Dizzy's diary

Aww thanks tbs. I do really feel for my poor horse on this yard. There is another yard that backs on to ours and the owner is in my LL group. Im considering asking her but i think she is friends with our YO. Also its got to be a small distance from our house cos the twins walk. To be honest, i am also wondering if i want to call it a day. Its hard work after a full day at work isnt it?
Well new day new attitude i think. I have decided that if i have only lost 1 or 2 lb this week i will give it one more week and see how that goes. Im looking forward to WI as its driving me mad now that i have weighed myself.
good luck with wi x
Aw I would seriously think about giving it up because I think you will really miss it if you do. I know I have and I am so happy to be able to ride again now. I would definately ask the other yard owner at LL, whats the worst she can do, say no. I wouldnt give her all the details just say he hasnt settled in to well and you think it would do him good to move.

Good luck tonight, cant wait to here how you get on xx
Sorry how dim am I lol, good luck tomorrow. xx
she thinks ur drinking too much dizzy? how much are u drinking x
Hey Dizzy, hope you are ok chick xx
Hi Dizzy,
Sorry for not posting until now ( i am so self obsessed?) Read the past posts and I too was in one HECK of a mood in my second week! Not a nice person to be around and I just couldn't think or be nice to anyone. So i take it as normal on this plan for the second week?
It does get better, honest.

I would have been ticked right off if O/H called an old g/f or fling...SUGAR. Defo would be an instant neutering with a rusty knife.
Can understand the feeling of being second best BUT, he is with YOU..not her. Please do not let that thinking of being second lead you into the path of comfort eating. You are number one

Now this baking thing - I would have licked one just because :) Kuddos for not - you are a better person than myself.

Now...how did the WI go? Throw your scales out!! I swear there is communication between the scales and the head (they secretly talk telepathically to one another in hopes that you will cave in and go back to old ways) Best to start wearing a tinfoil hat before weighing in, that way...the cant read your thoughts.
Btw, I think I watch FAR too much sci fi - don't you?