Determined to be foxy 42 by 2014! Want to join me?

Started the day ok.

Fruit salad with Greek 0% yogurt. Coffee with hexa milk
Off to hrs wisley to the butterfly house - let's hope they do jackets in the cafe!
Right rest of sat not so angelic: Boiled rice, mush chow mein (allowed 8), stir fry veg no sauce (allowed 3) 2 bits of cake (20) 2 large glasses red (17) I did 30 ds. Walked loads at wisley. Total syns - 53 soooo... Had unused ones from rest of week (27) sat which leaves 26 excess to be balanced over next 2 days however as at in laws today there will be only minimal syn clawback possible!!!

Today - Sunday

Watermelon & pineapple
Salad. Sweet fire beetroot. Quorn roast fillets (0.5), 75g Philly light (a), 5 Finn crisp (wholemeal) (b), carrot batons. Half veggie burger (felt had to have as mother in law had cooked piles of vegetable burgers and veggie kievs and no one had any so felt bad - don't even like them) (3.5)

5 more Finn crisp (b)

More carrot batons

Salad. Tofu. 1 tbsp chilli sauce (3)
Quark. 2 tsps lemon curd (2)

Syns -9 : 6 off total=20 excess (oops)- so sat will have to be my first flexible syns day of the plan. Not bad after 7 weeks and in a weekend of 2 birthdays in 2 days. Today she brought out tiramisu, choc cake & arctic cake and I didn't have any!!

Did 30 ds.

Not really disappointed. Really enjoyed my first wine of 2013 with my best friends from school. I hope I don't gain but not worried about a loss!

Hope everyone had a good weekend?
Right rest of sat not so angelic: Boiled rice, mush chow mein (allowed 8), stir fry veg no sauce (allowed 3) 2 bits of cake (20) 2 large glasses red (17) I did 30 ds. Walked loads at wisley. Total syns - 53 soooo... Had unused ones from rest of week (27) sat which leaves 26 excess to be balanced over next 2 days however as at in laws today there will be only minimal syn clawback possible!!!

Today - Sunday

Watermelon & pineapple
Salad. Sweet fire beetroot. Quorn roast fillets (0.5), 75g Philly light (a), 5 Finn crisp (wholemeal) (b), carrot batons. Half veggie burger (felt had to have as mother in law had cooked piles of vegetable burgers and veggie kievs and no one had any so felt bad - don't even like them) (3.5)

5 more Finn crisp (b)

More carrot batons

Salad. Tofu. 1 tbsp chilli sauce (3)
Quark. 2 tsps lemon curd (2)

Syns -9 : 6 off total=20 excess (oops)- so sat will have to be my first flexible syns day of the plan. Not bad after 7 weeks and in a weekend of 2 birthdays in 2 days. Today she brought out tiramisu, choc cake & arctic cake and I didn't have any!!

Did 30 ds.

Not really disappointed. Really enjoyed my first wine of 2013 with my best friends from school. I hope I don't gain but not worried about a loss!

Hope everyone had a good weekend?

Not sure why that sunglass wearing face popped up! It was meant to say allowed 8 syns. Oh and Friday I only had 5 syns total
Last day of food diary and back to just jabbering to tomorrow hooray!!
Weird food as been away this weekend & didnt have much planning time

5 Finn crisp whole grain (b)
2 tsps jam (1)
3 cauldron sausages (1.5)
Carrot batons
5 Finn crisp (b)
75g Philly light
Rice (1)
Hexa milk in coffee
Water of course

Really hungry today. Just want to curl up under my desk & have a kip. Am soooo bored really need a new job badly but nothing great out there at the mo...

More later x
Is that breakfast and snacks, or is lunch in with it?

I eat so much more than that in a day! LOL

I also want to curl up under my desk and have a kip, am so tired, think i did too much body magic over the weekend!

Lunch was the tofu & rice.also had pineapple & a muller light ~ trying to keep it lightish as its wi tomorrow - Tuesday the day of doom!!!

My consultant used to call hanky panky body magic so chuckled when I saw your message!

