Do you have PCOS?

Hi, I have polycystic ovaries but not sure whether I have PCOS.

I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries after an ultrasound scan when I was about 16. I was having very irregular periods and had put on a lot of weight. They also gave me a blood test but when I went back to the Drs to get the results it was all very confusing and as I was still quite young I never really followed it all up. Now that I'm 25, married, and thinking about trying for children at some point, I know that I'm going to have to go back to the Drs and sort it all out.

I'm not on the pill at the moment (or any other medication) and only have 1 or 2 periods a year. I don't get ache but I do have excess's not too bad facially at the moment but seems to be getting gradually worse.

I'm just not too sure of the difference in symptoms between PCOS and just having polycystic ovaries. Anyone know?x
I'm far from an expert, but I think polycystic ovaries and PCOS are the same thing.

I have to admit to being qite confused about whether I have PCOS or not - I was diagnosed as having endometriosis at 17 (I was given a laperoscopy and they found an ovarian cyst at the time which was "nothing to worry about" and although it was actually inconclusive for endometriosis the gynaecologist decided I must have it as I had all the symptoms) for which I was given a high dosage of provera in tablet form to stop the periods and therefore the horrific pain. However, I put on 3 stones in weight in the first 12 months (a side effect of the tablets) and even after the gynaecologist reduced the does to a third I continued to put weight on as long as was on the tablets even when dieting (totalling 7 stone in 7 years). I was 24 before anyone decided to tell me I could have got a lot of the the same "benefits" without the excessive weight gain by taking the pill, running one month's supply straight into the next when I moved and saw a different specialist. At the time they chose a particular brand of pill (Cilest) as it would help with the acne I had developed. No-one told me up until that stage that once your metabolism has been so badly damage by provera it will never recover so I'll always fight a (probably losing battle) with my weight.

A couple of years ago I moved again and as I was registering with a doctor I was explaining about my history of gynaecological problems and the GP said in passing that while I might well have endometriosis it could just as easily have been PCOS, given my medical history.

Now while at 14 to 17 I had a clockwork 27-day cycle, my cycle is now anything from 32 to 48 days and for the first time ever I missed a period entirely about 6 months ago (or my cycle was about 75 days that month???). I'm still 7 stone overweight (even having done every extreme diet under the sun) and I'm pretty damned hairy (I use an epilator on my face a couple of times a week). However, my periods, over the years have become less painful (though not less heavy - my ex-boyfriend was convinced I was going to bleed to death the first time he stayed when it started - I could not convince him that this amount of blood was normal for me). I definintely still ovulate as, although the periods have become less painful, the ovulation still feels like someone is driving a dagger into my side. I don't have children, but I admit that I've never tried, due to circumstances, so although I assume that I'm near-infertile (either endometriosis or PCOS would do that) I don't know for certain.

I don't really know if I have endometriosis, PCOS, both or neither! Anyone know more than me?
I'm far from an expert, but I think polycystic ovaries and PCOS are the same thing.
PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome. The 'Syndrome' being the other effects of the condition such as abnormal hormone levels, spots, excess hair growth, and irregular periods. I JUST have cysts on my ovaries, classed as multi-cystic, but none of the other indicators. I do NOT have the syndrome
hiya cysters! :)

Yeah.. that's my understanding too.. I think most women have a few/some cysts, but you have to have a few of the symptoms clustering for it to be classified as pcos.. unfortunately i have most of them..

Here's a question for everyone who's posted on here, who has shared that they have pco/pcos...

how did it feel telling people on here? have you told many people?.. I don't often tell people, and if I do, I don't tell them about my personal symptoms... I don't know if I'm brave enough.. My partner knows, but few others do.. it feel liberating being able to talk about it on here, and so it occurred to me - do you feel brave when you share these things, or do you just take it in your stride?


I've only just joined this so you'll have to bear with me a little!

I have PCOS, was diagnosed nearly two and a half years ago. I didn't have all the symptoms though-I had irregular periods but that was it. I didn't (and still don't) have any acne or anything. I was within my 'normal' weight limit. It was only after I was diagnosed that I put on an extra 4 stone in weight and started getting excessive facial hair.

For the facial hair I had laser treatment done as well-mine wasn't too bad so I only need 4 sessions. I get the odd hair now and again but generally I don't tend to notice it anymore.

Oh and ouch! for the underarms! There's no way I could do that!
Hi Enough,

I tell everyone I meet that I have it. I got fed up everyone thinking I ate all the pies. :D
Hi all
I suffer from pcos too.
Irregular periods, unwanted facial hair and weight gain! It's all there for me.
My weightloss so far has helped me regulate my periods slightly but i still need to work on loosing more weight.
I'm having laser hair removel treatment for my unwanted facial hair and i must say it's helped alot.:)
I have been trying for a baby for 12 years now and have had 1 ectopic pregnancy and 5 miscarriages!:cry:Doc's say weightloss is my only way to help me have a healthy pregnancy next time.
I like to read what other pcos suffers have to say because it helps me feel like i'm not alone or the only one with these problems! Some pcos suffers have children which helps feel like there is a chance!
Weightloss is harder due to pcos but i'm not giving up!

