Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Yup...no computer equals pen and paper, raiding filing cabinets for bookings...and the need for a very good memory as to which patients are where!

Good job it isn't me then - the memory is shot these days. Can't even remember where I've put my pen most of the time let alone the piece of paper I wrote my last reminder on. :D

. . . and the prettiest lol!
More piccies of Suki please after tomorrow's haircut - she must have grown so much now!
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Hello lovely, sounds like you had an awful time at work - hope tomorrow is better.

I like the sound of that salmon! Will definitely try that xxx
Good Morning darling daughter !!!

Your naughty, erstwhile mumsie has been absent for a while and has given up on ever catching up on your diary as it moves sooooo fast.

Sorry work has been so stressful for you but I am proud of the way you cope so well.

Dog training classes sound great fun. There is no greater pleasure than a well trained dog, well perhaps a triple chocolate and cream ice cream or a huge helping of tiramisu STOP !!!!! This is a red alert of another kind lol !!!!

I am glad you are seeing your sister on a regular basis. I am missing her on here and worry about her. Is she o.k. ??

Every time I look at your photos it inspires me to carry on. I think if my little girl ( little in every way ) can do it so can I.

Mountains of love xxxxxxxx
I am glad you are seeing your sister on a regular basis. I am missing her on here and worry about her. Is she o.k. ??

I'm here, Mumsie.
I did actually post on your thread yesterday - shows how much you're missing me, eh?
I'd better scoot back over there then, and prove I exist!
fillymum said:
Good Morning darling daughter !!!

Your naughty, erstwhile mumsie has been absent for a while and has given up on ever catching up on your diary as it moves sooooo fast.

Sorry work has been so stressful for you but I am proud of the way you cope so well.

Dog training classes sound great fun. There is no greater pleasure than a well trained dog, well perhaps a triple chocolate and cream ice cream or a huge helping of tiramisu STOP !!!!! This is a red alert of another kind lol !!!!

I am glad you are seeing your sister on a regular basis. I am missing her on here and worry about her. Is she o.k. ??

Every time I look at your photos it inspires me to carry on. I think if my little girl ( little in every way ) can do it so can I.

Mountains of love xxxxxxxx

Hellooooo mumsie!

Where have you BEEN???

Daddy said you were busy with charitable things...something to do with extra curricular activities at the boys boarding school...?

Anyway, I'm so pleased you're back! And thank you for that LOVELY message x

Sis is doing really well but I have to keep my eye on her...you know how wayward she can be sometimes! ;-) But she's all set to nail this last pesky bit of weight now, and she's really up for it! x

And my other sis text last nite to say she was home from Florida woo woo!! And she had a fab time. I'm sure she'll update her thread as soon as she gets a minute xxx

Take care mumsie x

Lots n lots of love xxx
Good evening everyone x

Thanks for your nice messages about work! Unfortunately it was a disaster from start to finish lol!

I got a call early on this morning from the boss of the A & E service saying he needed to use the barriatric vehicle and crew for an urgent overdose. But I needed them too! So we compromised by letting them have the vehicle (the patient was around 25st and immobile) but I put my crew on another ambulance cos I was really busy. Anyway...the bloody door on the replacement ambulance wouldn't open! So we had to get the station mechanic to un-jam it! And while he was doing that, we got a call to say the barri vehicle had dumped all its oil outside the od patients house and needed towing! And all this before 11am lol!

But the good news is I've only got to survive tomorrow then I'm off for a week! Woo woo!

Tonite Andrew, Vicki and I took Suki to puppy training. Total chaos and lots of fun! None of the pups really want to do anything other than play but we do manage to get a bit of basic training in as well!

Todays food EE

Alpen bar crumbled into Yoghurt (1/2 B)

Sw beef curry
Velvet crunch (4)

Bns chips
Cajun mushrooms
Salad cream (2)
21g cheese (1/2 A)

Alpen bar (1/2 B)
Milky coffee (1/2 A)

Total syns:- 6

Bev...poor Suki was so shattered when we got home tonite she went straight to bed so I quickly took this pic for you...


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Bev...poor Suki was so shattered when we got home tonite she went straight to bed so I quickly took this pic for you...
What a little cutie :D Spoilt rotten no doubt !!!

These blumin' ambulances sound like a nightmare at the mo. I think I would be in the looney bin if I had to try and resolve the demands vs breakdowns.
And what am i sposed to do while you swan off for a week?
Make my own tea???
That's just totally unreasonable. I hope you realise that.

Are you up for a cuppa tomorrow?
JimofTroy said:
And what am i sposed to do while you swan off for a week?
Make my own tea???
That's just totally unreasonable. I hope you realise that.

Are you up for a cuppa tomorrow?

Sorry sis...now I'm feeling really guilty...:(

Let me make it up to you tomorrow then :)

Text u when I have an idea of time...
Have u got any other very important meetings scheduled?
bexyboo said:
Once again another gorgeous piccy of little Suki :) hehe.

Oh god - these ambulances, how awful. But oh well week off from Thursday. How lovely. Have you got anything nice planned for the first couple of days? Or just relaxing? xx

Nothing planned Bexy...probably a bit of shopping if Gwyn will let me come with him (we spent over £200 last time I went with him oops!) and I need to see mum.

Pommette said:
What a little cutie :D Spoilt rotten no doubt !!!

These blumin' ambulances sound like a nightmare at the mo. I think I would be in the looney bin if I had to try and resolve the demands vs breakdowns.

That little Suki is the new love of my life! She's our baby!