Oh I got my bronze award today!! Starting silver now. Could have gone straight for the gold but want each one and this diet will take me a good while so will have lots of little aims and goals!
Ok so lunchtime rice was 2 syns. 4.5 so far. Dinner is asda meat free veggie mince with tin mixed veg, chopped toms, passata, chilli beans - all free free freeeeeeeeee!!!! May have the rest of the pineapple or a ww yogurt. This gives me 10.5 clawback so I am overspent by 11 for whole week. Usually average about 9-10 a day so 45 more than usual - be interesting to see what impact it has... If I lose it may start a stuffathon!!

Good news and annoying news ... Annoying first- got a bit of a coldy feeling grrrrrrrrr - garlicking up tonight bigtime in the hope I can strongarm it!! Early lemsip usually does the trick too. Good news - I got though first shortlisting stage for new job!! Fingers crossed for next stage! Need a change sooooo much. Haven't said too much about it but not only study ecology but also volunteer for butterfly conservation and chair of a community garden ( on facebook - new town community garden) we've made on the local rec ground so would live a job linked to all that stuff so I feel my days are worthwhile. Hate sitting in a job I don't care about!
1.25 off - I'm very happy with that. Wasn't terrible but I was outside the plan overall so to get a loss is great. Next week no excuses - got to be 100% to boost it a bit. Getting very near the 13s!!! Excited!
Lunch was the tofu & rice.also had pineapple & a muller light ~ trying to keep it lightish as its wi tomorrow - Tuesday the day of doom!!!

My consultant used to call hanky panky body magic so chuckled when I saw your message!

Oh I got my bronze award today!! Starting silver now. Could have gone straight for the gold but want each one and this diet will take me a good while so will have lots of little aims and goals!

I decided not to go for Bronze and go for silver. I want to get the Platinum.

Hanky Panky indeed - chance would be fine thing with my Hubby just started working nights in his new job! LOL (but my daughter is away at Grannies this week and he is off tonight, so you never know! LOL)
Ok so lunchtime rice was 2 syns. 4.5 so far. Dinner is asda meat free veggie mince with tin mixed veg, chopped toms, passata, chilli beans - all free free freeeeeeeeee!!!! May have the rest of the pineapple or a ww yogurt. This gives me 10.5 clawback so I am overspent by 11 for whole week. Usually average about 9-10 a day so 45 more than usual - be interesting to see what impact it has... If I lose it may start a stuffathon!!

Good news and annoying news ... Annoying first- got a bit of a coldy feeling grrrrrrrrr - garlicking up tonight bigtime in the hope I can strongarm it!! Early lemsip usually does the trick too. Good news - I got though first shortlisting stage for new job!! Fingers crossed for next stage! Need a change sooooo much. Haven't said too much about it but not only study ecology but also volunteer for butterfly conservation and chair of a community garden ( on facebook - new town community garden) we've made on the local rec ground so would live a job linked to all that stuff so I feel my days are worthwhile. Hate sitting in a job I don't care about!

Hope you cold has gone!

And that is good news about the job you want. I have been lucky all my career and mostly enjoy my job. I have a few off days every now and then but I guess every one does. Hope you get it! So good luck and fingers crossed.
1.25 off - I'm very happy with that. Wasn't terrible but I was outside the plan overall so to get a loss is great. Next week no excuses - got to be 100% to boost it a bit. Getting very near the 13s!!! Excited!

Well done - good for you.

I have been off plan all weekend and yesterday! so this week is not going to be a good one for me. Oh well tomorrow is always another day!
You're doing soooop well to stick to this considering your weight loss is so slow - you have the will and patience of a saint :) xx
I'm with lisa-lisa.

If you can carry on doing it when its not delivering the results it should, there's not much you can't do x
Ah thanks Lisa and ff. I was happy today though as had a naughty Saturday but yes it is very slow. It's painful but the diet gives quite a lot of food & I can stick to it so I'm going to keep going til 1 week after 30 day shred!
Itfc lost last night (boooo) , but my work tops for the kitchen arrived. They're wood and I'm already paranoid I'm going to ruin them!! Tonight I go to Maldon for a cup cake decorating class - now I've never made cupcakes or decorated and don't know anyone going so am a tad nervous!! I will post a pic of them when I get home - obviously the big trick is to avoid eating them but am hoping they will seem like works of art so I won't want to! Have a brilliant day all. My resolution for the day is to laugh a lot & get less annoyed with the staff!


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