Did you know? Calorie density


Gone fishing
Somebody today asked me about calorie density, so I thought I’d write up something about it here.

Research has shown that the Miss Slim NonDieting, eats about the same volume of food each day. Calories vary, but the weight of the food stays much more constant. We can assume that Miss Slim NonDieting eats until she’s satisfied, so the volume of food is pretty important.

Calorie density is measured by how many calories per gram, so if you lower the calories but keep the same volume (weight), you will lose weight and be equally satisfied.

So if Miss Dieter eats 3 pounds of food a day, but chooses low density foods, she will automatically consume something like 30% less calories

Complex carbs contain fibre, which increases the volume, but keeps the calories low. Grains also absorb water, to the volume goes up and the calories go down (weight for weight). It also needs more chewing so slows the passage of food which keeps you satisfied for longer.

Water based foods (soups, veg, fruit etc), again increases the volume but decreases the density, so that helps too.

But, drinking water alone doesn’t help much (not with satiety) as hunger and thirst are dealt with very differently. Water on it’s own will empty quicker than if you mix it with food. Mixed with food, the brain will treat it as food. On it’s own, it’s just water:( Important, but not for satiety.

Fat is the most energy dense form of nutrient having 9 calories per gram. Carbs and protein only have four. Water, obviously has none.

Protein is important for minimizing muscle loss, so choosing lean protein is better as it will again give you more volume for less calories (and volume will keep you satisfied)

I think it’s really interesting as we all know we are supposed to eat fruit, veg, lean protein, grains etc and that it helps keep us full (besides the other benefits), but I also think that few people recognize the importance of volume to keep us satisfied.

Here endeth todays lecture
may i just add...that alcohol is 7g in density :eek:

as it is neither carbs/protien or fat it is just stored in the muscles where glycogen is normally stored as your body is unsure what to do with it....hence...if drinking heavily, everything you eat calorie wise is just stored instantly as fat :cry: