Dukan v's other diets


Full Member
I'm into my 2nd week of cruise and loving the plan so far. I can honestly say for the first time in so long I'm not obsessed with food and have no urge whatsoever to binge. This was something I was doing for the last couple of years quite frequently whilst trying to lose some weight I had put back on after doing Lipotrim 6 years ago! I used to find that all I could think about was food when on WW and most definitely the little bit of what you fancy (within your points) rule does not work for me. Binge central. I'm not slating WW as it does work for some people just not for me. I did lose weight but then would go off plan and lob it all back on plus more.

Since starting the Dukan plan I feel at ease around food and so much better mentally and physically. The joy of not feeling bloated and wearing my carb face after a massive carb blow out is fantastic.

I hope I'm not speaking too soon but I'm 100% committed to this way of eating and plan on eating the Dukan way for life. Judging by the super weight losses on this forum it soooo works. Just wanted to say "long live Dukan".. :)

I completely agree, Being around food is way easier then the diets I had done before. I know I can go out to eat and still lose weight.

I have however been stagnate for a few weeks but only because of my own mistakes. I am now back on track and losing weight again!

Good luck to you and your lifestyle change it's going to be so much better in the end!
I guess one important thing to remember with this diet is that it has four phases. Most of us here are in phase 2. Phase 3 is critical where, despite being at target weight, we have to continue to exercise restraint and introduce food groups previously avoided s l o w l y

That's where this diet can be a little tricky.
FireAngel, well done on getting back on track and also your super weight loss. I can honestly say that I can see this being a plan for life not just a quick fix.

Joanne, I have to say that the idea of phase 3 does scare me slightly. Introducing bread of any type into my diet before can and has caused me problems. I used to find that if I had one slice I'd have to have 5 or 6. This being one of the reasons I piled on weight through the years - pre the lipotrim diet. I've been "scared" of bread ever since lol. It will be interesting to see how I cope in Phase 3. Thankfully I won't have to worry about that for some time :) well done on your amazing weight loss also.
You've both done brilliantly and are such an inspiration.
i was the same with WW... i lost so much then stopped losing and probably used too many of my points for treats which in turn probably stopped the losses.... when they changed the points system again i couldnt lose weight at all. so glad i found dukan as it really suits me :)
When I started the job Im in over 8 years ago I was about 14 stone, I lost just short of 2 stone doing WW, met my OH and got back up to about 13st.

In 2008 I started WW again and went from 12st 11 to 9st 7 in less than 9 months, by the end of 2010 I was back up to 11st, stabilizing between 11st & 11st 4ish for about a year. Tried SW a few times but it's too easy to cheat and didnt work for me at all!

Dukan has worked for me in the way that I lose a lot quite quickly and it's quite strict. Probably not ideal but if I fall of the wagon it's easier to get back on Dukan than any of the others!
Dukan Diet? This is the first i encounter that diet. Me, I'm into sugar free diet. I only take natural sweetener. It helps me really in maintaining my weight. It has low calorie and carbohydrate content. The name of the natural sweetener that i used is Natvia.
It's so strict there's no room to cheat which helps. Knowing the exact dos and don'ts helps to plan and you know it'll work. I'm concerned that I'll stop losing at all around 11-11.5 as I usually plateau there and it all goes downhill (the weight goes uphill) but I started this at my heaviest ever and plan on seeing it through! Every time I lose weight I put back on an extra stone :( so its not happening again! X
Dukan is fab for those that has staying power im almost into my third phase and a bit apprehensive but also looking forward to it - quitting or not doing it properly is not an option for me I've worked damned hard since the end of last July so why would I spoil it I would be very stupid ..... I amaze myself sometimes with my dukan dedication! - LOL

your never hungry
instant results
A time scale to achieve true weight - with any other diet you never know if or when you will reach your true weight.
Yep it can be expensive but I no longer pay weekly fees to SW or WW Ive done it all by myself with the aid of a book and this fab forum - how good and motivating does that feel ...... sorry but I could go on & on about the virtues of Dukan
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