Do you know what I'm really enjoying most about Dukan?


Losing it!
I love that I can still enjoy eating.

Dieting before has always been about deprivation. Dukan, for me, is not about that at all. Yes, I'm restricted in what I can eat, but there are still 101 things I can enjoy without worrying.

For breakfast I just had a lean beefburger, egg and courgette tagliatelle. I ate and enjoyed every last mouthful, it didn't feel like a diet. I love that this way of eating will mean that I don't put on weight ever again.

And Dukan takes away the guilt. I used to feel bad about every mouthful, now I don't. I enjoy eating, that's a new one for me.

Anyway, enough already!
Supertonic said:
Me too! Good isn't it? Enjoying food whilst watching the weight come off seems almost like cheating.

Ditto, I love my food and live the fact I can eat lol
Also the fact that it's easy to adapt Dukan food for 'real life' afterwards - I still cook Dukan-style (so PP/PV food and add extras in), so if I need to cut back (like this week in preparation for a weekend of gluttony:eek:) it's no hardship to do so - just take out some of the extras.
Agree with all of the above. I think one of the most important lines in the Dukan book is 'focus on what you can eat and forget the rest', I try to do that every day and especially when I am feeling weak. Must admit that this week for some reason I have been 'yearning' after carb filled treats but as long as I tuck into some protien then I have managed so far to resist the urge!!! x
Great thread and for those of us struggling at the run up to the festive period, a good reminder of why we chose and stuck to the diet in the first place.

Another thing I love about the diet, having tried most of the others, is not having to count/weigh/point/etc etc... I find the strictness makes it all far easier. As he says: "if it's not on the list, it's not ok!" (yeah yeah I know, things keep being added and taken away in the uk but I stick to the French version mainly!)
I can eat pumpkin with cinnamon in the PV days.
I can have bran pancake and muffins.
I can even have very special deserts ....
And the best thing: I'm on a diet without feeling I'm on one... and I continue to lose weight.