Consolidation Dukan Did It...DukanNotSoFattys Conso Story

You are rocking conso Karin - well done lovely lady and I am sure the next couple of days will be fine - DD will have a blast in London x
Sounds like you've been very busy "crafting" :) where do you sell them?
usually at any fairs I can do, which generally amounts to school summer/xmas and a couple of village/church fairs during the year. Not as many as I would like, but its more than nothing LOL. Also trying to sell online, but I kind of lost my mojo for a while so my facebook page hasn't been updated. I need to get it up and running and see if I can sell that way. Waiting till fairs done then will photograph them. Also got a house party to do for a friend which is something I've only ever done at home, so hopefully it will be something to think about in the future.

You are rocking conso Karin - well done lovely lady and I am sure the next couple of days will be fine - DD will have a blast in London x
Thanks hun, my worry was the tube thing, but they had a visit today from the Childrens University who told them that when they get on the tube the driver comes down to say hi to them and shakes hands with the kids LOL, same coming home, so no chance of a group being left behind. Also she's been told today that they are hoping to be able to go thru the gate at Downing street. The Childrens University has been doing these trips for a long time, the one bloke was only there yesterday and going again on Friday !!!

had a few cruise days the last couple of days, didn't really want my bread or cheese, didn't feel up to it. I've been feeling tired and not sure if its the carbs or just me or even low iron again. Will have to see.

First of the fairs and long days tomorrow, wish me luck. Will try to catch up tomorrow if I can. xx
Hi Pauline,
She loved it, was shattered at the end of it LOL.

She said they didn't get to see the changing of the horseguards because they were late getting there and the cenotaph was covered because its being renovated due to the stone crumbling. Her comment on the Palace is that its 'massive'

She was bouncing when we picked her up, but she's soon gone to sleep, two days of non stop stuff will need a few days or recovery I reckon LOL.

I've had good Dukan days, had CM yesterday as it was easier to do chip buttie as our tea and had starch today, so that means a normal PV weekend.

Just a quick pop in to say Hi, so you don't think I'm missing LOL. Got another fair tomorrow and a birthday party on Sunday. Busy busy.

Miss busy xxx hope your selling well xxx
Not as well as I'd hoped but it was still a bit of a profit. I made double the amount at school in less time than I did at the Village summer fair. The shame was that the organisers had never had a craft area before and put us inside when everyone else was outside, it meant not many people came in. Not too bad though, but hopefully the next one will be better.

A good Dukan day yesterday despite a binge on Saturday, chocolate again!!! I definitely know its a trigger now, but just can't seem to want to stay clear. But I didn't have any allowances yesterday to balance things out LOL, and today is PP Monday for me.

Gave blood today and just as i'd finished there was a fire alarm LOL, a few people had to be unplugged and couldn't be put back on because of too much blood would then be reason why the alarm went off LOL, but a bit different.

DD school leavers service in the church today, it was sooo emotional, for the first time ever to my knowledge, (new head idea I assume) the teachers said things about the kids...each teacher had chosen a child and talked about memories and learning etc. Where I volunteer is the class my daughter was first in, and that teacher had chosen Lily...I cried loads and poor Lily was crying nearly the whole day. She doesn't finish till next week but will spend four days at her high school for transition, so has really only got 5 more days at primary. She said to me tonight, I don't want to leave. I get very emotional at anything, and will be a complete wreck next week.

So proud of her though, she is a superstar. Got her report to come on Wednesday, am expecting it to tell me she's got Level 6 in all her SATS, she's got a Prom on Friday night, with the year 5s as well as there aren't that many year 6s.
Oh Karin, you must be so proud of Lily. I imagine how emotional it all is for you - W leaves pre-school in just over a week, with the church leavers' service on 21st, and I'm an emotional wreck already! He's only been there a year, not like your Lily.

Try and enjoy (through the tears); it's all good!! :D

P x
You sound like a lovely Mum, Karin... and being so busy is a great thing on Conso too. Enjoy x
What a little star she is xxx But I get the feeling Karin that if she was struggling you would be just as proud xxxx a mothers love knows no bounds xxx
Thank you all, yes we are so proud, and yes if she struggled as she has done occasionally, we have always helped her. She could count and say her alphabet before she started school, all cos we have always done things with her.

