Does anyone else weigh more than their Partner?

I've always been bigger than my OH!

When we met i'd just finished doing a Lighter life diet, so was probably still a stone or so heavier.
Since then, i've put on loads. He really doesn't care, but i do!! And i also want to be picked up for the sake of it!

He also got a new motorbike recently, and i desperately want to be able to ride pillion with him, but until i weigh less than his BIKE (!) he won't be able to carry us both. (How awful does that sound?! Crikey!)

I don't think i'd ever weigh less than my OH as he is really quite skinny, but i going to damn well try!!!

Great incentive - i want to wear his stuff too!!! xxxxx
Ladies, we can do this together, I am determined to be able to sit on Mick's lap (full weight, no putting all my weigh on the floor and balancing pretending that I am sitting full on)and also being able to put down my knife and fork when I am full (like he can, I can't, I think I have magnet hands as the cuttlery doesn't seem to want to be put down!) ... ahh one day.

What I really want to do (and I know this is silly) is for his birthday buy him his football team's latest shirt and then put nothing but that on and call him into the bedroom - At the moment the shirt would be skin tight and I would look like billy bunter so that ladies, is my aim. Buy him a football shirt and wear it for him. Come on ladies, lets get inspired... what do you want to be able to do? I don't just mean for your men, anything, big or small, not even goals, could be something really insignificant.....dont you ever say to yourself "I will do that when I lose a bit of weight" ... come on, what is your burning desire for when you lose some weight?
In the words of Princess Di "There were three of us in this marriage"
At my heaviest I was almost 10stone heavier than my husband.
Currently I'm 6.5st heavier, I'm looking forward to being lighter than him.

He eats such crap..four chocolate biscuits before his breakfast of a huge bowl of cereal with sugar on.
Sweet stuff always comes first with him.
At night his 'lunch' consists of sausage rolls crisps, chocolate etc, and he only ever puts on a lb or two!
I used to weigh 3 stone more than my boyfriend! He never knew this till recently and was quite shocked lol and he's quite well built (muscle wise) weighing less than him was one of my goals, I'm now 3 stone less than he weighs and back at the weight when we first met :)
I have always weighed more than my husband... we nearly met by about 10kg then he lost weight and then I put weight on :p.... My aim is to weigh the same or less than him eventually :)

Good luck to everyone :)
Ladies, we can do this together, I am determined to be able to sit on Mick's lap (full weight, no putting all my weigh on the floor and balancing pretending that I am sitting full on)and also being able to put down my knife and fork when I am full (like he can, I can't, I think I have magnet hands as the cuttlery doesn't seem to want to be put down!) ... ahh one day.

What I really want to do (and I know this is silly) is for his birthday buy him his football team's latest shirt and then put nothing but that on and call him into the bedroom - At the moment the shirt would be skin tight and I would look like billy bunter so that ladies, is my aim. Buy him a football shirt and wear it for him. Come on ladies, lets get inspired... what do you want to be able to do? I don't just mean for your men, anything, big or small, not even goals, could be something really insignificant.....dont you ever say to yourself "I will do that when I lose a bit of weight" ... come on, what is your burning desire for when you lose some weight?

Afraid mine is mostly to do with my OH!!

*I want to be able to ride pillion on his bike, safely!!

*Sit on his lap without crushing him

*Be picked up without his hurting himself (or carried over a threshold - i don't mind which!! Hahaha!)

*Get into his clothes, so i don't have to bring loads of stuff when staying at his!!!

*And generally just go into any clothes store, see something i like, and not have to trawl to the back of everything to find a size that might fit, but grab the nearest size 12 and KNOW that it will!!!!!!
hun i have been heavier than my other half for a couple of yrs now ! so i know how it feels and i often eat more than him. i am also 5ft 3 and it doesnt leave much room for lack of discipline. your obviously on the right track dont know what to say really other than your not on your own !
yep! :( i used to be 7st heavier than him. but he's put on a stone and i've lost 2.5 so i'm now just under 3.5st heavier than him. it's really gutting as he's 5ft 6" and i'm 5ft 3", he eats what he wants and barely puts on a thing, and i diet hard and only lose half a pound. it's actually driving me insane :(
Ladies, we can do this together, I am determined to be able to sit on Mick's lap (full weight, no putting all my weigh on the floor and balancing pretending that I am sitting full on)and also being able to put down my knife and fork when I am full (like he can, I can't, I think I have magnet hands as the cuttlery doesn't seem to want to be put down!) ... ahh one day.

