Do you have PCOS?

I really need to sort it and myself out. My problem is I spend a lot of time in my own company at home, which in itself is fine, but that's when I also eat a lot, snack on rubbish, and eat to excess. It's like if no one sees me then I'm not really eating it. Which is silly, because obviously I am eating it!

We're all in the same boat, and I just hope with your support, I can get this sorted and I am here to support anyone else who wants or needs it.


Im exactly the same regarding the eating when no-one is around.... And I've also struggled on WeightWatchers and Slimming World... Have you ever tried Xenical? I'm currently in my second week of taking the tablet and I've lost 4 pounds. It may help you to kick start your diet again? :) xXx
Hiya, new here. Was diagnosed when 17, am now 35. Skewed hormones and cysts on ovaries seen on a scan. I don't want kids which is lucky cos I'm scheduled for ovaries being removed in 10 days. I had about 1 period a year for about 10 years as the pill made me have appalling mood swings so I didn't take it. Then my periods came back in my 30's and my body took rather a large exception to progesterone it'd not seen for years and migraines and all kinds of other horrid symptoms ensued. Am slightly curious as to whether my PCOS will get better or worse after having my ovaries out. Not sure what to expect at all!
I'm 22 and I've always had irregular periods... However I haven't had a period since May and I started to grow hair under my chin and stomach so about a month ago I went to my Doctor and he checked my blood but everything came back fine, he also referred me to the hospital for a scan which showed that I do infact have Polycystic ovaries... He explained that this is probably part of the reason why I find it hard to loose weight so he's now prescribed Orlistat (Xenical) to help kick start my diet.

I realise that you can't treat PCSO's... The only thing that worries me is not being able to have children when I decide I'm ready.... :(

I'm also 22 and found out last year unexpectedly while suffering from Pancreatitis. My boyfriend and I know we want kids, and it was really upsetting for a while, not knowing whether or not we will be able without complications. I was basically told "If you don't want kids yet then just try to lose weight, come back when you do", which wasn't exactly helpful! Although it did help me to kick start my weight loss, and I'm doing okay. I've been following slimmm/celebrity slim and managed to lose just over 3 stone, then I hurt my back and couldn't move around much for a month, and I'm ashamed to say I spent most of that time comfort eating.
The main problem was painful walking to the bathroom, and while following the shakes weight loss plan you drink a lot of water and go to the bathroom a lot, I gave up following the shakes and managed to put on 11lbs. I'm now back onto my shakes and feeling good, but am still worried about the pcos.

I had very irregular (if any) periods for years, but for the last 3 years or so they've been very regular, which the specialist told me was a good sign!

But...the hair!!! I hate hate hate it. I try to keep on top of it, and my boyfriend said it doesn't bother him, but I do worry sometimes! I spoke to the specialist about the hair during a consultation, I'd done my research and asked him about Vaniqa, he said as it's expensive they try to only prescribe it to those who really need it but if I felt I needed it I could have it, and I didn't feel my hair growth was enough to warrant it back then, and really I suppose it's not, but man some days I want it, lol.

What are your results of the Xenical like? I'm worried to try anything medical for weight loss because of the side effects.
I feel for all of you! I was diagnosed with PCOS at 16, I was 17 a few weeks later. I use to have spots on my face. I don't anymore. I put on lots of weight. I still have excess hair all over my body. My periods were normal before I started taking Dianette (the pill) for my facial hair and spots. During that time I was on my periods (or spotting) normally. I stopped taking Dianette after a year and a half of being on it. From stopping Dianette my periods were all messed up until July 2012. They have been normal since then :)

I have been on Xenical (diet pill) for 3 days and the side effects are Diarrhea :( I will post how much weight I lose from taking Xenical, if I do lose any :) My doctor wants me to be on Xenical for a month and then go back to see her and if I have lost more than 5% of my body fat then I can continue using it for 3 months and if I lose more than 10% of my body fat in 3 months then I can use it for 12 months.
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After years of suspecting I have PCOS I was finally diagnosed this year. I always had fairly regular cycles but as I often pointed out I have been on contraseptive since I was 16-17 and I'm now 23. I have weight gain, excess hair (face, stomach, chest), mood swings and mild achy, you know, all the fun stuff! :p I'm not on metformin to help with the weight loss, dual for my skin and I have an appointment with a dermatologist to see about electrolysis. I'm determined to get things back on track. :)
I know this an old thread but am currently going through the hell of diagnosis. Am currently 18 and have suffered with irregular periods for over 3 years now. I have all the major symptoms: acne for as long I can remember, terrible hair growth, horrible mood swing and irregular periods. However, I've now been to see 4 separate doctors (currently moved cities as a student) and had a scan and number of different blood tests and have been told I have got PCOS, I haven't and 'It's too early to say' - which I don't understand since I've had symptoms for a significant time - and been shoved on the pill.

