Did not realise I was SO FAT

norwegian girl

Silver Member
So I am doing really well and coming towards the end of week 7. Hoping to get into the 100's within 3 weeks. I have not deviated, cheated or done anything I shouldn't have done - feel positive and will reach my goal.
BUT..........I was looking at my ideal weight today and it seems to be around 134 -139, I am 5 foot 7. So I still have about 70lbs to go, which is still 5 stone. Feeling a bit down that I have so far to go to my goal. I will do it, and hope for a decent loss for my weigh in on Tuesday. This means that to reach goal my total will be about 100lbs, I never thought of it this way before and just feel absolutely massive now.
Not whining, just venting that I ever managed to let myself get into this situation.
Best to break you big goal into lots of mini goals and concentrate on reaching the next one. That's what I've done the whole way through and I find it very motivating. I also know how far the next few goals are for me and revisit my list every weigh in. So, for example, I have 6 lbs to lose to have lost 8 stone and 10 lbs until I'm in the healthy weight range. Anything further away than a stone I ignore until it comes within a stone's reach.
You've done incredibly well and you will reach your goal in no time. Weasy has a good post on breaking down your goals into little ones so they seem more manageable. Otherwise it will overwhelm you. I'm kind of doing that with my weight loss and I did that when I was studying for a degree. 3 years seemed so long especially with a young family back then but I broke it down into semesters to help me through. Oh, well done lovey.
Here are my mini goals in case they are useful to you...

Goals Achieved : off diabetes meds / 1 stone / only obese! / 10% off / wedding ring fits again! / size 22 / 2 stone / weight when I started WW / 25% of the way there / <100lbs to go / 3 stone / size 20 / 50 lbs lost / weigh less than 100kg / weigh less than husband for first time ever! / 4 stone / size 18 / half way there / lightest in adult life (after WW) / 5 stone / weigh < 200 lbs / size 16 / wear knee high boots / 6 stone / only overweight! / size 14 / wear hotel robe / wear knee high boots with jeans tucked in! / 7 stone / 100 lbs lost! / 75% of the way there / In a Karen Millen dress

Goals to Achieve: size 12 / 8 stone [6 lbs to go] / bmi <= 25 [10 lbs to go!!!] / 9 stone / size 10 / final goal!!!
Thanks a lot girls for your great advice, I know it is true. I think I just let myself "go" over the past few years - how is it possible to ignore what is staring you in the face? Anyway, my goal is to get into the 13's by the end of the month, this is something I can easily do and not focus on the big picture. Just mini frames of the whole journey.
I am finding the diet really easy though, but just want to wake up in the morning and be at goal weight lol.............I guess one morning in the not too distant future that will happen.
Have a great Sunday, I have to go into work and get a load of paperwork done today.
Weigh in update on Tuesday.
I've been doing this for almost 7 months now and am only just over a stone away from goal now. When I say 7 months it sounds like a long time, but actually it's flown by and I'm not finding this difficult at all (mostly - I have my moments!). It's not where you were before (most of us feel ashamed that we let our weight get out of control) it's where you're headed that is important.
I agree with BG. I started my diet this time last year with my then target a 5 stone weight loss. Within 6 months, I had lost 4 stones and that was with two All Inclusive no holds barred holidays thrown in!

The weight will go quickly and that will keep you motivated. Do not think about the amount you have to lose overall. Apparently it is better to focus on one goal at a time. As well as mini targets for BMI, next stone bracket, etc, I used to use my clothes as mini goals. My first one was to fit into a size 18 item, many of which I had in my wardrobe. Next would be a size 16, etc. I also measured myself weekly and was able to keep track of the centimetres disappearing (never used inches as they took longer to vanish!).

In keeping mini goals, you will be able to focus on your achievements along the way rather than where you want to ultimately get to. I would say that of course you have to visualise that new slim person that you will become, but not in terms of the total amount you have to lose. It is worth concentrating more on the fact that you ARE doing something positive now.

I can totally relate to the 'how could I have let myself go' but what got me down was not doing anything about it. I felt so much better when I knuckled down and actually tackled the issue. We all lose weight at different rates and it may take a while, but only in terms of months - that's nothing when you consider that you have the rest of your life to be slim and healthy.

Oops sorry if this sounds a bit evangelistic, but I think what I am trying to say is that if I can do it, anyone can! No, I am not at target yet, but feel confident that I will get there, so much so that I have upped my target to an overall weight loss of 80lbs.

Good luck, I am sure you can do this.
Thanks so much for your lovely words of advice and wisdom. I do feel really positive and have had an excellent day. I went to work and did all the niggly paprwork that has been on my mind for the past week,over the 4 hours I was there I drank a load of water about one and half litres. Then this afternoon I went through all my old clothes and bagged them and put them in a charity bin, I will never need them again.
Then I hung up as lovely pair of mint green size 16 jeans that I have bought, I am almost in them, well I can get in them but look like a stuffed sausage - my goal is 3 weeks to get into them. They are only cheap ones from Primark but I love them.

I have coloured my hair too, found a John Frieda foam in medium dark cherry and it does look very nice. Strangely enough my hair is in better shape on this diet than before. I am using sulphate free shampoo and taking some supplements called florisine which seem to be doing the trick.
So weigh in on Tuesday and I am going to do mini goals - next goal is the 13's.
I really want to say thank you to all of you - reading your posts really motivates me.
not a brilliant loss this week, but a loss it is, just under 2lbs, hoping for a tad more next week. Onwards and downwards I say!
Morning cupcake, so have you rea the suggestions about changing your avatar hehehehe, I still think sprout - hope it is going well.
norwegian girl said:
Morning cupcake, so have you rea the suggestions about changing your avatar hehehehe, I still think sprout - hope it is going well.

Lol, only saw it last night. Was upset at first thinking I'd offended people then realised after some sleep that it's just one of those things. There are plenty of other food related names/avatars on here so I'm not the only one xo

Sent by Mrs Cupcake to be <3
I love the name and the avatar, pink being my favourite colour and it is so cheerful and lovely. Just been swimming and felt ok in my new cossie. Need to up the exercise I think, can you link me to your diary please? Or is it the final link on your signature. Well done for doing the run for life, I am doing this slimdown for cancer research too, have raised over 500 pounds just from work if I lose 50lbs, but obviously am going to lose more.
norwegian girl said:
I love the name and the avatar, pink being my favourite colour and it is so cheerful and lovely. Just been swimming and felt ok in my new cossie. Need to up the exercise I think, can you link me to your diary please? Or is it the final link on your signature. Well done for doing the run for life, I am doing this slimdown for cancer research too, have raised over 500 pounds just from work if I lose 50lbs, but obviously am going to lose more.

That's really good, good motivation too. My diary is in silver so 11 more posts I think till you can see it. Hopefully see you there soon xo

Sent by Mrs Cupcake to be <3
ok, dying to see it, so will try and make up my posts by honking, commenting and mooching around x
norwegian girl said:
ok, dying to see it, so will try and make up my posts by honking, commenting and mooching around x

It's not long as it's new. I deleted my old one xo

Sent by Mrs Cupcake to be <3
My weigh in on Tuesday and I really am hoping for a bit of a good drop, I want to be 2.5lbs this week - visiting family 2 weeks on Friday and would have liked to have hit losing 37 lbs. Plus my March challenge needs to be at least close to goal.
Am hoping 3 more weeks and I will be in the 100's now that will be a celebration.