Doctors Signature Requirements Cambridge Diet

OK - I've had a really good read but I'm still confused! I know which councellor I'm going to go to but she's on hols for another week so thought i'd get my brain in gear now - start drinking water etc!

My BMI is 45. Can someone please explain exactly what my choices are - only one of which I'm clear on!

1. Do SS after gaining Doc's signature.
2. SS+ [aka 615] (with or without Doc's sig? with or without doc's knowledge?)

Thanks gang!

Hi sarah

If your bmi is over 40 you can't go straight onto ss+, when I started my bmi was 42 had to start on step 3 which is breakfast small tea and 2 products a day, was on that for 2 weeks then on 3rd week went onto step 2 3products 200cal meal. Lost just over a stone within 3 weeks. The good thing about it is that your not pushed into the deep end straight away, so once you get to ss+ it not as hard :) hope that helps :)
hi guys

I'm thinking about starting CD. My BMI is 35, but I'm on Etanercept (an immune suppressant injection) and I've got arthritis. I assume I would have to get a signature from a doctor to do this plan at all?

Many thanks

You would need to get a siggy as the cd call this contraindicted.

OK - I've had a really good read but I'm still confused! I know which councellor I'm going to go to but she's on hols for another week so thought i'd get my brain in gear now - start drinking water etc!

My BMI is 45. Can someone please explain exactly what my choices are - only one of which I'm clear on!

1. Do SS after gaining Doc's signature.
2. SS+ [aka 615] (with or without Doc's sig? with or without doc's knowledge?)

Thanks gang!


Hi S, with a bmi of 40 or more you need a doctor to sign the form for ANY of the plans you wish to do.. I've just been through all of this a few weeks ago, and I choose to do Exante because of the Dr's form.

You can't do CD without your Dr knowing while your bmi is that high :(
i started with bmi of 42 on 810 for two weeks and then ss+ onwards without a signature :s
bunny_hops said:
You would need to get a siggy as the cd call this contraindicted.

Hi S, with a bmi of 40 or more you need a doctor to sign the form for ANY of the plans you wish to do.. I've just been through all of this a few weeks ago, and I choose to do Exante because of the Dr's form.

You can't do CD without your Dr knowing while your bmi is that high :(

I don't think that's right about bmi over 40. I think it's as the others have said, you just start on a higher plan and move down to SS or SS+ once your bmi has dropped to below 40.

But you're right about the other thing, if you have any medical conditions you def need a signature. Although note that the form isn't to say you're allowed to do CD, it's to confirm your medical history that you give your CDC, so technically the doctor should sign it regardless of whether or not they agree with you doing the diet. You may need to go back to the doctor once you've lost weight to see if your dosage needs adjusting based on the weight loss but they shouldn't be able to stop you doing it. (yes i know some doctors think they're God and may refuse anyway but just try another one within the practice if you can)
I called my surgery beforehand to ask what the process was for getting forms signed and explained what it was for. After I told them it was CD they asked me if that was LL (!!) and when I said that no, it was CD they said they didn't know if the Dr would sign it because it wasn't LL.

Anyway, I took the form to the surgery with the information that my CDC gave me for the Dr, and it took them two weeks and £15 to sign it off.

And, right, I am fairly new to the surgery but have lived in the UK for 7 years and my new surgery have had my files transferred from my old one.

They wrote on the form that I was new to the surgery and they had no info on me (!!!) and would only sign that they had seen it without taking responsibility for adverse results!

