Don't you just love it when...

You feel good staying of them scales its doing wonders for me and my daily mood im much much happier ;-)
I'm still going to weigh on a sat but go more by how my clothes feel ;-)
I think I need some new items of clothing so some Internet shopping later for me ....
Been the gym AGAIN today and going tomorrow for stretch & tone session nice to be doing something for myself makes a change ;-) XxX
DYJLIW........your closest friend has just found out the chemo she's been going through has reduced the tumour by half!! :)


A size 14 is FAR too big ^_^ unfortunately means another trip to the shop to change it and I wanted to wear it tomorrow.
Dyjliw the 3 year old asks you to "celebrate" his orange. I was considering a song and dance when he tried sticking the whole thing in his mouth saying - see, is doesn't fit unless you celebrate it into pieces! :)

We should definitely celebrate eating oranges! Do the dance. Go on.... :)
DYJLIW someone lol'ed at your bloated stomach and you have had a smile on your face for the last couple of days as it went down in a day. How long will it take them to loss their's?:) This is how I'm feeling now as it's made me realize how good eating Primal is for me.:) <a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Not sure who this is aimed at, however I'm not really sure how your comment fits in on a weightloss site????

I'm not sure that there's any sort of race or competition around to lose weight the fastest?

Oh and it's lose not loss :)