As for the ambulances...well sadly there's nothing to be done about them until the money side of things is sorted out. So we'll keep plodding on as best we can, offering the best service we can with the resources we have available to us, and hope that its good enough.

Hannah:) said:
Enjoy your holiday - Are you going to go somewhere nice or just using up remaining annual leave before the years up??

All this talk of barbaric amulances is reminding me of the documentry I watched on it!! Was amazing the scale of equipment used!!

Hope Suki will learn quickly at training


PMSL...Hannah that's one of the best predictive text blips I've seen for a long time!

I know our ambulances are a bit rough...

But "BARBARIC" is a bit steep lol!

I wish we were going away for a few days but no such luck! It's not annual leave...just the way my shift pattern works...but lovely all the same! Xx
Lol Hannah!

I told Gwyn that's what the barri is going to be called at work from now on...

Might encourage a few patients to join minis if I threaten them with the Barbaric Ambulance!!! ;)

And yep!

5lbs under target...so I'm going to try to get to 10st and then reset it. But if I don't hit it in 2 or 3 weeks time (its really not shifting!) then I'll just go back up again lol! Xxx
pmsl at Barbaric ambulance. :8855: never noticed it in the original post.

Re lowering target. Maybe it is just your body telling you that 10st 2lbs is where it wants to be. As you know I'm stuck just over a pound over where I want to be. It is so frustrating isn't it!
Pommette said:
pmsl at Barbaric ambulance. :8855: never noticed it in the original post.

Re lowering target. Maybe it is just your body telling you that 10st 2lbs is where it wants to be. As you know I'm stuck just over a pound over where I want to be. It is so frustrating isn't it!

It really is Bev! Had a good talk with a Sarah about it at lunch time...and she said a similar thing to you. I'll stick at it for another couple of weeks and if nothing happens I may well call it a day xxx
Hey Dawn! Just popping in to say hello after an epic absence! Hope you're ok! Are you under target at the min then! Good luck with lowering your target you skinny minn! Xxxx

Why ain't you bragging????

Dear Readers, Little Miss Modest Knickers isn't shouting from the rooftops - she should be!

I've taken the liberty of pasting the very first post from this thread (observe the highlighted bit)

Over to you Dawnie, make us proud kid. Your mate in the north


5th April 2011
Hi All! :wavey:

Last night I decided it was time to stop nosing at other peoples diaries and start one of my own :eek: But now I'm here I'm wondering what on earth I'm going to write! :rolleyes: So to get the ball rolling I'll just introduce myself...

My name is Dawn & I live in Northampton. I married young against my families wishes, & then divorced 7 years & 3 children later :eek: After the split I threw all my energies into working and bringing up Andrew, Daniel & Victoria, along with a terrific amount of help from Mum. In fact if it hadn't been for her looking after the children I wouldn't have been able to continue in my job with the ambulance service, & we would have lost our house as my ex immediately gave up work so he didn't have to pay maintenance :mad:

Anyway, some 10 years later I was writing my xmas cards & decided to pop a note in one I was sending to an old school teacher who I hadn't seen since my wedding day. He rang me a couple of weeks later & we arranged to go for a meal & chat over old school times. Well...when he opened his front door something strange happened...sort of shivers down my spine :vibes: ...& we were married one year later :love047:

To be honest my weight had never really bothered me until Gwyn (he's Welsh) and I got together. I was 5'6" and nearly 14 stones & he was 5'4 & 11 stones! I mean I was pretty big anyway, but standing next to him I was flipping ENORMOUS! :fear: So I joined WW & lost nearly 5 stones before the wedding. We were married in January, had a big 65th birthday party for DH in March :candle1:, and then yet another party when he retired from teaching in June! :character0053: Quite a year really! Of course I kind of stopped watching what I was eating (well I already HAD my man didn't I? :character00250: ) & the weight started to creep back on. I was going to rejoin WW but a friend wanted to go to SW & talked me into going with her, & I loved it! Lost 4 stones :D

Then I was off work sick for 10 months, put the weight back on & some. My boss temporarily put me on light duties in the ambulance office where I was trained in controlling all the non-emergency ambulances in our area. I liked it so much I never did go back on the road. Rejoined SW and lost 5 stones :D

Then my Dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I went to pieces. We moved him & step mum Shirley from Somerset to the next street to us so we could help out. The cancer spread & Dad was given 3 - 6 months, so I took the decision to go part time at work in order to spend more time with him. As a last resort to prolong his life Dads oncologist tried him on a new drug called Tarceva. That was 3 years ago & he's currently one of the longest living survivors on this drug. Sadly Dads been deteriorating very quickly since xmas, but we are all so grateful to have had these past 3 years with him.

Of course through all of Dads illness I have just got bigger & bigger, & losing both my Nan & Auntie to cancer in the last two years sent me totally out of control. I have no idea what made me decide to rejoin SW in January, I didn't even tell OH I was going. Just waited till he came home from playing table tennis & told him I was 'at it again' lol! Didn't tell him I was 15 1/2 stones tho! :scale: I think I just decided I'd had enough of so many things in my life being beyond my control & I wanted to make a stand...I can't do much about the cancer but I CAN try to lose weight.

So here I am today, 12 weeks after rejoining SW & 30lbs lighter so far :happy036: Still 3 stones to go :sigh: but I'm still pretty motivated. :cross:

Right, that's quite enough of me :bolt: God...now I know why I didn't do one of these diaries before now! :crazy:

Please say hi if you are passing through...I do love a good natter :blahblah:

Luv Dawn xx