diary of wanna be yummy mummy.....

Aw its ok...he's come bk tail between legs im feeling good after my spa but i had salmon Caesar salad and burger no bun just green salad n i ate pineapple round the pool n drank mango herb tea....gonna have to weight i lost early in week has gone bk on today arrrggghh! Oh well i needed a day off and i loved it n im excited to get bk on track ! Sxxx
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well i weighed myself today im a lb heavier than last weeks weigh in booo gonna have to hope for a maintain this week ...maybe i cut get a hair cut n take my earnings out ha! just had choc velvet n 2 big mugs of water maybe i cut just have a water day ....
2lb off! not great but ok considering i had 2 course meal the other day not been drinking water either :-( so that's week 4 total loss 22lbs :) xx
omfg im totally off the wagon...spent a couple of days in hospital after allergic reation to pine nuts in a salad i had in a resteraunt ....could only eat sandwiches while there now im like a carb junky what's wrong with me? expecting a gain this week not happy totally depressed n want to cry xxx
not ok im literally depressed as ....can i salvage things in 2 days arrrrggghh! really considering a haircut n boob reduction lol x
Aw thanks that's good advice! my head has gone im gonna read a chapter of 50.shades. hope ur ok hunny seriously I've got nearly a full week of products xx
how many do u have left to loose? xx
thats amazing i wish i was near goal x
Kinda missed week 5 weigh in as had been a bad girl....managed to get bk on track in time for week 6 weigh in and lost 3.25 lbs
God knows how as my scales showed no gain or loss....cud my Consultants scales be fixed lol ???