What I really want to do (and I know this is silly) is for his birthday buy him his football team's latest shirt and then put nothing but that on and call him into the bedroom - At the moment the shirt would be skin tight and I would look like billy bunter so that ladies, is my aim. Buy him a football shirt and wear it for him. Come on ladies, lets get inspired... what do you want to be able to do? I don't just mean for your men, anything, big or small, not even goals, could be something really insignificant.....dont you ever say to yourself "I will do that when I lose a bit of weight" ... come on, what is your burning desire for when you lose some weight?

* I'd love my OH to pick me up, he could do it now but theres NO WAY i'd let him realise how much I weigh currently.

* To buy normal size clothing and be able to go into top shop/river island without felling like a huge whale!!

* Do Aqua Sphering (where your in a big ball and get thrown down a hill) would love to do this

* To walk up my hill without this excess weight and so im not a sweaty mess each time I walk home!!
I want to wear a pencil skirt with seamed stockings and high heels as my husband would love it!
I want to wear his clothes and have them be baggy and not cling to me.

I want to wear suspenders and look good

I want to have sex with the lights on

I want to buy pretty things from work ( I work in a lovely lingerie store :) ) xx
I want to feel comfortable in my own skin... first for myself.. but then so I can wear nice underwear and clothes to make my husband happy.. he met me at my biggest.. and I am now 53lb lighter but still my confidence is on the floor... I sometimes think I could be thin and still have problems.. you think we should fix our mentality at the same time? because i think all the time oh when I am thin I will suddenly have this confidence.

My husband has no idea how much I weigh even no I am so embarressed.. he can eat anything and not put an ounce on :(
Katie68 - aww hun please dont feel sad about yourself, how can your confidence be so low when you have done so so well?! You should concentrate on what you have achieved so far.

With regards to what you say about your man, as someone said to me in an earlier response, your man loves you to bits the way you are ... in fact he loved you 53lbs ago!

Confidence doesnt come with a skinny body, it comes with loving yourself and being happy with your lot in life... as for our bodies, our shells that carry our wonderful insides, yes, lets keep them healthy and make them look nicer, but lets not pin all our hopes on our happiness being what the outer wrapping looks like, its what's inside thats far more important....

As for other little desires of mine... I would love to have the seatbelt on an airplane have plenty of slack and not have to breathe in to have some left over!

I would love not to have to shop in Evans, New Look Inspire, and order from my "fat catalogue" only to have to send it back because it is all so ill-fitting!

I would love not to break into a sweat so frequently!

I would love (like the post before) to have sex with the light on (having only just relented and got fully naked)

I would love to jog 5 miles easily

Mostly I just want to not have food on my brain all the time - one can dream!.... Good luck ladies, lets shift this lard! xx
Thanks for you kind words :) I think this is why I have been stuck off track for the last year because I am focusing far too much on what I have put on rather than what I have lost. My husband loved me 53lbs ago and has told me he will love me regardless :) but I need to Love me and I need to work on that now and not hoping it will magically happen when I am thin.. as I have spoken to people and it isnt the case.

I remember sitting in an aeroplane seat after I lost this weight and didnt have to wedge myself in and the seatbelt had some extra belt :) felt sooooo good.

Another one was before I lost weight I was so embarrassed at drayton manor when I was wedged into ride.. i went to alton towers last year and was so nervous about the same happening and it didnt :))

I would like the sexy underwear.. and to look better in my clothes :)

I want to be able to wear nice clothes too.

I just want to be healthy... being lighter makes my PCOS symptoms easier.