When I continue to have issues with the pill, the just change me to a different one and brush off my other symptoms. However, am trying to loose weight (with WW) to try and see if they will listen and not put it down to me being overweight :/
I have PCOS too, was diagnosed when I was 14, I am now 22. I haven't been to the Hospital about it since probably I was 15.

I did go to the doctors, about my weight and he got me seeing a dietician, which did not help at all! She tried telling me I was eating in secret...and I knew I was trying my hardest to do what she said! anyway I told her I didnt want her help anymore and left it at that, my main problems are the skin, excess hair, and the overweight problem, the weight problem is the worst, some people just do not understand it and it makes me upset :(

I'm trying the cambridge diet at the moment, so we will see if that makes a difference!
The weight issue is something I struggle with - to be honest I hadn't even heard of PCOS until I went to the doctors for something unrelated. But know when I mention to others they see it as an excuse when it does cause issues for weight loss. I've followed the WW plan to the letter but my weight loss is way below what others of a similar weight are experiencing. Slow and steady will hopefully be my way :)
The weight issue is something I struggle with - to be honest I hadn't even heard of PCOS until I went to the doctors for something unrelated. But know when I mention to others they see it as an excuse when it does cause issues for weight loss. I've followed the WW plan to the letter but my weight loss is way below what others of a similar weight are experiencing. Slow and steady will hopefully be my way :)

My specialist told me us with pcos don't burn carbs as effectively as others so to avoid them and stick to lean proteins and green leafy veg. Works for me x
I also have PCOS and have had two periods in 18 months. Been ttc for 18 months too with no luck. Had scans Oct 2011 and told I 'might' have it, then a specialist told me I didn't. Had another scan December 2012 by the same person who did the first scan and she said she couldn't understand why they'd sent me back when she told them the first time I do have it. I don't suffer from the excess hair or spots but I so have thinning hair that falls out, oily skin, headaches. I've lost four stone and that still hasn't helped with my periods, although I do need to lose another three stone. I often get pains in my ovarian area but the same consultant who told me I didn't have it told me this was due to constipation!! I've got an appointment with a fertility specialist next Thursday so hoping they make me a happy Sarah!!!
I'm 24 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15. It was really daunting at first, my doctor told me I had this syndrome and I of course went straight home and googled it all which had me fretting even more.
I never really had periods, or if I did, they would be very bad and very painful. I too have been for countless scans and tests, all of which show cysts on my ovaries.
I have most symptoms such as overweight, acne and facial hair (although I'm very blonde so luckily it isn't too noticeable).
I currently have the Implanon in my arm, which took about a year to get because they had to do so many tests! Currently on the track to lose weight and hopefully this improves it.

Hello all,

Another PCOS'er here!

I was diagnosed at 13 (20 now!) and still have a lot of symptoms, hoping getting some weight off will help me to see a difference. I'm fed up of all my friends moaning about their periods, at least they have them to validate them as women. And yeah, the amount of money I spend on hair removal methods is ridiculous!
I've only recently been diagnosed, I haven't had a period in a year now.... :\
Oh & of course my doctor told me if I lose weight I should feel better & possibly become more regular over time.

Here's hoping!
I have lost 120lb and have gone from no periods to a regular 6 week cycle. Still unsure if I am ovulating but it's a start I had nothing for 7 yrs. other symptoms have got better too and my hormones are brilliant
That's so inspiring, Katiebaby! :)
i got 'sort of' diagnosed too. Annoying! I was regular every 32-38 days until 18 months ago. i now have anything from 45-60 day long cycles.

I put on 2 1/2 stone in that time though! However i've lost 2 stone now in the past 3 1/2 months with slimming world. i've only had two cycles since being on SW, so i have my fingers crossed that a cycle may approach which will see a difference. Long shot but can only hope!

I have no other symptoms, other than ovulation pain and multiple surges. I do ovulate most of the time, just very late.
Had no period for a year now grr and extremly overweight after putibg all weight lost jn 2009 back on bigger grrrrso decided enough is enough and started Exante anyone else in same boat
I'm getting water retention tablets tomorrow...I'm sick of PCOS ruining my weight loss now =( I'm doing everything else right!! Exercising 5 times a week, Slimming World plan is the healthiest I've ever been....making no ounce of difference lately :( I'm now CD26 and still no ovulation