very low calorie diet?

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Yep!! Sorry very low cal diet. Like slim and save or Cambridge diet etc xx
Morning girls, I need some help.

Scales are showing a gain of 1lb at the mo, official wi is tomorrow. I know I had an off day Sunday but wasn't drastic. Feeling disappointed and now wondering whether I should sign up to classes to ensure I'm doing it right, what do you think? Could I pop a couple days food diary on to see if I am going wrong somewhere?

Cheers girlies :)
Oh Jenny u make me laugh! Telling me not to weigh early then do it yourself haha!
Just wait until tomorro hun then decide what u wanna do after your official WI?
I had another sneaky peak this morning and I'm still showing STS! Hopefully it'll say that tomorro too or even a loss! I just can't help but having a sneaky look on the days leading up to WI even though I know it can totally change on WI day!

Good Luck all xMwahx
Hah me too guilty as charged on the weighing early score... we all do it...

I don;t know Jen I feel the same sometimes, especially when I get a gain and I can't see why, how long have you been doing SW hun? Do you only do one type of day or do you mix them round a little as that can help with the weight loss I've read, it worked for me when I changed to Red days from EE and I'm wondering if I need to mix it up a little more now as I'm basically red days now as they make me feel better in myself, and I'm not loosing infact I've gained this week when I know I've been good as I really wanted to officially hit target this week. Then I think again I know I can't afford the classes even just a couple, then I'd feel weird about cancelling after a couple of weeks, plus I know I've lost 18lb through here alone so I must be doing something right :) As Tilly said see how you feel tomorrow we all know that pound could come off in the next couple of hours...

Have you tried the free seven day plan SW have on their site? I started with that, didn't loose the first week but I really enjoyed the food, if I remember rightly there was nothing I had to specifically buy for meals and it got me eating stuff I wouldn;t normally have like fruit salad for breakfast etc....

Bummed out today early indications for this mornings official WI are not looking good, yeah I know I had a sneaky peek at 7am... I really wanted to hit target this week and I had last Thursday and it had stayed constant until Monday (Good job I didn't celebrate early, I'm dying for some champagne too);)

I've been good (Not even had wine over the weekend) and the only thing I've done different is swap to milk free products(I've adjusted the syns accordingly) and thought if I'm snacking on less things like yogurts etc it would help with the losses too...

Perhaps I should keep a food diary, Jenny if yoou want pop a couple of diaries up and we'll take a look, oh have you tried running it through myfitness pal, I did that a few weeks ago and found my free food protions were enormous, in some cases they were portions for two or free people, so that can help pinpoint things..

Right off to Asda to stock up on goodies of the healthy kind, I'll have breakfast when I get back so I can do my WI on a empty stomach... best thing about doing SW from home is you can WI in naked ;)
I know Tilly, you're allowed to slap my wrist! I give advice out but don't follow it myself, ha! I'm a nightmare :)

Only been doing sw for 3 weeks, first week had a fab 5lb loss on all red days. Since tried green days but feel it's that has made me gain, I maybe wrong? I used to run every other day but haven't been able to recently, am wondering if it's that?

I just bought the sw magazine, is fab and now got lots more meal ideas.

To be honest I don't want to join the groups, money and not good times but really want to loose more weight!

Will grab my food diary and see what you think.


Maybe I'll try a naked wi tomorrow, hee hee!! ;-)
Green day
B - muller light yoghurt with strawberries & blueberries
L - cheese & mushroom omelette
D - spicy bean & vegetable bake
Snacks - 2 alpen light bars, 1 slice of malt loaf

B - magic porridge & banana
L - ham and cheese sandwich
D - tuna salad, ml yoghurt

B - special k sustain & banana
L - ham & cottage cheese sandwich, salad
D - roast chicken, cauliflower, carrots, fruit

All sandwiches are wholemeal nimble bread and used as a hexb. Not eating enough syns? I usually have around 5, some days hardly any and then more of some if had a glass of wine. I always use my hex.

Who know's!
Jenny, one of the most important things on SW is to eat your syns. They give the upper limit of 15, but also recommend that you have at least 5 a day. If you're not into snacking, then work the syns into your meals, like using sauces and oils and things like that?

