Diary of Poohbearmufc & Minilady

Hi Nikki

They are on the cambridge diet forum... Lol can't remember the post title, but you'll find them.

Beware they are a bit scary:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Public Apology, my CDC did not mess up it was me, I got completely the wrong end of the stick!! So I am very very sorry... I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression of my CDC and I want to apologise..Love

I presume we should be on aam then!!!! My cdc hasn't said anything at all about it :)( am I surprised) Unlike your cdc, mine isn't the greatest.

I will start AAM on Friday now though, as I do a shop on a Thursday, so can stock up on cottage cheese and celery:D


I presume we should be on aam then!!!! My cdc hasn't said anything at all about it :)( am I surprised) Unlike your cdc, mine isn't the greatest.

I will start AAM on Friday now though, as I do a shop on a Thursday, so can stock up on cottage cheese and celery:D



No I got the wrong end of the stick, AAMW is next week, so I have just had mine a week early - silly me!! I shouldn't of put that my CDC messed up cos she didn't I was in a rush and got it all mixed up.. I think I was excited on what I was going to buy to make!! Feel completely awful, I have upset my CDC by writing that she messed up on here, when she didn't, it was completely me... so really down now!! I hate upsetting people it is not in my nature...:O
I din't realise your CDC was on minimins!

Please don't be upset, I'm sure she will understand the mix up. Besides you didn't say anything horrible about her.

Cheer up hon :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:

My CDC messed up, AAMW is supposed to be next week, but she said I shouldn't suffer by doing it a week early.
I know the concept of AAM can be quite scary,but don't let it faze you.Also, this week or next week it'll all work out equal in the end.the AAM is as much a learning tool as anything else as far as i can glean it.
Easy to get it a week out.just keep :cool: & in a few days ,after the heaven of :eat: grilled chicken,cottagecheese, cauli, spinach :drool: etc.you'll be:smoke:

.Can't believe my PC isn't working properly and I can't download my before and after 8 weeks photo's till I get to work on Wednesday!!!
That's ok nicky-I can wait a couple of day for the pics!:p
Good day again today. Took some photos and dug out some old ones, actually had to pinch them from a friend, as I hate photos of myself:eek: I've posted them and set the one taken today as a signature pic. One of them you can play count the chins!!!!!:eek: :eek:
I'm off to find the pics!!!
Also heard back from CD about becoming a counsellor, they've told me that if I don't want to do it through my CDC, then they can put me in touch with another CDC in my area, who will help me. So that's the way I want to go. I think the process is quite long, but I really want to do this. CD has honestly made me feel like a new woman, far more confidence, etc. etc.#
Good for you.will you tell us how you get on & what it involves?

Jane if you read this post, please note the tattoos in the pics are on display for you:D :D How many butterflys can you see?:)

well now I tried several times to enlarge the pic to get a better look at the rt workbut it kept diverting me to your ticker page.
At a guess there are 3 on show & all would be acceptable in malvern!

Hope you all had a good day


No I got the wrong end of the stick, AAMW is next week, so I have just had mine a week early - silly me!! I shouldn't of put that my CDC messed up cos she didn't I was in a rush and got it all mixed up.. I think I was excited on what I was going to buy to make!! Feel completely awful, I have upset my CDC by writing that she messed up on here, when she didn't, it was completely me... so really down now!! I hate upsetting people it is not in my nature...:O
Dear Nikki I can't imagine she was upset by your post.you werent rude or derogatoory ,you merely said she was out by a week ,then restated that it was infact you that couldn't count acurately.
Come on Nikky,you're
1. full of Ketones,you're still
2.fairly new to CD,& you've had
3.bleeding &
4. puva to deal with as well as your
Do you seriously think anyone would take offence at this?

