Downsized journey.

thanks ladies and thanks Teapot for the bday wish. i'll take your advice on the medically supervised diet option. that will definitely stop the questions but i wont say anything until i get asked. lucky for me, nothing major is coming up that i cannot avoid now so its all good.

how are you doing nuzzy and how far gone on the diet are you?

oh well, fingers crossed for monday.
hi everyone,

i've been mia for a while, i got weighed the monday after my bday and i stayed the same which was pretty much expected but happy i didnt gain anything. well 2 days after i was down with cold which quickly turned into sore throat then tonsilitis. it was so bad i needed 3days in the hospital pumped full of painkillers and steroids and antibiotics. glad to say i am ok now but i have not been on the programme. i'm back on it tomorrow and will get weighed on friday bcos i'll be needing new foodpacks then, i just hope there are no more obstacles on the way.

hope everyone else is doing fine x x x
Oh no!! Glad to hear that you're ok now. Fingers crossed for Friday, let us know how you got on x x x
hi everyone,

sorry been very busy with work. so just a quick update; last week after my illness i didnt loose any weight but i was ok. got weighed this monday and i'm down to 131kg. really happy with that bcos i struggled this week, was picking on food a lot but i'm not gonna give up.

target next week is to be out of the 130s and in the 120s.

hope everyone else is doing great xxx
Come on, the 120's aren't far away, you can do it!! :) x x x
hi everyone,

just a quick update, i started this journey in a very tight size 22 and loose size 24. and today i wore my size 20 jeans and all except one fit. i'm so made up. i havent lost dat much on the scale but fitting into my size 20 has just given me that extra boost i needed.

thank u teapot for ur support xx ur a star xx
Wohoo! Just wait, size 18's won't be far away :)
so i am writing this and super excited. i was 131kg last week and said i wanted to be in 120s this week. well, i'm not just in d 120, i smashed into it and now weigh 127.3kg!!! i am so excited it just makes all d hard work worth it. now my new mini target is to be out of the 120s by the end of the month. i cant wait to see how this week goes and i have to say, without this site and support i have recieved, i would have given up a long time ago so thank you very much everyone for your support. u r helping more than u realise x x x x
thanks BabyA, you have done really well too. i have to be honest i haven't found it easy like i did 1st time round but every pound i loose keeps me going.
I think it's the only way you can look at it pound by pound but its amazing how quickly it adds up!! I hadn't heard about this diet until April so after a couple of weeks to get my head around it I started in May. In one month I've lost 2 stone which I would never have imagined achievable! The challenge will be to keep it off when I reach my goal but I'm determined to do it so I guess it will be learning what works best for me when I'm off the shakes! Xx
thats the main thing. when i did it 1st time, i didnt complete the full process neither did i change my old habits so its no suprise i gained all d weight back and then some. but i tried others and realise this is what works for me. this time i plan to complete the entire process and i already know i cannot go back to my old habits. although its gonna be a challenge, but u'll do well, after all, its a life style change.