Don't you just hate it when....

DYJHIW the above makes you want to cry too - why do we do it to ourselves!!!?

I don't know but I'm not sure that anyone is actually happy with how they look and its a shame we all can't just love what we have. I was on holiday with my family and my sister who is about a size 8 was all insecure about her body because she doesn't feel curvy enough etc
Dyjhiw you're a drunken mess and can't stop crying cause u can't imagine looking how you'll ever want to look!

I've been reading your recent posts and really feel for you. How old are you Jen? The reason I ask is that I went to my first slimming club at 9 years old and have been dieting or bingeing ever since (a total of 32 years mentally and physically abusing myself!). I can totally empathise with how you feel about yourself, or rather your negative body image.

From what I can make out on here you are a teacher, right? That means you are a intelligent, talented individual who has chosen a selfless vocation in life - not many can say that!

I'm learning with age (and a little bit of therapy!) that life is not about how you look. It's about cherishing family, making great friends and creating memories that will stay with us forever - even when the bodies we've worked so hard at are well and truly knackered!! Acceptance is a big part of this - I will NEVER have the body I want. I have short fat legs, at best I will only ever have short thin legs - I have accepted that I will never have the endless pins I would like.

Treat yourself as you treat the ones you care about - would you ever be as unkind to a friend as you are to yourself? Seek professional help if you have to (no shame in that, in fact it's quite trendy now!) but please make a step towards freeing yourself from the self-negativity.

A therapist pointed out to me that low self-esteem is not the same as low confidence. It was like a light being turned on! For years people had told me how confident I appeared, I would always say how wrong they were but now I finally get it. I am confident in many aspects of my life - the low self esteem is something completely different.

I'm sorry for rambling but I hope that something from the ramblings will help you be easier on yourself.
M Louise H said:
I've been reading your recent posts and really feel for you. How old are you Jen? The reason I ask is that I went to my first slimming club at 9 years old and have been dieting or bingeing ever since (a total of 32 years mentally and physically abusing myself!). I can totally empathise with how you feel about yourself, or rather your negative body image.

From what I can make out on here you are a teacher, right? That means you are a intelligent, talented individual who has chosen a selfless vocation in life - not many can say that!

I'm learning with age (and a little bit of therapy!) that life is not about how you look. It's about cherishing family, making great friends and creating memories that will stay with us forever - even when the bodies we've worked so hard at are well and truly knackered!! Acceptance is a big part of this - I will NEVER have the body I want. I have short fat legs, at best I will only ever have short thin legs - I have accepted that I will never have the endless pins I would like.

Treat yourself as you treat the ones you care about - would you ever be as unkind to a friend as you are to yourself? Seek professional help if you have to (no shame in that, in fact it's quite trendy now!) but please make a step towards freeing yourself from the self-negativity.

A therapist pointed out to me that low self-esteem is not the same as low confidence. It was like a light being turned on! For years people had told me how confident I appeared, I would always say how wrong they were but now I finally get it. I am confident in many aspects of my life - the low self esteem is something completely different.

I'm sorry for rambling but I hope that something from the ramblings will help you be easier on yourself.

well said :D
Hope she manages to get it sorted x

Me too, we're going to give blood tonight so no doubt we will chat about this in great detail.

Another work related one unfortunately :(
dyjhiw your boss insists you move a trip that you had planned for next week to today, meaning you have to cancel plans today with another childminder not only disappointing my charges but hers too! That were all really looking forward to seeing each other and there is no reason to change it other than him being a busybody! I do know what im doing with regards to planning activities for your children and how to entertain and care for them - you hired me for that very reason now let me do it!

How long have you worked with them for? do you think they're getting off on a power trip?
Awwwwwwwww that's so sweet.

DYJHIW Your daughters previous employers try & claim back commission from her, which 1 they didn't pay her & 2 she didn't even work for them on the dates they stated and 3 they've copied & pasted names/address to make it look like more cancelations. Words can't express how angry I am they've tried to do this, in the letter they said if she didn't pay they'll pass it on to a debt collection agency, which just makes me even more mad. She's undecided yet what action she is taking.

Try ACAS lovey they may be able to help.
*Emsie* said:
Dyjhiw there seems to be hundreds of threads about superfree foods :eek:

YES!! Good god.
Happy Holidays said:
How long have you worked with them for? do you think they're getting off on a power trip?

Since April, I don't think so he is just the worlds biggest ditherer!
He does a high powered job but he's one of those they is clearly very academically clever with not a single ounce of common sense!
And a bit of a drip....other than that he's lovely lol
Try ACAS lovey they may be able to help.

Thank you:D

Since April, I don't think so he is just the worlds biggest ditherer!
He does a high powered job but he's one of those they is clearly very academically clever with not a single ounce of common sense!
And a bit of a drip....other than that he's lovely lol

Common sense, don't you just find people who are very clever academically they just don't have any.:D
When you had a pair of gorgeous jeans in the wardrobe which you'd been planning to slim into for over a year. You finally try them on thinking they're going to look amazing and they're now too flippin' big! I shouldn't complain about things being too big, but it's annoying because they've still got the tags on!
Miss_Corset said:
When you had a pair of gorgeous jeans in the wardrobe which you'd been planning to slim into for over a year. You finally try them on thinking they're going to look amazing and they're now too flippin' big! I shouldn't complain about things being too big, but it's annoying because they've still got the tags on!

Well done-atleast you can sell them on eBay if they've still for the tags on!

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins
This is true! Definitely need to have a big eBay session soon - lots of things to go! Might give the jeans to my mum actually, they're a 14 so should fit her perfectly :)
Don't you just hate ***$ twatbadger letting agents.

The guy we are dealing with is a proper plum. As soon as he got our agency fees to process our tenancy agreement he just stopped answering calls or emails. He has lied to our new landlady and told her we don't have pets even though we have declared to him in writing we have cats - hopefully she will be ok about it because that can be cause for eviction!

He's just bought the keys round to me, after I paid the deposit and months rent this morning, and said we can't have a photocopy of the contract we signed this morning until next week, as he has to send it to head office before he is allowed to photocopy it!

And finally, having signed the contract, paid the rent and deposit up front, got the key etc I say ok, how do I pay next months rent - I haven't been given an account number to pay into or any kind of info. Oh yeah, oh, hadn't thought of that... (!)

What a total numpty! I don't understand how people like that keep their jobs!
jezzi999 said:
Don't you just hate ***$ twatbadger letting agents.

The guy we are dealing with is a proper plum. As soon as he got our agency fees to process our tenancy agreement he just stopped answering calls or emails. He has lied to our new landlady and told her we don't have pets even though we have declared to him in writing we have cats - hopefully she will be ok about it because that can be cause for eviction!

He's just bought the keys round to me, after I paid the deposit and months rent this morning, and said we can't have a photocopy of the contract we signed this morning until next week, as he has to send it to head office before he is allowed to photocopy it!

And finally, having signed the contract, paid the rent and deposit up front, got the key etc I say ok, how do I pay next months rent - I haven't been given an account number to pay into or any kind of info. Oh yeah, oh, hadn't thought of that... (!)

Send a letter of complaint to his head office!
....thats awful. What an utter nitwit!! He was probably a waiter beforehand and fancied a change, pffft! ...mind you when we bought our house i dont think the vendors could have chosen a more rediculous estate agent, lying bunch of turds...grumble grumble. Lol.
when you stub your toe ridiculously hard! >:mad: