Don't you just hate it when....

This really annoys me, we have a family who have started after Xmas, 2 daughters and a mother.. I am sick to death of heating they have lost weight each week but have had takeaways, fish n chips, booze and chocolate ..all of them lost 2lb this week and were completely off plan, little old me completely on plan.. 0.5lb down grrrr

ive realized the ones who have bad weeks but still lose are usually the ones who give up or just dont stick with it anymore. as in my family! Since ive joined (Oct2011) ive always stuck at it an have had lotssss of gains from weekends out, birthdays etc. But they've joined like 3 times, ends up been off track more an more until they just dont go again. Then moan to me they wana lose weight!!
Slow an steady you will get there xx

when your 4 year old eats more for breakfast then you, a cereal bar and almost 2 wheatabix.... where does he put it all?

saying that I probably had the same actually as I had 2 wheatabix with loads of fruit.... but still where does he put it all?

Yes my son is like this!! 19months. Has 2 weetabix, and some of my rice pudding & banana! must fill from head to toe lol
How is that even legal? Surely you & your union have to agree to that?

It started as an equality pay issue and 'progressed' from there. I work for the Local council and they have evaluated all jobs throughout the county council. I work as a library assistant and they consider we are overpaid at £8.00 an hour. I didn't expect to gain anything but I didn't expect a cut either, especially as all library staff higher than us have been upgraded. The men who drive the Mobile libraries have had a rise even though they were paid more to start with. They basically do the same job only from a van not a building. Plus they don't collect fines so they never get hassle. The union were involved but couldn't agree which scheme to use so they didn't take part in the last year of discussion. We are all appealing but we have to accept the new terms and conditions first or we won't get a 'hardship' payment this year. This is the amount we will be losing so when we get the pay cut in April we will have a lump sum to cushion the blow. A lot of staff stay the same or gain a little so they are not bothered about the few who are losing out. On a brighter note I have a second job as a cleaner and that has been upgraded. But to rub it in I was nominated last week for an award for Outstanding Customer Service. I heard about both on the same day and burst into tears, fool that I am.
My whole January was like that! I hope you feel better today. Any triggers or just 'one of those days'?

Hugs x

thanks hun
i dont know if there was any trigger or not it just kind of comes on randomly. need to get my head up and stop stressing!!
Make the most of it when he gets older you might be lucky to get him to eat any breakfast!x

Don't get me wrong, I love knowing he's set up for the day, but I'll put money on his packed lunch not being finished and him being really picky at tea time.... I suppose at least I can get him to eat one meal without forcing it.
DYJHIW you're meant to get paid on the 7th of every month yet for some reason they've decided not to pay us on the 7th this month! I'm livid-and can't get any response from payroll at all :( direct Debits that are set up for today are going to bounce and I'm gonna get stung for loads of charges-am struggling financially enough as it is :(
DYJHIW you're meant to get paid on the 7th of every month yet for some reason they've decided not to pay us on the 7th this month! I'm livid-and can't get any response from payroll at all :( direct Debits that are set up for today are going to bounce and I'm gonna get stung for loads of charges-am struggling financially enough as it is :(

That's really bad, try to check your contract, if they have breached it, get bank to provide proof of charges and send to your company for reimbursement. Also call bank to advise what's happened they can often help by stopping charges for few days why you find out what's happening. Hope you get sorted. Xxx
....when this happens......


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Not "serious" as such but just realised how much I have backed myself into a corner and while there are some small things I can do, essentially I've made my choices and now I just have to suck it up.

Well we're only here once & if you're not happy try & change that corner you're backed into. If it really isn't possible to change make the most of what you can.
When you have too many syns two days in a row. I need to try and keep them low this week, lowest I've managed so far is 9.

When you have parent interviews tomorrow

And when you feel you're falling out of contact with people cause you feel like you're constantly working. Roll on next Friday til I try and get some balance back
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