Oh gosh. I really need a loss this week. My first target was 7lbs by end of June and I've been at 6lbs now for 2 weeks!

I have had a wee slip up after WI this morning in the form of chocolate (after having given up eating it for 6 weeks). But from tomorrow I'm 100% in it for a 2lb loss this week.

I'm going out in the eve but will have 2 double bacardis and coke at 10 syns and that is all! No cheating and lots of exercise!

If it was easy everyone would be doing it right?

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I went a bit mad on the popcorn tonight. Think the 4k run in the morning might help shift the guilt though :)

100% on plan as of tomorrow until weigh in and making sure I drink plenty of water. I so want another 2lb loss! I've had a major sweet tooth today for no reason so hopefully that will have passes by tomorrow.

Good luck everyone!
Ugh another few days off plan for me :( got Chinese last night and drank a load of vodka. Then had leftovers for hung over breakfast just now. I'm so crap at this dieting thing!! Going to see the chillis tomorrow so will be drinking again. Oops x
well you know it is all a state of mind and if you are not 100% committed then it will be a really slow progress and I am saying this from personal experience here too but I have finally got my act together as health is way more important than a few good tastes in the mouth that last minutes or a few hours of poisious alcohol in the body that results in a hangover cause a hangover is the poision coming out or having an effect. We all have the choice untill our health no longer gives us that choice :)
Hate being hungover! I went out again last night (second time this week as I have just finished my exams and needed to let off some steam) and feel crap for it now :( Honestly need to get better self control when I am drinking as I always over do it! Need to find something stodgy for brekkie...
Same! I don't feel I celebrated passing first year very well, I think the thing to remember is we're young and even taking control and making positive changes is really good. When this plan takes over everything that's the unhealthy frame of mind. It's about balance x
Yeah, I do like going out every now and then, especially for celebrations, but I know it messes up the diet... But saying that, I know I've had a good loss so far, so I'm not too worried about putting a few lbs on or STS even though I am really keen to get down to my goal :p I think I have to be realistic about the way I am eating atm anyway, as I have a rare stomach disorder and haven't been absorbing nutrients well lately so I get like hypos like diabetics get :\ Just more excuses I'm using, I suppose... x
Just realised I have gone over syns by 13.5 already this week, and I still have two days and a family meal at an indian restaurant to get through!! HELP! Must not syn at all today (other than the tom sauce I had with my yummy SW 'fried' breakfast) ... Wish me luck!
Just realised I have gone over syns by 13.5 already this week, and I still have two days and a family meal at an indian restaurant to get through!! HELP! Must not syn at all today (other than the tom sauce I had with my yummy SW 'fried' breakfast) ... Wish me luck!

Have a flexisyn day at the indian and pick dishes that are not high in oil content or ask them to go easy on the oil. 13.5 syns is nothing don't panic :) Maybe stick to ten instead of 15 for the next two days?
Yeah, I will definitely have to flexi-syn the meal tomorrow - I would avoid it altogether, but family are coming down that I haven't seen for months! It won't be too bad though, as Indian food is quite cheap syn wise, and I will just stick to a poppadum or two, instead of a peshwari ;D I know 13.5 isn't terrible, especially as I have been celebrating haha, I just want to get myself under control! Thanks for the suggestions, I am definitely going to keep syns for the next 2/3 days as low as possible :)
If you know you've gone over just try being a bit more active for a few days. Even though I was horribly rough today the kids were at a party where the grown ups were allowed to use the health club, so instead of getting more hang over food I actually went for a big swim. Made me feel loads better about indulging last night xx
That sounds good, going to get on the WiiFit in a bit :) It's not the best exercise, but it does make me feel better! :)
I've never been on a wii before, I'm curious about them. Well it's definitely better than sitting doing nothing, x
Ahh, well I say it's not that good, but it definitely lets you get a sweat on :) I only really do the aerobics on there, and for me it's a good workout if I do at least half an hour :) Really good fun as well, and it shows you how many calories you're burning :D
Omg I can't believe how long i've neglected you guys lol.

I just seem to have been crazy busy this week! Haven't done very well i'm ashamed to say and yesterday was my daughters birthday, I ate far too much cake!!

Another week wasted, I really am failing at this :( I wish I could go to group as I know some say that really keeps them on track?

I will plod on and try to get back on track :)
Aww redmel xx you're not failing. Just having an off month. I've had an awful two days but each day you can start fresh!
Hugs all rounds (hug)

I was thinking about this the other day, we all feel crappy and failing when we have a couple of bad days, but then I thought about how I would have been before, a bad day or two compared is nothing compared to a few months ago when I would have thought stuff it and just scoffed crap all week and started again on the Monday....

Yes so we may feel guilty but at the same time we know how to put it right, yes it's slowing going but sometimes it's hard not to fall back and not be 100% all the time.. It doesn't help to beat ourselves up over it that makes us feel worse.

Hope you all have a good weekend guys... Charl how were the Chilli's? fab I bet, I want to go and see them but in dire need of pennies, just bought muse tickets for me and hubs and eldest daughter ;)
Im exactly the same, and even when I've been bad I eat less and make slightly better choices than previously. I had a blow out last night but still was relatively controlled. Bf on the other hand ate double as I refrained a little. And I've got back on plan today.

Chillis are tonight! Gettin excited now, and having a little vodka to get me in the mood :) woooo!

Ahh, I'm so jealous of you Charl, you're going to have an amazing time!! I've just got back from my yummy indian meal - was nowhere near on plan, but it was a big family meal, so I'm not too annoyed with myself :p Enjoyed it, and that's all that matters atm! :) Also, managed to stick to just 0.5 syns yesterday, so feel a bit better because of that :) x
Hi all I haven't really stuck to it at all so far but don't weigh in until Thurs so can try n do something before WI!
Haven't been really bad tho so we'll see!
Got to have my Wisdom Tooth out tomorrow...not looking forward to it at all :(

Good Luck n keep up the hard work xMwahx