Now stop worrying & go back to planning your menu for the week!:coffee: :gimi:
That's ok nicky-I can wait a couple of day for the pics!:p

Dear Nikki I can't imagine she was upset by your post.you werent rude or derogatoory ,you merely said she was out by a week ,then restated that it was infact you that couldn't count acurately.
Come on Nikky,you're
1. full of Ketones,you're still
2.fairly new to CD,& you've had
3.bleeding &
4. puva to deal with as well as your
Do you seriously think anyone would take offence at this?

Now stop worrying & go back to planning your menu for the week!:coffee: :gimi:

Thanks Jane, she was upset because she rang me yesterday, but I hope that everything is OK now... :cry:

Thanks Jane, she was upset because she rang me yesterday, but I hope that everything is OK now... :cry:


I've now put on my before and during photo's.. hope you can see a difference!!

glad it's all sorted now

Can't find the pics.canyou tell a middle aged idiot where they are please ?
I've got a healthy BMI

Well I had my 9th weigh in and lost 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's the most I've lost in a week since week 1:D :D :D

Not only that, but my BMI is now 25.5...Crikey:eek: I'm in the healthy range:D :D

I went on a spending spree today and only bought size 10's and 12's. I had a cry in the changing room, I couldn't believe that I was in a trendy shop, trying on trendy clothes in those sizes and they not only fitted, but made me feel a million dollars. I honestly feel like a new woman.

I haven't been this size since I was 23, and that's 17 years ago (here I go eyes are welling up again:eek: )

If anyone reads this who is struggling a little. Please keep going, I can't describe how it feels, I want everyone to feel like I do at this moment.

Back to BMI...That's it, no more ssing:tear_drop: I've got to start going through the plans. So starting tomorrow it's aam for a week then onto 790 plan. I'm excited, but a little scared. I've liked ssing:crazy: Now I have to make choices about food. I think my challenge is just beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nikki - just to let you know I've subscribed to your and Traceys diary now .... so no slipping now!

Was lovely to meet you tonight and will keep checking in and hope we meet up again if there is a local meet up sometime.
Nikki - just to let you know I've subscribed to your and Traceys diary now .... so no slipping now!

Was lovely to meet you tonight and will keep checking in and hope we meet up again if there is a local meet up sometime.

Thank you so much Beverley for fitting me in at short notice and supplying me with my food!!I promise I won't slip and don't u slip either!!It was so nice to put a face to a name...Love
Well I had my 9th weigh in and lost 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's the most I've lost in a week since week 1:D :D :D

Not only that, but my BMI is now 25.5...Crikey:eek: I'm in the healthy range:D :D

I went on a spending spree today and only bought size 10's and 12's. I had a cry in the changing room, I couldn't believe that I was in a trendy shop, trying on trendy clothes in those sizes and they not only fitted, but made me feel a million dollars. I honestly feel like a new woman.

I haven't been this size since I was 23, and that's 17 years ago (here I go eyes are welling up again:eek: )

If anyone reads this who is struggling a little. Please keep going, I can't describe how it feels, I want everyone to feel like I do at this moment.

Back to BMI...That's it, no more ssing:tear_drop: I've got to start going through the plans. So starting tomorrow it's aam for a week then onto 790 plan. I'm excited, but a little scared. I've liked ssing:crazy: Now I have to make choices about food. I think my challenge is just beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tracey,That is absolutely fantastic, well done you!! Hey hey your journey is nearly over, whilst I will still be sightseeing a little bit longer..My CDC is poorly so not seeing any clients. She arranged cover but that meant me going all the way to Warrington, and I just didn't want to go that far... I remembered Beverley on Minimins and remembered she was in Middlewich (a bit closer) and she was kind enough to give me supplies and weigh me (lost 2lbs) but not officially, will wait to see my CDC for my official weigh in.. So you beat me this week!!! it is fantastic shopping in trendy shops though isn't it!! You enjoy every moment Tracey!!Love
They are on a separate thread under before and during photo's..

