Do you know what the real reason/s are for your weight gain?

LightRaven, just wanted to send you a hug. I can totally understand why you reacted the way you did with food - lots of us are trying to hide behind our size for one reason or another. I think you've been amazingly strong and done so well. Please don't be too hard on yourself - none of this was of your choosing. Many of us are here because we use(d) food as a way to medicate unhappiness and fill up a hole inside that had nothing to do with hunger. I think you have some great insights and a positive attitude and those things mean you can reach your goal and beat the legacy of the past.
So... hugs.

Thanks Katy. :) I'm not trying to be too hard on myself, but after doing some thinking, I realized that I was just perpetuating their actions by my reactions. I don't blame myself for the incidents. No one has a right to lay a hand on anyone in anyway that violates their personal space, be it physical or mental attacks. But their behavior didn't cause me to be fat. That was my reaction to them. Cause and effect. Unfortunately, I was never taught solutions, or given resources to overcome those events... because it wasn't talked about like that until recently really.

Meh, I'm rambling. I think there really should be a program for children to teach them these things... to give them the resources they need to overcome situations like these.. god forbid they should ever find themselves in it... I really think that the programs in place don't go far enough.

I know for me reasons i used to eat alot was for comfort. Used to get bullied when i was younger for being bigger and so ate to comfort it.

Although in my latter stages i just ate through shear enjoyment i guess.
Well YA, you look great now... so something is working! Well done.

LightRaven, LOVED what you've written. I totally agree about giving kids the skills and resources to handle the tough things life will throw at them. You're right, it's our reactions, and how often do we find coping mechanisms that make things worse? We reach for a drink or a ciggy or a hunk of chocolate cake, or any one of dozens of other things that punish ourselves or others but don't solve the problem.

It has to change. And it can't change until we give kids the tools to make better choices and be emotionally intelligent. We know how hard it is to have to discover those things alone, and how much damage can be done along the way... but it doesn't have to be that way for the next generation. Sorry to rant, but this is something I feel REALLY strongly about. Thanks for posting!
LightRaven, LOVED what you've written. I totally agree about giving kids the skills and resources to handle the tough things life will throw at them. You're right, it's our reactions, and how often do we find coping mechanisms that make things worse? We reach for a drink or a ciggy or a hunk of chocolate cake, or any one of dozens of other things that punish ourselves or others but don't solve the problem.

It has to change. And it can't change until we give kids the tools to make better choices and be emotionally intelligent. We know how hard it is to have to discover those things alone, and how much damage can be done along the way... but it doesn't have to be that way for the next generation. Sorry to rant, but this is something I feel REALLY strongly about. Thanks for posting!

Thanks for the thanks! :)

It is something that I will definately be teaching my daughter. I've often pondered starting some sort of program on a local level to deal with this issue. But I wouldn't know where or how to begin... and I don't know if I would exactly be qualified as such either.. lol!
