Do you tell people?


Repeat Offender
Just wondering whether you all tell people that you're doing Slim and Save or not? I personally haven't told anyone, except my boyfriend. I don't like the questions about it all, the watching what I'm doing, the frequent words of concern about it all. Also if I just tell my family, they end up talking about it to other people, even people I don't know much and I just don't like it, feel uncomfortable. I don't really like people knowing full stop really, not even my parents who I still live with at the moment. Generally it's not a problem but tonight, it's a problem lol What my mum's cooked for dinner smells AMAZING. She came and told me that there was lots left over if I want any as I normally cook for myself anyway. I'm not actually hungry (think ketosis has kicked in already) but it was so so tempting! Starting to see the upside to telling people.
I told my mum a few months in and my boyfriend LOL but nobody else. If someone asks me ill tell them but otherwise no big deal!

I got a bunch of hassle first time I dieted from people at work, so best to just keep quiet there... Nosy cows ahoy LOL
I told everyone- my close friends and family before I started and everyone else when they noticed me mixing sachets etc. I was so determined that I knew I wouldn't end up red faced for failing and also felt that everyone keeping an eye on me kept me on track.
I got fat in the first place through secretive eating and felt it was time to change that and stop hiding.
I told everyone last time when I did Cambridge & have done this time, most people have been supportive & were previously. You always get the odd one or two who think they know better but I just ignore them. I just find it easier that people know & just generalise if they ask by saying its a meal replacement diet that gives me all the nutrition I need without going into too many details. But at the end of the day it's up to you & what you feel most comfortable with x
No one knows but my mum. My OH, kids and close friends all think I am doing SW red days. Don't think I could cope with everyone telling me how bad it is for me or how it wont work. On day 5 and feel more energised than ever did doing SW, have even been to the gym twice this week and got a buzz out of it which rarely happens when I am loaded up with carbs and calories on SW.
Everyone at my work knows which is really helpful as it stops them offering me sweets biscuits etc... Also it means they think it's ok to compliment me on how great I'm looking... Ha ha ha! Have a few worried/ negative remarks at first but there gone now the weight is coming off :)
I told family and friends. I wouldn't have told people at work but one of my colleguea was also doing it and she told everyone. It actually made things much easier for me.
I know what you mean about leftovers lol I live with my parents too and even though they know I am on this they slip up a lot and mindlessly offer me their extra toad in the hole or whatever, kills me inside to say no but needs must!

With regards to telling people I made it a point to tell everyone at first just to get it out of the way as I didn't want to have to field questions about it down the line. Now around 5 months later I regret that naive decision. Most notably I think telling people at work was actually a bad idea. There were only 5 of us and 3 of them were bigger woman who made my working life difficult as all of them thought I was basically an idiot for doing this. Needless to say I now have a new job and have told nobody about my eating habits and am getting on great!

so now I would advise telling only those who you can trust to be happy for you :)
Nope, got grief from others when I did Cambridge/ exante.....don't need the hassle, have told those that pry that I'm just staying off the booze and cake and upping my protein and veg.....which I am knda doing ;-)
Only my close family know, and a few people at work, I work in a mainly male office & they are more diet prone then women lol, one of my bosses was the one who originally introduced me to CD when he tried it, my other boss had a gastric bypass 2 yrs ago, so not negativity there, helps me knowing they know coz in my head they are watching to make sure i dont fail, as for friends I am avoiding most until there is a noticable difference by which time it will be too late for their disagreement to matter (i hope) :)