disaster has struck!!!

ok yey!!! i lost 1 1.2 pounds this week, nowhere near as good as my 5 pounds last week but its nearly half a stone. and im well pleased coz i had a cheeky weekend aswell! so now i have to just be good over the bank holiday! thats gona be sooooo hard but needs must!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Well done!!! Every pound counts :Dxxxx
well done xx
well last week i lost 1 1/2 pounds also but this week i have been the baddest i cud have ever been!! my boyfriends dad was found dead on thursday so iv done nothing but eat takeaways n naughty food as its been v.stressful!!but im still not back on track...we have an ice cream van that comes to work...i cant wait for a nice cold creamy tub of whippy!! how bads that?!!!! and the funeral is next week so i assume il be eating rubbish up until then as points are the last thing on my mind!! oh dear its not a good week for me.all the effort i put in the last few weeks,something always ruins it!!
but its only myself that is!!!! x x x x x