How unhelpful is that!? Luckily my lovely CDC is much nicer :)

Dee x

That is too much Dee. It is annoying when you think that there is so much support for other things and weight loss does benefit health. Grrrr!!!
Unfortunately I am in the 40+ BMI & had to get a Dr's signature. Took some convincing, he kept saying it wasn't part of his NHS work. But with some flattery & batting of eyelashes I finally got him to sign - but only after having a blood sugar test first.
GPs not signing form

My GP flatly refused and I don't think he even read the paperwork. I was really disappointed as he has been my GP for 34 years. Can I still do SS+ without his signature even though I take occasional painkillers for an ankle injury?
My cdc said that they aren't allowed to refuse to sign it because they aren't authorising it, they are just confirming you have given the correct info. I would give the form into reception and say you need it signed, you may have to pay for the signature but its prob the only way you'll get a it. You won't be allowed to do ss without a form, think the only one you can do is 1200cal and then drop plans as you drop weight.
Maybe see a different doctor at the surgery?
Its so frustrating. . Has anyone else had problems with doctors signature my Mam had to get a signature coz of her bmi but doctor charged 25 pounds and has to have a full medical check (which she has to pay for) before they will sign it why do they make you jump through hoops your doing a good thing wanting to lose weight using your own money?
I didn't have any problems at all. I take thyroxine daily so HAD to have the signature. My Dr. was so pleased I was tackling the issue of losing weight and said in the long run I would be saving the NHS thousands by not needing treatment in the future from being obese.

Shame some Dr's are putting barriers in people's way. It's hard enough as it is to get motivated enough to lose weight and this is NOT easy to go completely without solid food for however many weeks. It's not like you are doing it out of choice it's necessity in many cases - well definately in mine.

I think if I'd had to pay though, I still would have. This means more to me than anything and I will say, it's the best thing I have ever done for myself and it really makes me feel so much healthier.
Im really glad you had no problems. Im sure after they get there money the doctor will be happy. My first weigh in tomorrow hoping to loose at least seven pound been doing ss religiously this week. Good luck with your journey.
And you too - the first week is the hardest but it does definately get easier, let us know how you get on! x
I'm really annoyed as the doctor I saw this morning said she wouldn't sign it but if I wanted to leave it at reception I could PAY for it to be signed??? Er... why should I??? If I was a drug addict they'd be giving me methadone prescriptions left right and centre, which I could then take to the chemist and go to the front of the queue and get taken into a wee private room while I take the stuff. Grrr! I'm sick of hearing in the press all the time about how the billions spent on obesity is crippling the NHS but here I am wanting to use my own money to go on a diet, not asking the NHS for anything but 30 seconds for a signature, and I'm sent away with a "No, unless you give us 20-odd quid". NO! The doctor said these forms are a "faff", there's no legal requirement for them, Cambridge are just "covering themselves". I wish I was a more assertive person and ranted to the doctor like I'm doing now :/ Maybe when I've lost the weight I'll go back to see her and go "SEE???" :(
ive just been to the doctors this morning , i asked her to sign and and she said i have no idea about this diet so i had to explain i was only having to get a signature because my bmi was 42 told her a bit about it and she said well done and signed the form :eek: no charge either , i found it strange as when i had to get my lighter life form filled in i had to leave it with them and collect it with a charge of 25 pounds , i think it really depends what doctor you see , maybe try again and ask for a different doc !! x
Mine was excited for me and couldn't stop saying how excited she was! She read the booklet and said knowone had seen her about CWP in years as it's usually LL x
Hi looking for some advised need to go for a op and the book and the web side said I should come off the CD for 4 week prior to it but my councillor has said only a few days any one came across this x
Hi looking for some advised need to go for a op and the book and the web side said I should come off the CD for 4 week prior to it but my councillor has said only a few days any one came across this x

I came off a month before and then wasn't allowed to start back for 12 weeks after x
Hi all i was'nt sure where to post this hope someone can advise, my mum has asked me to seek some advice on the Cambridge diet she would love to lose some weight but unsure what diet would best suit her, she would like to know if the Cambridge diet is suitable for her being insulin dependent??? Any advice would be greatfuly received thank you for reading
i had to gain GP signature as my BMI is above 40 - was really worried as i have never seen anybody at this GP surgery as just moved house... but i explained to the receptionist, left my form there and then collected it the next day signed by obviously a very good GP! had no charge to pay.

i was worried for nothing!!! :)

on day 5 of CD 810 (step 2) - going well so far, first weigh in on monday! eek!