Also make sure you're drinking enough, as that can cause bloating etc
I know I should use more syns. I think the problem is not having a clue how many syns are in things! I end eating a couple of biscuits for syns but then feel bad cos it's not healthy. Today I've had 2 syns and tonight I've got trout, so have a pudding with syns or add a sauce (of what)? I'm sorry, am a bit clueless :-(
You can find most syn values here, there is always something somewhere someone has posted the syn value for ;) How about spending an hour or so making a list of syn values of treats or putting a syn box together...

Or buy Synned yoghurts for desert add something synned to your dinner, on red days I add peas or sweetcorn, they're healthy so I don't feel guilty, hot choc options with hex milk to make it creamier than just water... the odd syns here and there in a meal soon add up..

I keep little bars of choccie in the freezer, mini milk ice creams ( which reminds me I want to make my own with rice milk and vaniila extract) or you could get rice cakes etc then if you struggling for syns you have something to grab and go....

I think that might be my problem I tend to hang on to my hex's incase I get hungry on an evening then have to cram them in with my syns.....
Hi pinkhat welcome aboard

Glad your first week is going well...

Back from shopping have nice full cupboards again, just have to decide if I'm having a red or EE day now as I've only eaten fruit today so far, I was out longer than intended and now it's school run time so lunch will have to wait....

Official WI ( well my official weigh in :) ) shows I've STS (the scales were reluctant to settle on it though there was a flickering going on:sigh: ) but I'll take that over gaining... not sure now whether to carry on as I am, go back and have a week on the free taster diet see if that makes a difference or mix it up between Red and EE and maybe try a Green day again..
Hmm, ideas of how to use syns may have been a good addition to my post haha - the main things I use syns for if using them in a meal are marinades or sauces for stirfrys etc. One of my favourite meals with syns in is a fresh fillet of salmon marinated for 10-15 mins in 1tbsp sweet chilli sauce, 1tbsp soy sauce and 1tbsp chinese vinegar and then grilled/wrapped in foil and baked for 20-25 mins - 1.5 syns for the whole marinade, which, if chucked in the oven with the salmon makes a really yummy, sticky sauce.

If you search for Pete's recipe book, he has a peanut curry which is 4.5 syns per portion, for the peanut butter, and although I've yet to try it it has had really good reviews.

Another option could be using things like filo pastry which is 3 syns per sheet, and putting in things like a HexA of cheese, some mushrooms and tomatoes etc - or make some spring rolls like I did, which were really nice!!

But really my favourite syns to add to meals are condiments really - tomato sauce 1 syn per tbsp, chilli sauce 1.5 syns per tbsp, gravy made from granules 1 syn per 4tbsp, mango chutney 2 syns per tbsp, BBQ sauce 0.5 syns per tbsp....

There's a few idea, hope they help haha!
Are gravy granules that low... oooh I'm so having that Sunday with my yorkshire pudding mmm

Going to try your filo spring rolls when I find a small pack of filo asda today only had large packs
Suzy I just noticed your shredded loss, that awesome 11 inches ..:eek:

I'm starting the shred again from tomorrow, I plan to do it every day now the kids have broken up from school until we go on holiday which is in 22 days time, I'll start at level 2 and go through to the end.
As long as it's made up without fat (I.E Just with water, like normal people make it ;)) then yeah, only 1 syn per 4tbsp :D
There's a thread on here called low syn treats that's really good for ideas and knowing the values of things.

I'm going to be leaving SW for a while but I'll miss our chats so if no ones minds I'll keep up with what's going on.. Doing slim and save VLCD until I go to Thailand in 5 weeks (starting sun) after that ill be back on SW tho.

I just had a 6.5 hour hair app. Jesus!!! Thats a lot of hairdressing! Haha! Gone and got some sushi as I'm famished for when I get home.

Feeling super bloated and a bit rank at the mo :( xx
Thank you for all your help, it's fab! Sw magazine was good too. Just had a lush tea, baked trout with lots of veg inc sweetcorn to get some syns in! Kit Kat now I think!

Charl, don't disappear! It's lovely to chat to you all. Good luck with the new plan :)

Biggest loser workout later, woohoo, what a life!
Aw, as long as you still pop in to say hello every now and then Charl! :) How on earth did you hair appt last 6.5 hours?!?! What did you have done to last that long haha?? Jealous of the sushi - I am pigging out on fish fingers tonight haha... So elegant! ;D