Do you use your 49 weekly Propoints?

Hi, i am just wondering what everyone does with their 49 weekly Propoints? Do you use them, use some of them or not touch them? Also does it affect your losses if you use/don't use them? I look forward to reading any replies. Thanks. x
I use them all up after weigh in on a Friday (and Saturday) so by the time Friday comes around I'm ready for a treat again.I lost 1.5 lbs last week.have always done it and have lost 101.5 lbs up to date :)
How much do you lose in a average week? Do you think it helps weight loss by using them? x
I don't know if it helps but I lose between 3 and 1 pound a week but before ww I would lose weight but gain double when I got bored.I think the weeklies have helped to make this a life change not a diet :) x
Having previously always followed the 'old' WW plan, I really can't get to grips with the idea of an additional weekly allowance - I know it's silly but I feel so guilty dipping into them, lol. My leader said a lot of members have felt the same and it is a psychological thing to try and get over. She reckons that even if you use all 49 weekly points you should still lose 1-2lb a week.
I used about 25 in week one and two and have lost a total of 5.5lb so far (losing 4lb week one and 1.5lb week two) I'm going to try not to use any weeklies this week though to see if I get an even better loss. x
I just use them as a safety net. If I use up my daily and I get a bit peckish at night I'll have myself a little snack and not worry about it. Or I just use them all up for a night out.
My weigh-in is on wednesday, so I do try use them all before Monday. Using them Monday or Tuesday freaks me out for weigh-in even though I know I'm allowed use them.
I worked for WW in NZ, and we saw a lot of people really reluctant to use their 49. But sitting behind the desk, talking to people and looking at the data, I was really struck by the fact that the people who used most* of them were the people consistently losing more weight. So don't be scared of them - they're there to be used!

*by ''most'' I mean between at least half

I personally add about 5 onto each day, and use the rest for treats/extras whenever I like. Or if I know I have a special event on, I'll just add a couple to each day. I usually use about 45 of mine in total, because I like to keep a few there as a buffer in case I miscalculated anything!
I've tried not to go over my dailies if I'm not going out for a meal or anything, and then use my weeklies for that... As I'm a uni student I tend to have 1 or 2 nights out a week so most go on alcohol if I use them!
I think it just depends on what works for you, using weeklies hasn't affected my weight loss yet! Although I have been doing about 8 hours of exercise a week and not using my activity points.
Let us know how you get on this week not using them :)
Like other people have said - I use mine only if I need them. I try to stick to my daily allowance but if I'm having an unusual day and I'm still hungry I can allow myself a snack. Other than that I usually only use them if I'm doing something out of the ordinary e.g. a meal out. I try to think of them as a safety net and actually I find having them there often means I don't panic and feel deprived - even if I don't use them. I don't think they affect your loss that much either way to be honest.
I found when I attended a group that the people who use them have more consistent weight lose and also stay on plan easier as do t feel as deprived as you can when you don't use them. What I do is I use them but I never use my activity ones I gain and that works
i'm only into my second week, but last week i used 42 of my weeklies and lost 4lb.

this week i've used about 15 weeklies and i will be getting weighed tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how i do using less weeklies.
I'm on week 5 now and reached my 5% so delighted! But the first 2 wks I didn't touch them, then the 3rd wk used them (& someone else's!! Darn garlic cheese chips!!) and stayed the same. But last wk i used 12 during the wk & the rest on Saturday nite & lost 2lbs :)
Hi, I use every last one of mine! lol. I think if I hadn't I would have given up ages ago. I have lost every week (maintained twice I think) and just put 2 pound on over 2 week christmas period. I tend to use mine for a bottle of wine at the weekend and I few naughties. I get weighed on Mondays and eating the points at the weekend haven't affected me.