Doing it my way

Just thought I would share my new approach with everyone and it might be useful to those who are struggling. I decided about 2 weeks ago not to let CD run my life. I was so miserable, hating not being able to eat what I wanted. Then I decided to take a deep long breath and RELAX! I looked at what was positive - being in control of what went into my mouth, spending less money and losing weight. I did not get hung up on the negative - eating food when I shouldn't have. I decided that how much I lose is all down to me and if I want to lose the weight, do this diet properly. If I mess up I must be adult enough to accept that I won't lose loads of pounds that week and there is no point in crying about it. I am going to do this CD my way. I feel so much happier, now that I do not beat myself up.
So, this week I lost 4lbs. Really chuffed and it shows me that my new thinking is helping me get through this. I am going to add some meals this week because I am having an early Christmas dinner with my boyfriend. I am mentally strong enough to get back on the wagon and I do not intend to have a blow out.
Slowly but surely is my new motto.

Good Luck everyone and for those of you who are beating yourselves up because you have messed up a bit - STOP IT! Appreciate that this diet is not easy and you will get where you want to eventually.
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Well done Christy, what a great attitude.. I totally agree with you, and have a similar approach to the diet, in fact KD wrote a brilliant post that says much the same thing about our personal CD/diet journey..

Well done and keep on doing what you're doing :)
Sounds like you are being sensible and getting on with your life at the same time....well done
Thank you ladies. Feel so much happier now.
I needed to read this after a little binge tonight has left me feeling terribly guilty! Good approach Christy!
Miss Piggy - looking at the weight you have lost to date - you can obviously do this. Don't beat yourself up over the food you ate today. You have not killed anyone!

Tomorrow is a new day. That is what I am saying to myself tonight. :)

Keep smiling