Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

I had two bowls. One at 6 and one at 7.30 ...They both added up to 313 according to mfp

Going to have a ten cal jelly later and I'm done!
First fast day has gone well...
Soup 78
Tea 313
Jelly 10
Hot choc 40
441 total. .. plus tiny bit of skimmed milk for a coffee, 3 cherries and some sparkling water . Completed!
Hi Beck
Your a strong girl, well done.:D Hope you get on well with the plan. How you feeling tonight? Im getting hungry now so time for bed b4 i ruin it all.
Take care mate. X

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Morning everybody.
I slept on and off last night, not sure if it was because I knew I was up early, or hungry or hot..
I got up on my first alarm to go raid the fridge ....but didn't want anything! So I've had my morning coffee so far. Woke with a bit a headache which is not good.
Food plan today-EE

Breakfast - two boiled eggs, banana

Lunch- potato salad, salad. (1 syn mayo) Snack size grape punnet.

Tea- spag bol with cauliflower rice and cheese hexa

Snacks- chewy bar hexb, fruit

Coffee, sf juice. ..lots of!
Hows your head Becki? Hope your ok today. Didnt realise you can split the fast days up thought they needed to be together. That makes it a little easier doesnt it?
Have you nearly finished workwise?

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I think they are meant to be split up, I couldn't do two together. I had to take pills earlier just to ease the headache, but been in the sun all day. Can't be good for you!....drank lots of water though.

I have two shifts left next week. Woohoo. I was meant to be working Thur but I have it off due to not enough children. Another reason why I need a new job really! Love the days off but not payday when I get one day a weeks work!!

Anyway here's tea...
Spag bol and cauliflower rice.


Will snack on something yummy later!
Your cauli rice looks nice how du make it? Might give that a go one day. X

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Steamed some cauliflower for can few mins just to soften it a bit. Then blitzed it in a processor until it looked like that. That's all I did :) we both enjoyed it. And I have another portion for another day too
Great simple things i like! X

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Hey peeps.

Been for my hospital app today. Waste of time! Was there for an hour. He had me doing silly exercises then I explained that I'd had a week off work and it's better and affects me when I'm stressed or panicky. He said ok then come back in three months. So I left without booking another one. I know it's to do with me fretting and panicking but hopefully a new job may be the start of a new me?

Anyway in the garden for a meat and salad bbq before tomorrow's fast day :) cheers!....o wine too. Oops
Oh dear...I've missed what the appt was for but sounds like a bit of a naff doc if he's palmed you off for 3 months! Hope everything's ok!

Mmm BBQ sounds delicious and a totally good idea pre-fast! And then post fast it's Friday so there's bound to be some decent weekend goodies to look forward to! Makes fast days so much easier when you have yum food the next day in sight!

Enjoy the weather and the wine! Xxx