Drink That Water Challenge

Size102b w
jessie15 WY.TY
Crazybecky5 w
geordiemoo wY.tY
Kik w
vicki_ww w
Mumzy w N

Was quite poorly yesterday didnt drink much, but have drunk looooooooods today
Size102b w
jessie15 WY.TY
Crazybecky5 w
geordiemoo wY.tY.fN.sY
Kik w
vicki_ww w
Mumzy w N
Size102b w
jessie15 WY.TY.FY.SY.S
Crazybecky5 w
geordiemoo wY.tY.fN.sY.sN.mY
Kik w
vicki_ww w
Mumzy w N
Oh, i've just tried Twinings Green Tea with Blueberry and Raspberry - Amazing!! Perfect for anyone who doesn't like pure green tea! :D

Size102b w
jessie15 WY.TY.FY.SY.SN.MY
Crazybecky5 wY tY fY sN sY mY tY
geordiemoo wY.tY.fN.sY.sN.mY
Kik w
vicki_ww w
Mumzy w N
Hi I havent been good this past week been ill,have been drinking green tea love it now lol Thanks Becky :D
Will do the water tomorrow :eek: bad me!!!!
Hehe! Glad to hear it :D It is great stuff once you get used to the taste!! x
Size102b w
jessie15 WY.TY.FY.SY.SN.MY
Crazybecky5 wY tY fY sN sY mY tY
geordiemoo wY.tY.fN.sY.sN.mY
Kik w
vicki_ww w
Mumzy w N t.Y f.Y s.N s.N m.Y
Ok I have been bad at this and Im going to start afresh,havent been well so heres to this new week,hope you didnt mind me starting this from Monday ?:confused:
Mumzy M_

geordiemoo M

jessie15 M


Size102b M

Kik M

vicki_ww M

Hi size102b, I have been ill for the last few days and have not had hardly any water at all and the diet has fallen by the wayside completely!!
Today is a new day and I am getting back on plan and intend to drink as much water as possible!!!!

What type of green tea are you drinking? I just cant get to grips with it at all...
Hi Jessie
Im drinking Tetley Green Tea decaffinated,I have milk with it and sweetner,couldnt do it eirther if I didnt,I did read up on it as they used to think it was the caffine that did it but it isnt apparently they did tests so caffine free is as good,I get migraines so cant take caffine. I love it now I actually felt sick after 3 mouthfuls the first day but enjoy it,it takes my appatite away too,I like one at 8pm.
Ahh hope you feel better soon :( ((hugs))
Ive had my cough now 3 weeks but its going.
Hope you get :7834: me too :) xx