I look ok - all fit and committed and perky, but oh dear, the reality is soooooomething else. The width of me!!! I hadn't realised quite how broad I am - and the boobs. I have the strongest sports bra on but I still move kerbumph kerbumph kerbumph. Also it feels like I'm borderline sprinting but the treadmill is actually going soooooo slooooowly. I won't give up but boy it was a reality check. Home now lounging about to have dins.

Feet face the diet sounds good & very sensible. I totally agree re processed foods & do prefer things au naturel! Also not dull or too restrictive which are usually the killers.
lol!!!! yep: nothing surer to cut a workout short than the old full-lengther!!

aye, i feel like the way i eat will just be the way i eat forever- i'll just let go on the booze a little and have another snack or dessert. if you decide to change at any point, just give me a shout.

right i'm off to have a blether to myself on my own diary. see ya!
If I don't lose the balance of the universe is skewed & life most definitely isn't fair!! What you said reminded me of when I'd weigh at Sw. First few weeks all gung ho: 'I'm going to wear normal stuff - jeans, jumper etc' by 3 rd week on go lighter trousers and t shirt, by 5th week I'm wearing summer dress with leggings, by 8th week all earrings, hair bands, rings and necklaces taken off , by week 10 all of the above & working out for an hour before weigh in as well as breathing out when on scales to get oxygen out of lungs (obviously having visited loo many times before the class). This is not a joke. I've done all this. Am I mad??!

No, you are not mad. Well, maybe...but you are def not alone in your madness, lol.

And RawrGirl can TOTALLY relate to the horrible mirror/treadmill thing. That combination must have been demonically inspired.
Yes like size 18 skinny jeans, mirrors an workouts do not go together!

Feeling a bit wobbly today, anxiety is getting to me a bit but I will push on through and won't let it spoil my diet success. A hard work thing happening tomorrow and that's probably the cause although I'm always a bit off balance in jan and feb.

Hungry today for the first time in ages. Consciously eat less and it's clearly had an effect. Right, Zumba wii now to lift my dangerously grey mood.
Grey mood has brightened to a bright pink and silver!

I'm sooo naughty! Am snuggling under duvet for a little kip. Went to London today as had to give evidence at a grievance meeting. I was under scrutiny & so all a bit nerve wracking so didn't get good kip last night & have a bit of a headache so have come straight home rather than return to the office for a kip- but first a hot diet Ribena & a minimins catch up.

Food today- raspberries and third of large pot of 2% total(1syn)
Coffee (hexa)
Jacket pot with beans and salad (only 2 slices Tom and 8 strands rocket but allowed 2 for dressing)
Snack of roasted chickpeas with cayenne
Dinner will be an attempt at a dhansak I found on this site with a couple of poppadums (5) and mint raita made with 0% total and mint and cucumber and onion. Not sure what to have in dhansak - but may be blocks of dry fried tofu or just a mixture of veg. Giving quorn a break for a day as it doesn't agree with me if I eat it too many times. I will have something nice afterwards - 0.5 syn jelly pot and a fudge maybe (5).
Ooooh hungry now. Have a great Friday night all xx
Looks bloody great! Really in the mood for yummy comfort food.

Lovely lie in - trying to think about going for a walk! Buying an iPad today so very excited. Everyone gave me vouchers for my birthday which gave me £300 so just have to pay the balance!

Realised as I lounged in bed drinking coffee that my 'holiday clothes' drawer is stuffed with chocs me and he got for Xmas but didn't get round to eating. 1 box Lindt chocs, 1 box m&s chocs (very big) , 1 packet m&s carrot cake cookies, 1 bag pear drops, 1 box of those biscuit sticks with choc on end, 2 bars aldi chocolate (love aldi choceur). Not at all tempted ... Yet! We are planning to get them out when we have guests so they eat them. I've suggested giving to charity but he wants them. ( stingy)! One day they will call me but so far am strong thanks to lous 100% for 100 days which keeps me on straight and narrow as obsessed with not deviating! (25 days 100% so far - 1/4 way there ).

Ok must go but just to say as I'm studying wildlife conservation I feel it's only right to let you know it's the rspb big bird watch this weekend and if you can spare ten mins to do it that would be great. Ta ra off to count birds and walk to the sea! Xx
You are soooo brave having all that chocky and nom in your drawer - I would have killed it by now and be at least 2 stone heavier!'re doing so well all these days being 100% you really deserve this mate :)

I got an iPad last October. At first I hated it to be honest that's only because I had been used to my iPhone and used that for everything Internet concerned but now I'd think I'd probably die if my iPad broke more so because I no longer have a iPhone because it went to the mobile heaven, think it died of neglect and jealousy :D.

Well we have 6 inches of snow to contend with here (so much for the light snow flurries that where predicted) Ive got so much to do and feel if I don't plan the rest of this afternoon more wisely I'm going to end up starving and eating crisps and crap, it's 1pm already and all I've managed to grab is a muller light and I'm hiding in the bathroom sitting on the loo typing this (tmi sorry):p . Hope you have a good day by the sea :) say hello to the birdies for me xxx
Ooh I'm on the iPad now.such lovely big keys!! For dins I made meat free mince with tin mixed veg, toms & passata, rosemary, oregano & garlic topped with sliced pots with 2 hexas of cheese. Mmmmmmm- mmmmmmm! Really scrumptious. Just before wolfing this down did 2 Zumba wii classes. Feel quite good. Missed out quorn for 2 days and bloated feeling gone so going to limit it. My team let me down bigtime. I put on a bet for them to finish top 6 (yes it was long odds!!) but they are sliding down the table faster than haribo down my gullet and believe me that's fast. Went to see my nan (92 next week she looks great). did the bird count but of course as soon as they know they are being monitored they all disappear?! Now time to reeeeelax by watching a good film. Hope everyone had a good day. X