Do you use anything to 'boost' your weight loss, does it work?


Repeat Offender
I did the cambridge diet for a couple of months and lost a great amount of weight. I can't afford to carry on with that now so I'm doing a healthy eating and exercise plan. But the thing is, on CD, especially at the beginning, you get used to seeing high losses each week. I lost 2 and a half stone in two months. I won't get that doing this. So while I'm happy with every loss, it always seems like it's not very much seeing as I generally lost 4-6lbs a week on Cambridge.

I've heard about lots of things that supposedly work, like Alli, certain herbal remedies etc. but I don't know if they actually work.

Just wondering if anyone uses anything to boost their losses? Does it actually work, how much does it cost and would you recommend it?
To be frank - if these over the counter herbal diet remedies really worked GPs would be prescribing them to patients and not xenical with all it's well-reported side effects. ;)
I didn't say it had to necessarily be over the counter!
Sorry to be boring, but mines exercise. I followed the ww plan to the letter, and worked really hard at the gym, and my weight came off really fast. I read a lot about fitness, and took it very seriously. And of course, still am keeping at it.

Hope that helps!!!
No you're not being boring, I'm doing that too! Just wanted to know if any of the things actually work like they say they do!
Have a look at Forever Lean. I use it before every meal and I have lost 23lb in 8 weeks on WW. I have no doubt Forever Lean is working for me and the company provides a 60 day money back guarantee if I don't think it does what it says on the tin!
i think the only real help is exercise as much as i hate that fact lol!!