Guess I'm just blind can't find 'em any where ,but if you're new avatar is a clue to what you look like then you've come on :D :D miles

Well I had my 9th weigh in and lost 5lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's the most I've lost in a week since week 1:D :D :D

Not only that, but my BMI is now 25.5...Crikey:eek: I'm in the healthy range:D :D
:wow: Well done indeed

I haven't been this size since I was 23, and that's 17 years ago (here I go eyes are welling up again:eek: )

I don't know exactly how you are feeling ,but with my recent success I think i've had a touch of a hint of an inkling, & that was pretty fine,so you must be cock-a-hoop.

Really pleased for you:queen: :superwoman:

I've liked ssing:crazy: Now I have to make choices about food. I think my challenge is just beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm sure you're right about this.The mor I read about mainainance the more I think that this is where the real job starts.Like you I don't relish haing to make choises again,but even less do I want to drift back to where I was before.

Good luck.
Guess I'm just blind can't find 'em any where ,but if you're new avatar is a clue to what you look like then you've come on :D :D miles

Here you go:-

Nikki Jones.jpg


Nikki Jones 2.jpg


Love :wavey:
Looking forward to aam today, popped into tesco in my lunch break and bought my essentials...cottage cheese and rocket, spinach, watercress mix. Can't wait til my supper:drool:

At work at the moment and have run out of work:eek: Looks like I'll be spending the next 2 1/2 hours in the arcade;)

I have spoken to my cdc and she has got all the info for my becoming a cdc:eek: I was so shocked. When I mentioned being a cdc she didn't seem interested at all, so others on here have offered to help me, and also been onto CD about this. I finished the phone call feeling really ashamed and guilty. So will do my sponsorship with my own CDC now. She even told me she'd come to the training day with me:eek: I feel a complete *****!

Looking forward to aam today, popped into tesco in my lunch break and bought my essentials...cottage cheese and rocket, spinach, watercress mix. Can't wait til my supper:drool:

At work at the moment and have run out of work:eek: Looks like I'll be spending the next 2 1/2 hours in the arcade;)

I have spoken to my cdc and she has got all the info for my becoming a cdc:eek: I was so shocked. When I mentioned being a cdc she didn't seem interested at all, so others on here have offered to help me, and also been onto CD about this. I finished the phone call feeling really ashamed and guilty. So will do my sponsorship with my own CDC now. She even told me she'd come to the training day with me:eek: I feel a complete *****!


Enjoy your meal, Tracey you are doing fantastic, remember to go through the maintenance steps properly though! That is fantastic news about your CDC supporting you to become a CDC, have you read through all the paperwork?Love
Woke up this morning full of get up and go. Washing is out on line, tidied my bedroom and sons, No 1 daughter can do her own, and the little daughters' room, well have put that off a bit, think I need a week to sort that out:sigh:

Conservatory is next, it's still in chaos from all the decorating we've been doing. Unfortunately came out here and thought oh well, just have a quick look on minimins! normally a quick look is about 2 hrs of reading posts and perhaps a lookie in the arcade;)

Nice weekend planned...housework til about 2 then off down the beach, home for a BBQ and then Scott and I are going to meet friends, as it's someones birthday. So another night paying for expensive bottles of water:( .

Tomorrow hubby has a day off, first thing we'll paint the stairway. Then take kids out for the day, don't know where yet.

Started AAM last night and really enjoyed it, still seems weird that I won't be ssing again, but a great weird feeling:cool:

The 'oh you've lost enough weight comments' are now rolling in:sigh:. I'm shutting them up by saying well I'm eating again now. It's not a lie, I am eating again, but still want to lose about another stone, not telling them that bit tho!

Isn't it awful that we are made to feel we have to justify what we are doing, and in my case have to think up different replies for different occasions and of course my moods. Lol sometimes my replies are nice, and sometimes they're quite cutting:devilangel: Noone commented on the fact I was unhealthily overweight, they weren't concerned about my health then!!!!:( Nor do they mention the fact that I smoke, that's more dangerous than anything. In fact that's my next goal to stop:eek: I worry tho that I'll put weight back on, but hopefully by that time, My mind will be right about eating, and even if a couple of pounds goes back on, I will be smoke free.
