Dinka Donka's Diary - Still here but bloomin frustrated!

Thanks everyone, i think ur totally right bout feast or famine, i have eating issues, i need to learn to eat correctly not starve myself on a VLCD or when I come off i'll pile it on again, xx
First time in months I walked my dog this morning, either my DH or mum does it, im very very unfit but i thought, just 10mins brisk walk can earn me 1pt bonus and it all helps!! Very proud of myself, i know its only 10mins but normally I dont leave the house x
Well done - that's a small change that's really sustainable. All the little changes add up :)
Welcome back :D I can appreciate the hurt/ache when desperate for a child. I know I'm very lucky to have my 2 (my toddler I gave birth to, my daughter came ready made) but I've also got 2 angels as well who I'll never get to see grow up.

I really hope things work out for you. I know a yahoo group that is just for women who are at least 50 pounds over weight & are trying to get pregnant. There are lots of women on there who have fertility problems, no periods etc. If you are interested in joining them send me a PM & I'll send you the details :)
welcome back Dinks - really pleased to see you back here. You did so well to begin with and we all know you can do it again! :) if you ever fancy some company for walking your dog you know where i am!

looking forward to seeing your progress :) xxx
OK, im gonna update as much as possible on here to keep me going, so im going to do a live weigh in lol this is going to be my starting weigh in, I have wiped clean my WW online weight and i am starting fresh as of today because this time will be THE ONE!!

I'll just nip to bathroom, brb..... 22stone 3 & 1/4 lbs

Well one tiny positive is that its 1lb under my heaviest weight, i will never go there again, I want 18lbs off by xmas, I have 7 weeks so thats 2.5lbs a week, hopefully more on first week so it is achievable if I get my backside into gear and stop letting myself and everyone down, this time I mean business!!

Dinks x
Thanks anna, i need to b more positive, im always so down and negative at the moment xx
Hey Dinka - Good luck on the WW plan.

I was very close to beginning the CD, but realised that going without food would be too much of a struggle for me. Then i realised that if i stuck to WW 100% i would still lose consistently but that i could still live my life and enjoy food.

Like Karen, I find the core plan great and because you can eat so much you don't feel like you're on 'a diet' as such.

10 minutes of exercise is great if you didn't do much before - just think how quickly those 10 minutes will add up to a bag of Maltesers!
Say this after me...

I am going to lose weight

I am going to change my life

I am going to get what I want.

Every bit of effort I put in to loosing weight with be worth it when I am holding my baby.

I have friends here who will be here for me every step of the way because they too know I will do this & asking for help & support when I need it shows real strength.

I am a WW slimmer of the year in the making :D:D:D
Fantastic mantra, Anna.

Verity, I'm going to be your mum for a minute (!) and remind you to only WI once a week. To swipe a pun from BlackWidow - cereal weighers lose weight; serial weighers often struggle.

In terms of thinking positive, this is good advice I was given years ago when I was suffering from depression: always think of one positive thing that has happened each day. If one negative thing happens, then try to think of two positive things etc etc so that your positives are always "in credit". It can be a tiny thing - for me, just opening my mail was a struggle at the time so managing to do that was a positive for me.

Good luck x
Well done for that 10 mins walking the dog - good on you! I totally understand the feeling of not wanting to leave the house, especially if it's to exercise, but the more you do it the easier it will become :)
Thanks to everyone for ur support, ive had a good day so far, used 15 points so 15 remaining!

Off to mums with tesco light choice ready meal in hand so i know il be ok, and going to get a chocolate bar because im a chocoholic and something small will stop me bingeing on a family bag of sweets! x
Off to mums with tesco light choice ready meal in hand so i know il be ok, and going to get a chocolate bar because im a chocoholic and something small will stop me bingeing on a family bag of sweets! x

I'm a chocoholic as well :sigh: I've kept chocolate in the house since starting WW & have some every day. I try to keep lower point things in like curly wurly 2.5 points, cadbury finger of fudge, 2 points, treat size bars, some only 1.5 points. I know some would find it hard having it in the house but it works for me :)
hey Dinks how you doing tonight? you managed okay? xxx
Hey hun, yeah great thanks, decided to have thai sharwoods curry half a jar with my mum tonight instead of my ready meal, it was delicious and im still full now, then a small bowl of ice cream, thoroughly enjoyed xx
First time in months I walked my dog this morning, either my DH or mum does it, im very very unfit but i thought, just 10mins brisk walk can earn me 1pt bonus and it all helps!! Very proud of myself, i know its only 10mins but normally I dont leave the house x

Good luck on the restart Dinka, it's good to have you back.

Well done on the walk aswell! That's a great step in the right direction! Well done you! xx