WI this morning, down a pound. I've had a treat tonight, weigh day so cheat day LOL...........not that I do that normally. Used to on WW and SW, weigh day was always a cheat day, its strange how I remembered that earlier, but I definitely will not be doing that each week, what's the point, it just mucks things up if its done too often.

Got a circus tricks afternoon at school tomorrow with Lily for her full attendance treat. Then Thursday afternoon is open afternoon where we go pick up her primary school folder of work, all the things that were put in there over the last 7 years. Leavers assembly on Friday with prom in the evening, Saturday dance class followed by a fair, Sunday visiting my parents and another week closer to summer hols.

I've got a problem with my hands at the moment though, I occasionally suffer from a skin thing where I seem to have tiny blisters that itch and annoy like mad, have always associated it with heat or stress. Well it started about a month ago and has gradually spread to most of my hands, esp between the fingers and is driving me mad. Going to see the doctor at the practice tomorrow that specialises in skin conditions, really hope he can give me some cream to help.

I bought some clothes on Sunday at the car boot, Jeans/Skirt/2 blouses/2 tops for £4.50. One of the tops is so lovely, I've worn it each day since LOL. One stall I was looking at a pair of size 14 jeans and the woman said, they're too big for me, so they'll be too big for you. Thank you missus, I obviously look that small, but 14s are my size now LOL. very nice compliment.

Also I was at the blood donation place yesterday, and mentioned about having been on a diet, and she said 'what do you want to lose weight for'...or did you need to. I told her I'd lost 6½stone and she was gobsmacked....told the next nurse about me LOL. Nice to be told I don't need to lose weight. Feeling very nice about myself.

Right, just popped in for a quick update, but am tired and my hands are itching cos I am hot, need to go soak in some cold water and go to bed.

Will try catch up soon, hope you are all ok xxxxxxx
How do I do that Sara. Is it in the profile update where the century things are. Will go look xx
I found the maintainer tick box, only one box to choose from though, is that right x
loving your new banner Karin feels strange doesn't it? and my guess about your hands is contact dermatitis xxx could be chemicals ie cleaning fluids etc, do you wear rubber gloves? your craft making what glues etc are you using? barrier cream may help xxx well that's my H&S Training used lol xxx
thank you muchly, it looks good.

Sid, the doctor says its Pompholyx...its a condition that can be brought on my emotional stress, heat, irritants, detergents etc. He says I will probably never ever know what has caused it, and has given me a stronger steroid cream to use. My hands are itching like mad at the moment, really driving me mad. It feels worse when I am warm or just at normal temp, which I am right now, but if I cool my hands down its not quite so bad. The cream is really dipping my hands in a grease pan.

Got daughters school report this evening, she has done so well. And achieved a level 6 in all her SATS, so proud of her, I think she is the only girl in her class as well, and one boy. So proud of her.

Good day today, had a bit of cheese but no bread and fruit. Bought some edam slices instead of cheddar. Very nice. x
Gosh those itchy hands must be driving you mad, so I hope the cream sorts you out pronto!
Congratulations to your daughter :)
Loving you "spreading the word". I used to get the urge, when I saw an overweight person, to share my story and how I had done it and how they too could do it! But I restrained myself for fear of getting a black eye! I do remember once, in a queue in Marks & Spencer's in my home town, a friend of my Mum's at the front of the queue seeing me, turning and calling out "wow Jo how much have you lost now?". I responded [however many stone] and the fifteen odd people between her and me turned to examine me! It was a lovely moment!
ENJOY Karin. You've earned and deserved this.
definitely a good feeling LOL.

Not a lot to report today, good up to a point, daughters open afternoon at school, let down by school again cos they didn't give us the work folders to bring home, said they need to keep them till next year. I've watched the last 6 years of kids leave with their folders on open day, and this year its changed. Not on. I at least can ask for it in January cos I will be helping out still, but the rest of the kids don't have that luxury.