Do i use my activity points ??

Hi I joined ww on mon after being with sw and loosing 29lbs needed a boost and a change I brought a pedometer and yesterday I gained 16 points 5 just doing my daily routine and 11 doing a Zumba class I'm quite active so I will get activity points most days my leader said use them when I
Joined Monday but 16 surely that's to many extra to use ? Can some one help please x
Hi I joined ww on mon after being with sw and loosing 29lbs needed a boost and a change I brought a pedometer and yesterday I gained 16 points 5 just doing my daily routine and 11 doing a Zumba class I'm quite active so I will get activity points most days my leader said use them when I
Joined Monday but 16 surely that's to many extra to use ? Can some one help please x

Hi, You can only eat 6 extra activity points a day, the rest just help you too lose weight. If you go to class speak to your leader and she will explain this to you.
I don't use my activity points, if I want a treat or something I use my weeklys...
How on earth did you get 11 points doing zumba ??? am i working my activity points out wrong?? I did 50 mins of zumba today and only got 4 activity points wth is going on?
I am do confused about these activity points I am also very active and can't get my head around them so ignoring them for now but if anyone can explain how u calculate them that would be so helpful zxx
Activity points are only there as a safety net. But only allowed to use 4 a day. 12 a week. When you worked out your points allowance it will have asked how active you are so this has already been taken into account. You can use the activity points if you need occasionally but the weight loss should be better if you can manage without. I ysed to have a chart i got off internet with it on. If you google weight watcher activity points it might come up. I dont use any so must of mislayed through none use. Good luck.

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Thank you :)
At my meeting the lady worked out my pp without asking how active I am. I bought a ww pedometer as I do a lot of classes and this week earned 24 ap's weeks begin on a Wednesday I don't eat these back but I take off my weeklies 4-6 pp's when I do class sometimes 2. Am figuring this balances out my weekly pp's as I burn most off with exercise. X
I never used my activity points, theyre just a bonus.
I always fear that by using them, i was undoing all the hard work getting them !
Yeah am not using mine am using some or most weeklies instead working great for me as I earn 50 activity points per week so cancels out weeklies in a way x