Dukan be the one!


After successive battles with my chronic sweet tooth and kidding myself that I can "be sensible", I have decided to go cold turkey (literally sometimes) and join the dukan diet!

Day one

B: oatbran porridge, boiled egg

L: chicken and ham slices

D: Steak

Loads of water and cups of tea with skimmed milk

That should work.... I hope!
Hmmm sliced ham to much salt and you haven't put quantitys but remember fill your boots the more you eat the more you loose. Drink plenty of water too. I ate a chicken a day.
Thanks Chris and sidiid!

Day 2

Was delighted at weigh-in this morning to have lost 2 and a half pounds in one day, what a motivator!

B: oatbran porridge and one boiled egg

L: handful of prawns, one chicken breast with non fat fromage frais and cayenne pepper marinade

D: steak

Loads of water and tea with semi-skimmed milk, glass of coke zero as a treat

Day 2 similar to day 1, feeling ok, trying to make things a bit more interesting with sauces etc so i don't get bored. Craving sweet things but ignoring them- spurred on by the great results from yesterday. visualising myself looking great on the wedding day, only 3 and a half months to go now!!

almost had a slip up when feeding my 18 month old her lunch, was about to finish her petit filous for her out of habit without even thinking! Must be careful, there are carbs and sugar everywhere in our house...:eek:
Hello there - no semi skimmed milk allowed, only SKIMMED :)
Perhaps check out some Hartleys sugar free jelly if you're fancying something sweet?