I'mnow 41 years old and have never had regular periods I also ued to suffer very badly with aches and pains to the extent that on 2 occasions I ended up puking with pain of it. My mother even took me to the doctor when I was about 15 because she was worried the doctor didn't even mention PCOS to us and only suggested that I would grow out of it... I never did and I was eventually diagnosed with PCOS about 5 years ago when I started getting the excrutiating ovulation pains. My husband and I have not used contraception in 10 years with not even a false alarm I must admit I haven't gone to the doctors as I don't ut alot of faith in them. You have to get on with what life deals you
I have been trying for a baby for 12 years now and have had 1 ectopic pregnancy and 5 miscarriages!:cry:Doc's say weightloss is my only way to help me have a healthy pregnancy next time.
I like to read what other pcos suffers have to say because it helps me feel like i'm not alone or the only one with these problems! Some pcos suffers have children which helps feel like there is a chance!
Weightloss is harder due to pcos but i'm not giving up!


So sorry to hear you've been through such a horrible time TTC, I have PCOS and my 2nd baby is due Tomorrow so it can be done! even if you are overweight too! My BMI was 43. something when i fell with this one.

Sending you lots of baby dust! xxx
So sorry to hear you've been through such a horrible time TTC, I have PCOS and my 2nd baby is due Tomorrow so it can be done! even if you are overweight too! My BMI was 43. something when i fell with this one.

Sending you lots of baby dust! xxx

Thank you soooo much!
Nice to hear it's working well for you and it has given me alot of hope too! :D
Do let me know what you have, Boy/Girl.

Good luck to you with the joys of pushing the buddle of joy out! ;)
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I have PCOS too and just wondered if anyone else has really bad period-like pains and bloating around a week or 2 before their period is due? I seem to have period pains for 50% of the month! I used to take metformin as this was said to make these pains better, but it just made me feel like rubbish 90% of the month! so i stopped taking them! just wondering if anyone else gets this? xxxx
I have PCOS too and just wondered if anyone else has really bad period-like pains and bloating around a week or 2 before their period is due? I seem to have period pains for 50% of the month! I used to take metformin as this was said to make these pains better, but it just made me feel like rubbish 90% of the month! so i stopped taking them! just wondering if anyone else gets this? xxxx

I have been having the same problem recently. My last three periods have been painful 1 week before and 1 week after the bleeding. I went to my drs and she said it can sometimes happen were the period itself and the pain are not in sync.
It didnt make any sense to me though :confused:, because does that mean we may have pain for most of the month and that is normal. She just told me take tranexamic acid tabelts which i had had in the past to control heavy bleeding, she said they also help with period pains.I didnt take them tough and after being in pain for 1 week after my period the pain just stopped itself.
The thing is the pain is so strong that i can not even do everyday normal chores.:sigh:
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Yeah I know the feeling Subs! Sometimes it feels like someones stabbing me in the abdomen!!!! Its horendous!:(
I have PCOS and have for many years.

I seem to have doctors that make me feel Im wasting their time. The syptom I have is hair growth on my double chin.

This is where I sound stupid. I only found out hair growth was a symptom of PCOS when I when to the doctor about it and was told then.

You have made me think though. What are the common syptoms and have been mentally beating myself up over my weight when its a syptom of something else.

Thanks ladies, its an enlightening feeling to know you are not alone anymore.

Bev x
Just wondered if any of you lovely ladies could help me.
As a teenager I suffered from irregular, very heavy & painful periods. Horrible hair on my face, very bad sweating & acne.
But I can become pregnant very easily. I gave birth to my son at the age of 20 and my daughter at 24.
The only thing that stops me from becoming pregnant is the implant, so thats what im using at present.
But I still suffer from all the horrible things that I have listed above apart from the heavy painfull periods.
Im 25 now and sick and tired of people being rude about the way that I look, my selfconfidence is non-existant.
Im nearly into a healthy bmi now, as a teenager I was not over weight.
So could I have pcos or Im I just very unlucky?? I have heard of the condition before but had never concidered the symptoms before because I thought it stopped ladies being able to conceive.
Thank you for your help
Forgot to say that lately I have been suffering from irregular bleeding, normally after "you know what" pain and bloating:confused:
I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS (last year when I was 28). I thought I'd had it for ages but didn't do any investigating. I'd read up on the symptoms and saw difficultly in losing weight as one so I went to my doctor, had the scan and blood test and was diagnosed. I've lost 1 1/2 stone since diagnosed and my periods are much more regular. I've never really had problems with bad skin but I do have some excessive hair (however not too much to be a problem). It was decided that weight loss would be the best way for me to manage PCOS, so that's what I'm trying to do - however, I'm finding it hard now.
Hi tinkerbell, have you tried asking your doctor to give you some help, e.g. prescribe xenical or anything else they can do?
My doctor had said there are options but I know that I can lose weight, it's just I'm sabotaging myself. If I continue to find it hard I might go down the meds route.